Step (2017) | Rotten Tomatoes (original) (raw)

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Critics Consensus

Step tells an irresistibly crowd-pleasing story in a thoroughly absorbing way -- and while smartly incorporating a variety of timely themes.

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Soraya Nadia McDonald Andscape Step is the story of young girls who are beating the odds. After seeing it, I hope audiences remember these girls never should have had to face such odds in the first place. Sep 26, 2017 Full Review Valerie Complex Birth.Movies.Death. Rest assured audience members will be thinking about Step long after it's over. Sep 16, 2017 Full Review Wendy Ide Observer (UK) There's a slickness to this storytelling that makes everything feel slightly fraudulent, even if it isn't. And yet I kind of loved it. Rated: 3/5 Aug 13, 2017 Full Review Steven Prokopy Third Coast Review The reason Step works so well is that you can actually see life paths shifting before you eyes. They put in the work on and off the team, and the results happen. May 12, 2020 Full Review Dan Scully Cinema76 There's plenty of goodness in this world and Step is a potent reminder of what it looks like and what it can accomplish. Mar 24, 2020 Full Review Charlotte Harrison VultureHound Step isn't just a documentary, it's an empowering and rapturous celebration. Jan 27, 2020 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Member Step is a very good documentary, and is able to show us the lives and struggles, academic and non-academic of who have long been America's most forgotten citizens: women of color. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 02/19/23 Full Review Audience Member - Three women take a big, loud, beautiful Step. - Step is probably one of the best films doing the festival circuit this year. It's one of those films that feels like a gift - I loved every minute of it and the pleasant aftertaste of the experience stayed with me for days. Step is a documentary which follows Blessin, Cori and Tayla, three young African American girls, in their final year at Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women. They were selected to attend at age 11 and given extra support throughout their years there to give them a greater chance of being accepted into a university. Blessin, a force of nature, started a step team a few years earlier, and this is the thread that draws the girls' stories together. Blessin, Cori and Tayla could have easily grown up believing that they couldn't ever go to college, that the challenges they face were going to overcome them. Instead of being consumed by bitterness, the girls are incredibly hopeful and selfless. I was humbled to see this in the midst of dealing with broken families, financial stress, and recovery from domestic violence. Director Amanda Lipitz did an excellent job of preserving the struggle and let downs of the girls' stories alongside their successes in a way that told the truth and gave credit where credit was due. I loved watching every victory - especially the small ones that were hard won. The Baltimore shootings pop up again and again in the backdrop of the story, a sinister undertone that makes it impossible to forget what the girls have to contend with. There are murals of dead teenagers on the city walls and most people knew somebody who had been affected. I can't believe that girls so young have to deal with feeling that their government and their police are not there to help them. That instead, they're something to be wary of. At one point Cori talks about how things are at her house. First, she talks about her amazing mother. She describes her as a magic wand in human form. But she also says she doesn't want to have to raise her own family in a situation like this. On that particular day, there was no power at her house. In another moment, Blessin is hanging out with her little nephew - he's about 6 or 7 - and she starts crying because she wishes there was something she could do about the fact that he doesn't have anything to eat. She's like, "It's not me. I can just wait for my sister to get home. I'm not concerned about me, but he's only 7. He should have something to eat." Incredibly, these moments were presented in a way that didn't gloss over the pain but somehow allowed hope to shine through. One key vehicle of this hope is the Step group. When the girls were struggling with home or school stress, it was an opportunity for them to act opposite to what they were feeling, to explore a different reality, making it real in the process. At one point Cori confides that Step is absolutely the opposite of her. You can see in the way she dances that she's exploring a part of herself she doesn't get to experience much, at least in her own mind. She's shy and academic, so I can see why she thinks that, but Step brings her steely determination and power to the foreground. Step is a statement saying "I'm strong, angry, and powerful." Watch me. Deal with me. I'm loud and big and beautiful. We need to hear more stories like these. Stories of young African American women being leaders in their communities, being friends and children and poor and successful. More than that, we need to hear the whole story - not just their success, but their ordinary lives. I couldn't watch Step and not be struck by the preciousness of somebody else's life. I fell in love with each person on screen. I cried when they cried and cheered out loud during their victories. Watching Step is a lesson in understanding we can't afford to forego. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This review was first published on Narrative Muse,, and was written by Whitney Johanson. Narrative Muse curates the best books and movies by and about women and non-binary folk on our website and our social media channels. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 02/08/23 Full Review Audience Member The subject matter transcends the quality of the the documentary (which is fine but not great). But the story of how many obstacles these girls need to overcome and how much support the need, even though they are amazingly self driven, should not be missed Rated 4 out of 5 stars 05/28/18 Full Review Audience Member This film allows you to step into a life different than your own. To see the real struggle, the real people in this world. Though I may not agree completely with some of the views expressed in this film, I can appreciate it for what it is. Helped me gain a good perspective on what life for these girls is really like. Good job! Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/20/23 Full Review Audience Member Awesome documentary, had me in tears of JOY!!! Rated 5 out of 5 stars 01/23/23 Full Review Audience Member Well done and very inspiring Rated 4 out of 5 stars 12/14/17 Full Review Read all reviews


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Poster Art Step (2017) Step (2017) Photo by Jeff Vespa Photo by Jeff Vespa View more photos

Synopsis The senior year of a girls' high school step team in inner-city Baltimore is documented, as they try to become the first in their families to attend college. The girls strive to make their dancing a success against the backdrop of social unrest.


Amanda Lipitz


Steven Cantor, Amanda Lipitz


Fox Searchlight

Production Co

Stick Figure Productions


PG (Thematic Elements|Some Language)



Original Language


Release Date (Theaters)

Aug 4, 2017, Limited

Release Date (Streaming)

Oct 17, 2017

Box Office (Gross USA)



1h 23m

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