The Call of Cthulhu | Rotten Tomatoes (original) (raw)
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Dennis Schwartz Dennis Schwartz Movie Reviews Haunting labor of love tribute film. Rated: B Sep 21, 2009 Full Review Robert Roten Laramie Movie Scope A clever, retro, silent, B&W adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's classic horror story. Rated: B Jun 10, 2006 Full Review Sean Axmaker GreenCine ... more than simply a love letter to the stylized artificiality of silent expressionist horror... the most faithful screen translation of the author's work to date. Jun 5, 2006 Full Review Felix Vasquez Jr. Film Threat The Call of Cthulhu is a rare homage to the silent era that delivers the mood and atmosphere with near perfection. Rated: 3/5 Feb 7, 2006 Full Review Ray Greene Boxoffice Magazine The filmmakers themselves are generally paid not in dollars but in status among their fellow obsessives, which makes Call of Cthulhu truly a labor of love. Rated: 3/5 Jan 30, 2006 Full Review Scott Weinberg If every 'fan-made' movie were this curiously cool and bizarrely entertaining, well, it'd put a lot of Hollywood suits out of a job. Rated: 4.5/5 Jan 30, 2006 Full Review Read all reviews
Aktug A It takes courage to make a film like this in 2005. It is obvious that the director and the screenwriter made this film not for profit but because of their admiration for Lovecraft. Although it may not appeal to modern audiences, I think it is one of the most faithful Lovecraft productions that is closest to the work. 40 minutes is not a long time. I think it's definitely worth watching. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 11/15/24 Full Review graham j Too camp and cheesey to really either work on its own merit or do justice to its source material. Some silent film horror really does manage to evoke a sense of palpable dread that still holds up to a watch today. tCoC does not achieve this, but really needed to in order to justify its existence. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 07/06/23 Full Review Eli S Perfect in every aspect! Full of suspense and that much needed feeling of impending doom you look for in Lovecraft based media. The silent film approach feels the most natural and correct for this film and it was executed perfectly. The lighting, camera angles, set design all spot on! Rated 5 out of 5 stars 02/02/23 Full Review Audience Member This film looks, like Lovecraft wrote. He knew that the scariest monsters were the ones you never quite saw and this film honors that. Maintains tension throughout and leaves you hanging in the best possible way. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 02/08/23 Full Review robert z The year was 2005. Movies were in their infancy and we'd still be waiting quite a while before filmmakers could give us "talkies", let alone movies in color... At least, I think that's right. In any case, from out of the chaos of those nascent days arose a shining example of how to make a fun movie for about a buck twenty-five. Producer/director Andrew Leman's The Call of Cthulhu is said to be the first film adaptation of one of H.P. Lovecraft's most famous stories. And with the H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society acting as distributor for the film, rest assured that this adaptation stays true to the original story. Nearly scene by scene a perfect match, in fact. That level of attention to detail only comes from true fans of the source material. Especially when you're working with less than a shoestring budget. Why black & white and silent? Leman and his production partner, Sean Branney, decided early on that they wanted to create something that looked like it could have been made in 1926. It also helps that shooting in black and white is more forgiving than shooting in color when you're on a tight budget and can't afford to worry about things like the specific materials you're using in your sets and costumes. That bold decision made, Sean Branney set about adapting the original short story to fit a cinematic format. For anyone not familiar with the story, it's a winding tale involving a dark cosmic mystery. Eons ago, old gods had ruled the universe. Cthulhu happened to be one of them. When their time had come to an end, the old gods returned to wherever it was they came from and Cthulhu took a nap at the bottom of the sea. On his own, sunken private island no less! There he waits -- as do the other old gods -- for a time "when the stars are right" and they can make their return to reclaim what was once theirs. Namely, everything. And they don't plan on being nice about it either. The movie -- or, rather, featurette, since The Call of CthulhuĆ¢~s run time clocks in at about 47 minutes -- depicts the tale as it's being told by a mental patient (Matt Foyer). He does this through the surprisingly coherent use of flashbacks within flashbacks. At one point, the movie goes at least four flashbacks deep! Now that's impressive. Don't worry, though, you always make it back out. It's a tale of nightmares and cultists and strange idols and shipwrecks. Of coincidences and revelations and forgotten mysteries. True to form for a silent film, nearly everything rides on the score. Since nobody's talking and there aren't any sound effects, the film's music is thrust to the forefront. Despite losing their composer late in the game to scheduling conflicts, the filmmakers were able to find the talent they needed to flesh out their completely original score. The music ties the scenes together wonderfully and acts as a sort of omnipresent character guiding viewers through the film. Also, if you're a fan of film techniques before computers took over, The Call of Cthulhu is a treat. Superimposition, tricks with perspective and angles, and "special effects" like a stormy sea made by waving blankets all make for a fun trip back into cinematic history. There's even a big, stop-motion Cthulhu figure! That should make you want to see the movie all on its own. What it all comes down to is that this movie was a labor of love by a group of people who truly enjoy the original stories. Sure, there's over-acting, the sets often look like they're about to tip over, and the special effects are mildly goofy at times, but if you can look past all that, you'll find performances with heart, one of the truest book-to-screen adaptations I've ever seen, and it'll be a fun 47 minutes watching a story that many thought "unfilmable" come to life. Robert Zilbauer Rated 5 out of 5 stars 03/31/23 Full Review Audience Member I found this DVD at a Half Price Books and snatched it up. I didn't know anyone had made a silent movie version like this. Except for a wardrobe mistake I spotted which had me scratching my head and wondering, '... did they even have that back then?' the movie was pretty freakin' cool. The crew was definitely inspired by German surrealist movies like "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari." Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 02/23/23 Full Review Read all reviews
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The Call of Cthulhu (2005) The Call of Cthulhu (2005) The Call of Cthulhu (2005) The Call of Cthulhu (2005) View more photos
Synopsis A man (Matt Foyer) tells his psychiatrist of the struggles that led to his downfall, beginning at his great-uncle's bedside, where he receives a key to a locked collection of his papers. The papers reveal a lifelong obsession with an underwater deity, Cthulhu, around which a cult has formed. Using the style of a 1920s silent film, director Andrew Leman retells H.P. Lovecraft's short story, in which the documents reveal individuals who had contact with Cthulhu.
Andrew Leman
Release Date (Streaming)
May 29, 2019