Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve, Gauteng (original) (raw)

Situated close to Johannesburg, one of South Africa's most densely populated areas, the Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve plays an important role in outdoor recreation, environmental education and resource management.

Did you know? Over 200 South African birds can be observed here.

Covering approximately 13,337 ha of kloofs, ridges and plains, the Suikerbosrand reserve supports a large variety of plant and animal species.

Vegetation types range from open grassland on hillsides and plains to wooded gorges and acacia woodland, marshland and fynbos (heath). The reserve was named after the sugarbush (suikerbos), which is spread throughout the reserve. The fast disappearing bankenveld grassland also occurs here, making this one of the Highveld's most valuable reserves.

Mammal species include mountain reedbuck, common duiker and steenbok, grey duiker, baboon, oribi, eland, blesbok, springbok, red hartebeest, black wildebeest, kudu and zebra.

Predators roaming this vast sanctuary are cheetah, brown hyena and other smaller species.

A network of hiking trails, covering approximately 66km in total, allows visitors to get a closer look at the diversity of plant and animal life. The trails vary in length from 1 to 6 days, day walks of 10 or 17 km long and a 4,5 km trail.

For the less energetic there is a 60km game-viewing route.

Visitors should stop by the information centre at Diepkloof in the northern section of the reserve. Here they can relax at various picnic spots or attend one of the slide or film shows.