Dashboard | Treehouse - World Scouting Members Community (original) (raw)


Welcome to Treehouse!

Treehouse is World Scouting's online community for members.

If you are a ...

high five member of a National Scout Organization

high five WOSM Consultant

high five passionate member of the Scouting community

... then you've come to the right place! 💜

WOSM Services

Get high-quality and effective support in 13 core areas of Scouting - everything from good governance to communications.

Latest circulars

from World Scouting's Regional Support Centres

All regional circulars

Topic: جائزة الشباب الكشفي العربي

Topic: حملة الكشافة السودانية للإغاثة من الفيضانات وبناء القدرة على الصمود

Read all about it!

Want to know what happened at the 43rd World Scout Conference in Cairo? Read all about the successes and achievements of the event - from constitutional amendments to resolutions - on our outcomes and news pages! Learn more about how these actions can be implemented at the national, regional and world levels 💜

Latest member news

All member news

Strategy for Scouting

Read our new strategy to discover how it will guide our Movement for years to come! 🚀 ✨

Newest groups

in the community

Flexible group · 3 members

Flexible group · 12 members

Promote your event!

Is your NSO organising an event for Scouts? Share details of your local, national, or regional event on our calendar!

Upcoming events

in the community

Safe from Harm capacity building modules!

Empower your National Scout Organization with our new Safe from Harm capacity building modules! Register today to receive tailored and comprehensive support from our Safe from Harm consultants

Membership census

Browse our data to uncover the latest trends in growth and market share across our global network.

​​WOSM Annual reports

Read the report to learn how WOSM is creating a lasting global impact in communities around the world and working towards Vision 2023 and our Strategy for Scouting.

World Scouting Directory & NSO Data Portal

Find the contact details of members around the world as well as key information on National Scout Organizations.

Latest news from scout.org

Say cheese! Look through thousands of photos taken at Scout events from the local to global level.

Emergency response

Support Scouting's emergency fund and donate to causes that are making a big difference

Learning Zone

Get access to hundreds of resources in our online library.

Taking Scouting to new heights!

Get the latest updates with ScoutPack!

If you're an International Commissioner but don't get ScoutPak emails, please update your contact details on the World Scouting Directory. Having trouble logging in? Send an email to [email protected].