Prodnik, Jernej - A Note on the Ongoing Processes of Commodification: From the Audience Commodity to the Social Factory (original) (raw)

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This text was published as a part of the special issue "Marx is Back" (edited by Christian Fuchs and Vincent Mosco) in the journal triple-C: Cognition, Communication, Co-operation (Vol. 10, …

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Prodnik, Jernej - A Note On The Ongoing Processes of Commodification: From The Audience Commodity To The Social Factory

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28 pages

This text was published as a part of the special issue "Marx is Back" (edited by Christian Fuchs and Vincent Mosco) in the journal triple-C: Cognition, Communication, Co-operation (Vol. 10, No. 2, 2012, pp. 274-301). Complete special issue is available via: Abstract: The commodity-form played an important, if often overlooked, role in the studies of capitalism. Processes of transforming literally anything into a privatized form of (fictitious) commodity that is exchanged in the circulation process are of fundamental importance for the rise and reproduction of capitalism. At the same time the commodity, as the “cell-form of capitalism”, has played a crucial role throughout Marx’s oeuvre. The central aim of the paper is to demonstrate how the commodity-form develops in his works (both as a part of his “global” argument and in the context of historical changes) and what role it plays in some of the key works of critical theory. Furthermore, the aim is to show how this topic was approached in critical communication studies and has been analysed in the political economy of communication. The latter is done principally through a reappraisal of the “blind spot debate” initiated by Dallas W. Smythe and the audience commodity thesis, in which it was raised. This long-lasting debate, which at least indirectly continues to date, can be seen as an invaluable source for practices and ideas connected to both Marxian-inspired critical communication studies and to a serious analysis of the continuing commodification of different spheres of society and its increasing pervasiveness in contemporary life. In the last section, these findings are connected to some of the recent neo-Marxist approaches, especially to the findings of the authors coming from the autonomist (post-operaist) movement. Insights into this intellectual strand can provide an understanding of the ongoing commodification processes, while also offering possibilities of convergence with Smythe’s approach. Abstrakt: Abstrakt: Blagovna forma je igrala pomembno, čeprav pogosto spregledano vlogo v študijah kapitalizma. Procesi spreminjanja praktično vsega v privatizirane (fiktivne) oblike blaga, ki so izmenjane v menjalnem procesu, so ključnega pomena za vzpon in obnavljanje kapitalizma. Istočasno je blagovna forma, kot ''celična forma kapitalizma'', igrala pomembno vlogo skozi celoten Marxov opus. Osrednji namen pričujočega prispevka je prikazati, kako se je blagovna forma razvila v Marxovih delih in kakšno vlogo igra v nekaterih pomembnejših delih kritične teorije. Nadalje je namen pričujočega prispevka pokazati, kako so se s to tematiko ukvarjale kritične komunikacijske študije in kako je bila analizirana v politični ekonomiji komuniciranja. Slednje je doseženo z vnovičnim vpogledom v ''debato o slepih pegah'', ki jo je pričel Dallas W. Smythe s tezo o občinstvih kot posebni obliki blaga. Ta obsežna in dolgo trajajoča debata, ki vsaj posredno poteka še danes, s seboj prinaša neprecenljive vire praks in idej povezanih z komunikacijskimi študijami, na katere je imel vpliv marksizem, in k resni analizi nadaljnjih procesov komodifikacije različnih sfer družbe in njenega vztrajnega prodiranja skozi človeška življenja. V zadnjem delu so ugotovitve v prispevku navezane na nekatere nedavno objavljene neo-marksistične analize, predvsem na ugotovitve avtorjev, ki izhajajo iz avtonomističnega (post-operaističnega) gibanja. Vpogledi v ta paradigmatski pristop lahko podajo razumevanje nadaljnjih procesov komodifikacije, pri čemer ponujajo tudi možnosti za konvergenco s Smythovim pristopom.

Original Title

Prodnik, Jernej - A Note on the Ongoing Processes of Commodification: From the Audience Commodity to the Social Factory

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Prodnik, Jernej - A Note On The Ongoing Processes of Commodification: From The Audience Commodity To The Social Factory

This text was published as a part of the special issue "Marx is Back" (edited by Christian Fuchs and Vincent Mosco) in the journal triple-C: Cognition, Communication, Co-operation (Vol. 10, …

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