Discover The Science behind Think and Grow Rich

I believe every woman is capable and deserving of changing their situation by changing their mind. My training combines proven success principles from think and grow rich with the neuroscience of personal achievement. Register for the Science of Thinking Rich Masterclass and learn how high achievers gets results.

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve.

Welcome to Wisdom on Wealth

I am Sophia, The Wisdom Messenger.

I´m a leading Certified Instructor in the Science of Success. Too many women enter their 40s feeling unhappy with their situation and unsure how to change it. I´ve learned it is possible to change your life by changing the way you think.

I teach women how to Reclaim, Inner Confidence and Happiness by thinking like the worlds most successful people. #ThinkRICH

Everything you have experienced has brought you to this point in your life, now you can turn your wisdom into wealth. Consider me the friend and mentor you meet when you are ready to live the life you deserve.

You are here because it is time to stop feeling stuck, overcome self doubt and start thinking like your richest Self. I am here to help you succeed by sharing proven success principles combined with the neuroscience of personal achievement.

No matter what´s happening in your life right now, a shift in mindset will open the possibilities that get you moving.

Let´s get you the clarity, confidence and mental mastery to change your life.

💕 S. Xx



Too many accomplished women waste their time hiding doubting overwhelmed procrastinating shrinking instead of working on your dream of becoming the inspirational woman you are.

What is stopping you?

I´ve spent decades teaching women how to Think and Grow Rich, based on proven success principles.

The only thing that stands in the way of your success, is the way you think. I noticed 3 main problems that stop women from progressing and they lead to feeling drained, stuck and overwhelmed.

Does any of this self talk sound familiar to you? If yes, I can help.

I help you apply the Science of Thinking RICH to your daily life so you can keep moving towards your dreams.

When you don't believe you have what it takes to improve your situation, you fill your life with distractions instead of taking the right actions.

It is what you believe about your ability to succeed that has the ultimate impact on how you think, act, and the person you become.

If things aren´t moving the way you expect, it doesn´t necessarily mean you dont have what it takes. It´s more likely that your beliefs are standing in your way. Successful people succeed because of the way they think.

I am an expert at helping you reclaim who you are and why you are here. Let´s work together on influencing your subconscious mind for the life you really want.

I built The World Of Wisdom training platform so that anyone can discover the success mindset, high achieving habits and inspirational guidance to lead your life. It is free to join, register now to get started.

See you inside The World of Wisdom. 💕 S. Xx

Why am I the right mentor for you?

I asked why women choose me as their person, this is what some of them said.

I have been studying these concepts for years and have yet to make the breakthrough I desire, even in the slightest. Hitting barriers and walls which makes me question my faith and beliefs and wondering if I truly believe. This is my biggest challenge.. You look like me and come from my background, which makes you an ideal mentor for me. Talk straight and can call BS directly and personally to raise my game.



I have followed you for years now too… seen your growth, your movements, leaving to be in a place of peace and tranquility. Endured the ups and downs and I resonate with it all. I have been ‘trodding’ this road for such a long time. I’m not giving up but I need expert advice from some one who has done it before, knows the grey areas and can guide me each step of the way. Not just say they can but give examples and help implement strategic moves to allow me to find balance.



Inspite of the negative beliefs and crap I have faced. You have got through to me. Since the change that is rare. I need a mentor for me to trust. I trust you since I do not trust anyone at the moment. That is rare. In conclusion that mean if my raw self trusts you I can grow.



I just know. I have followed you from a distance for over a decade and have always been attracted to your kindness and clear vision of things. You have a brilliant way to reach people, make a difference and impart confidence.



I work well with accountability and constant reminder of who I am. You remind me of my foundations. TAGR are root teachings for me, Ive learnt many other things and thats all amazing but I needed a reminder of this and you did that. Also you are an amazing facilitator and the right mentor because you have walked places I have yet to walk.





Sophia AI Assistant

Let´s talk about you.


How can I help you?

Talk to me about what is happening in your life. Everyone is on their path with a unique purpose as well as experiences that shape the way you move towards success.

I am on a mission to make sure every woman I meet knows they can change their life by changing their mind. My purpose is to show you what´s possible and I have helped 1000s of women as a mentor and trainer.

I wish I could talk to every site visitor in person myself but that isn´t possible, however I´ve asked my AI assistant to make sure you are guided to the right resources for you, as a free gift from me.

My Chatbot Assistant, Sophia AI is here to find out more about you, tell her about your goals and she´ll recommend a course to get you started on your Journey to Success.

Let us recommend the perfect path for you.


📖 Read Journeys To Success

We all have a story, here is where I started and what I learned along the way.

Journeys to Success is a book inspired by the work of Napoleon Hill.
Read this Chapter of my International Bestselling Book

From teenage mum to my luxury life abroad, these are the moments that made the difference.

" Dear Sophia, thank you for sharing this chapter and writing it so authentically with raw true life challenges and its turnaround.
The opportunity to have an insight in your head and thought process in those moments is ultra valuable to me. I knew there was something deep about you, because you remained in my memory and heart from only the one meeting at your seminar. I didn´t know what it was, how to verbalise it but I felt something so familiar in your presence and I could always feel your strength and resolve and the power of overcoming no matter what. I didn´t know all that I have read in the chapter about your early season of life .... I have even deeper respect and admiration for you." Daniela S

“I didn´t find the wise role model, I needed so I decided to become her. Now I train women to Think R.IC.H, so you can change your life." SBL

I started out as a teenage Mum on a council estate and personal development transformed my life by helping me see what’s possible when you master your mind and focus on your vision. My story is shared in 2 international best selling books and inspires me to teach every woman with a dream how to influence her mind for success.

I have been studying Napoleon Hill ́s work for over a decade and have trained over 7,000 women worldwide on what it takes to create wealth from a definite purpose. I am honoured to be a leading trainer for the Napoleon Hill Foundation, I use personal experiences to pass these principles on to newly certified instructors.

My latest endeavour combines neuroscience with success principles to teach exactly why it´s possible changing your thinking changes your life. After being mentored by some of the worlds leading minds from the Neuro change Institute, I developed The Science of Thinking Rich especially for women.

As well as being one of the first British Napoleon Hill Certified Leadership Instructors, I am a Master Practitioner of The Neuro Change Method. I have been recognised as one of the 50 most influential Black Entrepreneurs in the UK and nominated for Success Magazine Women of Influence Awards.


Sophia you did a great job creating a community with an international group of women. You share Napoleon Hill’s principles with an individual flair. You have made it uniquely yours.

Uriel MartinezLEAD INSTRUCTOR, Napoleon Hill Foundation

Uriel Martinez

Sophia is here to guide us through this enchanting journey of transformation. Whether you are a corporate leader, an entrepreneur, a stay-at-home mother, or anyone in between, Sophia's words will resonate deeply within you, reminding you of the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.



Sophia, you are an excellent speaker and a devout and dedicated disciple of Napoleon Hill. I´m so fortunate to connect with you, coach me up!




Changing Lives - I love what I do.


Why Women, Why Riches?