Bassett Neighbourhood Plan (original) (raw)

The Bassett Neighbourhood Plan was 'made' (adopted) by the council on Wednesday 20 July 2016. The plan now forms part of the council's Local Development Plans and will be used for guiding decisions on planning applications in the ward.

The referendum for the plan was held on Thursday 25 February 2016 and asked the following question:

'Do you want Southampton City Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Bassett to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?'

A total of 93.6% of those voting voted 'yes' in favour of the plan. The turnout for the referendum was 21.4%.

A Decision Statement was published in January 2016 following receipt of the Examiner's Report. This confirmed that the council agreed changes to the plan with the Bassett Neighbourhood Forum following the examiner's recommendations and that the plan should proceed to the referendum stage.

The examination was undertaken through written representations following a six-week consultation on the Publication Version of the Plan which took place between 10 February 2015 and 24 March 2015. This along with the following documents were submitted to the examiner:

The Publication Version of the Plan was preceded by the publication of a Draft Plan which was subject to consultation over a six week period between 29 August 2014 and 10 October 2014.

The Bassett Neighbourhood Area and Neighbourhood Forum were formally designated by council in December 2013. The designations led to the initial stages of preparing the draft plan.

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