Copyright - Spatial Services (original) (raw)

Copyright of all the material on this site, including the NSW Government Waratah logo is vested in the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, subject to the Copyright Act 1968.

The State of New South Wales, acting through Spatial Services, a business unit of the Department of Customer Service, supports and encourages the reuse of its publicly funded information.

Unless otherwise stated, all Spatial Services material on this website and any other websites owned by Spatial Services is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence, except as noted below.

Under this licence you are free to share and adapt material as long as appropriate credit is provided and you indicate if changes were made. You cannot legally restrict anyone from doing what the licence permits.

When using our material, you must not imply endorsement by Spatial Services of any person, organisation, goods or services.

We request attribution as:

'© State of New South Wales (Spatial Services, a business unit of the Department of Customer Service NSW). For current information go to’

Material not licensed under the Creative Commons Licence

The following material available from this website is not licensed under the Creative Commons Licence:

  1. The State's Coat of Arms and any other symbols, logos or trademarks of the State of NSW or any Department or Agency of the State (unless incidentally reproduced in using an unaltered document under the Creative Commons licence).
  2. Any third party material unless expressly stated to be published under the Creative Commons Licence.
  3. Any images, photographs or illustrations (unless incidentally reproduced in using an unaltered document under the Creative Commons licence).


Enquiries relating to Crown copyright or use of NSW State Arms, Symbols or Emblems (other than as permitted by the Creative Commons licence) should be addressed to the Office of the General Counsel, Department of Justice:


Post: Locked Bag 5111, Parramatta NSW 2124

Telephone: (02) 8688 7586

Spatial Services NSW web linking policy

We welcome links from your website to the Spatial Services website. If you plan to create a link, please follow these guidelines:

Under some circumstances, we will link to other websites. Links are restricted to the following sites:

Spatial Services reserves the right to determine the placement of any listing and to include, exclude or withdraw a website link at its discretion. We will not participate in link exchange arrangements with third party commercial websites.

Spatial Services does not accept responsibility or liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense that might occur as a result of the use of or reliance upon, materials which appear at the linked sites (see our disclaimer).