Pokémon Channel - Guides - Speedrun.com (original) (raw)



Gamecube Any% Guide (Updated, Paint Corruption still TBD.)

Pokemon Channel Any% (Gamecube) by MushroomSoda:

Footnote: Telling you all now, a solid 1/3 of the run is watching the anime. During this time, you can relax, interact with chat (if you're streaming), or even go and use the bathroom, as each episode of the anime (during each day) is worth about 3 minutes on average.

Key/Legend: My notes consist of general paraphrasing, and symbols representing an action or simple explanation of an action. Here's a simple breakdown:

    TV: Anything next to this means anything done on the TV.  Anything outside of this 
    means something outside of the TV must be done.
    (): Anything in parentheses shows how many times you have to exit/start a channel, to
    skip cutscenes/actions/etc.  For example, (2) means you have to start/exit the channel
    two times: The first time is when you land on it from whatever channel you've previously
    left, the second is from quickly going and returning to it using the L and R buttons, at
    the appropriate time.

    Anytime you see 'Finish' in the parentheses, it means that you have to wait until the
    channel turns black.  I'll make footnotes about extraneous instances where you can skip
    earlier than this.

    //: Anything between slashes means how many clicks it will take to get to a channel,
     starting with # of clicks, and L or R determining the direction.

    ¤: Anything between this symbol is just a little footnote about a certain part of a
        run in particular.

Restarting Gamecube for Date change: To progress in the game, the date needs to changed a day/month/year ahead. The fastest way to do this is by restarting the GC, and changing the settings manually. Here's how to do it:

  1. Turn off/on the Gamecube.
  2. Hold the 'A' button once back on, so you go to the Settings menu.
  3. Control stick left, then press the 'A' button.
  4. Press 'A' once in the calendar, Control stick up to move the year (as it's the first option), and hit 'A' again.
  5. Hit 'B' to exit the calendar.
  6. Control stick left, then up.
  7. Hit 'A', then START to start the game again.

¤Special Note¤ When you save the game on Day 1, once the second text box comes up that says 'Saving...' in green text, you can save almost immediately, waiting about a second before turning the console off. Days 2-5 you can do it as soon as the first text box comes up, which also says 'Saving...' in green text.

Sometimes you might get what's called Paint Corruption, which we haven't figured out yet, and it has to do with this early-save method. If you get the paint corruption, it will cost around 3-4 seconds off your run, but your save file will be fine.

:D Done! :D

Final Note: Hope you enjoy the guide. :P Have fun with running the game!

---Speedrun Notes---

Day 1:

Watch Anime

TV: Report Channel /1R/ (1), Don't save, TV OFF, Pikachu-

Pokepad (START)

¤For Quiz and Fitness channels, you can proceed through them as soon as the green text shows up on screen. The other channels, you have to wait for them to load.¤

TV: Quiz /3L/ (9), Fitness /1L/ (7), Shop /1L/ (2) -Buy Binder, News /3L/ (2), Shop /3R/ (1, Finish)

Back up from TV, Delibird

TV: News /3L/ (1, Finish), Report /1L/ (1), Anime /2L/ (1)

Move the cursor over and spam the Smeargle statue until it loads the painting program.

Painting: You can just press START and skip this. Press start again when asking for a name, hit Yes. Press B when able to move away from the painting and scroll to the TV.

TV: Report /2R/ (1)


Day 1 (END), Split


Day 2:

TV: Anime /2L/ (2), Weather /5R/ (2, Finish), Art /1R/ (6)

Watch Anime ¤Change channel when audio cuts out, and picture freezes on Meowth's face.¤

TV: Report /2R/ (1)


Day 2 (END), Split


Day 3:

Name Pikachu ¤Just spam START button, skip text accordingly¤

TV: Egg /1R/ (2), Pick the bottom left option, Anime /3L/ (2), Fortune /7L/ (1, Finish)

Watch Anime

TV: Egg /3L/ (1, Finish), Report /1L/ (1)

Day 3 (END), Split


Day 4:

TV: Anime /2L/ (2), Mareep /6R/ (2), ChumChum /5R/ (1, Wait until Smoochum starts speaking), Oddish /2R/ (1, Finish), ChumChum /2L/ (2, Finish)

¤By the time you get through Oddish, you should see Smoochum say "How did you find our findings?". If not, go back and forth through the channel until Smoochum says this, and then wait for the channel to end.¤

TV: Mareep /5L/ (1, Finish), Anime /6L/ (1, Finish)

Watch Anime ¤Change channel when Meowth freezes at the door, and audio cuts out¤

TV: Report /2R/ (1)


Day 4 (END), Split


Day 5:

Go outside, then scroll left and click on wooden sign to 'Springleaf Field'

Springleaf Field: Duskull (Talk), Hole (Check for Ball) ¤Pikachu can run up and ask for permission so if this happens, just spam A. RNG sucks. ¤You can click on the Ball assoon as it grows to full size, so be sure to do this ASAP!¤

Scroll right and click on the Wooden Sign to get back to your Yard.

Go to Room! (Scroll right and click on the door.)

Go to Front! (Scroll left or right and click on the white door.) ¤Doesn't matter which way you turn the camera, it's about the same time to do so.¤

Go to Bus Stop, Take Bus to Mt. Snowfall (Instead of actually waiting for the bus, you can scroll to the right and spam the A button on the green bush, it'll pick the bus faster for some reason.)

Mt Snowfall: Ruins of Truth ¤Scroll right, click on wooden sign¤, Gengar (Talk), Enter Ruins

Ruins: Click on the two plants, then click on the sign when it pops up. At the sanctuary, skip text for the question (ALWAYS X), Statue (Check)

Room: Approach TV, Turn on

TV: Anime /3L/

Watch Anime ¤You can change the channel once the screen initially fades to black, skipping the last 'To Be Continued' prompt on screen.¤

TV: Report /1R/ (1)


Day 5 (END), Split


Day 6:


Campsite: After final text box, Split

---END GAME---