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Box scores contain team and player stats and for recent seasons win probabilities and advanced stats. All College Football Box Scores From 2000 to Present

Top Performers

J. Aguilar 21/40, 266 yds, 1 TD
G. Lopez 16/24, 154 yds, 2 TD
K. Robinson 6 rec, 85 yds, 0 TD
J. Pritchett 6 rec, 68 yds, 1 TD
D. Stroman 2 rec, 60 yds, 1 TD
F. Bothwell 14 att, 116 yds, 2 TD
G. Lopez 7 att, 103 yds, 1 TD
M. Haywood 7 att, 47 yds, 1 TD

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Fri Sep 20th

Sat Sep 21st

Fri Sep 27th

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