The Container shows claustrophobic reality | London Evening Standard (original) (raw)

Britain is home to as many as 750,000 illegal immigrants. Whatever one believes about their motives for coming and the consequences of their doing so, the journeys they made to get here were frequently gruesome.

What would it be like to be one of these people, squalidly shut up in a lorry, risking death to reach an imagined nirvana that could turn out to be a bureaucratic hell? Clare Bayley’s play provides some answers.

Originally a touring show staged at schools in Essex, it takes place in a 40ft container parked outside the Young Vic. Hiding among the pallets are a Turkish Kurd, two Afghans and two Somalis. We also see the Turkish "agent" who has arranged their passage.

They are travelling to England, a place that all but one of them idealise — where the natives "welcome people from all over the world" and "even the street cleaners have mobile phones". Like the Kurdish stowaway Jemal, we may think we know better.

Crammed into the container with these six, we are immersed in their experiences. It’s a theatrical space of almost freakish intimacy. One is, literally, part of a captive audience. Numbers are restricted, and some of the more noisome details have been omitted (you won’t smell bodily fluids here), but claustrophobia soon closes in. Illumination is provided by little torches that members of the cast shine towards each other. Noises outside appear ominous.

The performances, intensified by the spatial constraint, are strong, with Abhin Galeya particularly distinguished as Jemal and Chris Spyrides — who looks like an angry Alexei Sayle — powerfully menacing as the agent.

Director Tom Wright has controlled their energies adroitly, and the play does feel politically important — a vital affront to the deodorised lives of its audience. The play makes those caught up in human trafficking and illegal immigration, so often reduced to statistics, seem fiercely real.

It’s not clear precisely what point the production wants to make. Are we simply to marvel at the lengths people will go to in order to reach what passes for a benign democracy, or should we bridle at the callousness of a political system that denies asylum to so many? This ambiguity is calculated: The Container poses provoking, timely questions that it refuses to answer.
Until 30 July. 020 7922 2922.

The Container
Young Vic
The Cut, SE1 8LZ