Types of official statistics (original) (raw)
Official statistics are statistics produced by Crown bodies and other organisations listed within an Official Statistics Order, on behalf of the UK government or devolved administrations. They provide a factual basis for assessment and decisions on economic, social and environmental issues at all levels of society. This broad definition of official statistics means that the scope of official statistics can be adapted over time to suit changing circumstances.
Accredited official statistics (called ‘National Statistics’ in the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007) are official statistics that the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) has independently reviewed and confirmed comply with the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics. For a complete list of all accredited official statistics, see the List of Accredited Official Statistics maintained by OSR. Accredited official statistics show the following mark (in English or Welsh):
OSR accreditation may be cancelled or suspended in cases of serious non-compliance – see the List of Cancelled or Suspended Accreditations (previously called the Register of De-designations).
Official statistics in development are official statistics that are undergoing a development; they may be new or existing statistics, and will be tested with users, in line with the standards of trustworthiness, quality, and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics. They were formerly known as ‘experimental statistics’.
If you have a query about types of official statistics please email the Office for Statistics Regulation.