Hannibal Biography Workbook | Student Handouts (original) (raw)

Hannibal Biography Workbook

Hannibal Biography Workbook - For grades 7-12. Free to print (PDF file). Free K-12 Worksheets and MoreWhat century is it? WorksheetAlexander the Great of MacedonDBQ/Examining Primary Sources - A New England Girlhood by Lucy Larcom, 1889

Learn all about this famous and powerful Carthaginian general, who led an army of elephants across the Alps to battle the Romans. Our mini-unit biography workbooks focus on important figures from history. Brief chunks of informative text are interspersed with questions (ranging from basic recall to critical thinking) and fun activities. Each workbook can be completed in as little as an afternoon. These great workbooks serve as perfect supplements to a student's study of history, and function equally well as stand-alone units. Designed for ages 12 and up. Click here to print.

Answer Key: 1 Nine; 2 Saguntum; 3 To protect against treachery; 4 Gauls; 5 Answers will vary; 6 Ligurians and Celts; 7 B - Plain of Trebia; 8 Apennines; 9 A - Flaminius; 10 He knew that his forces were unequal to the task of storming a walled city garrisoned by a population of fighting men; 11 The Carthaginians refused to financially support Hannibal's army; 12 Answers will vary; 13 Answers will vary, but should include the fact that Hasdrubal's head was thrown into Hannibal's camp; 14 He feared that the Carthaginians would hand him over to the Romans; 15 Answers will vary; 16 Answers will vary; 17 Answers will vary.