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Exploring Indian Vastu Shastra - India's Timeless Architectural Wisdom

Indian Vastu ShastraOn this website, we explore the rich tradition of India's Vaasthu Shastra. This article delves into the core principles, origins, and key figures behind this ancient architectural wisdom, as well as its evolution over time.

Since ancient times, during the era of monarchs and rulers, this doctrinal subject was predominantly adopted and effectively used by the wealthy. In those times, there wasn't the widespread dissemination of knowledge as we see today.

Primarily, it was the kings and the affluent who had the means to harness and protect their wealth and territories. Regrettably, the underprivileged and marginalized had little awareness of this system.

As eras changed, monarchies faded, and democracy became the governing principle in many nations. In a democratic setup, individuals have the liberty to access and apply any knowledge for their advancement, unrestricted by nature's forces.

In essence, this is a science of construction, be it for residential or commercial endeavors, distinct from conventional construction engineering. This discipline posits that every structure is a composite entity with both beneficial and detrimental elements. Balancing these forces to achieve a harmonious living environment is the core essence of this subject.

The ancient traditional construction system of Indian Vastu Shastra plays a pivotal role in influencing the well-being of residents. This discipline offers a comprehensive framework for design and layout, aiming to harmonize the environment with natural elements. By adhering to these principles, residents experience improved physical health, mental peace, and spiritual growth. A decent life, marked by prosperity and balance, becomes more attainable. This disciplined approach to construction and layout is not just limited to houses but also extends to other spaces, demonstrating its vast applicability. Overall, Vastu Shastra offers valuable insights into creating homes that nurture and empower.

Discover the Advantages of Following Vastu Shastra

Following Vastu Shastra can bring a multitude of benefits, both tangible and intangible, to the lives of residents. It aims to optimize the flow of energy in homes, resulting in a harmonious, stress-free environment. Improved mental well-being, enhanced concentration, and better relationships among family members are often reported. On a physical level, the discipline advocates for designs that maximize natural light and air circulation, contributing to better health. Financial prosperity is another aspect that Vastu claims to boost, as certain layouts are believed to attract wealth. In essence, adhering to Vastu principles can lead to a balanced, prosperous, and fulfilling life. In our website we are unlocking the Benefits of Vastu Shastra: A comprehensive Guide to the beloved readers.

Indian Ancient Vastu Shastra

Vastu ShastraOptimize Your Living Space with Vastu Shastra Wisdom: Since the dawn of human history, the quest for the ultimate sanctuary—a perfect, soul-nourishing abode—has captivated mankind. In eras long past, our ancestral visionaries harnessed indigenous techniques to craft homes that were not merely structures, but sanctuaries of balance and well-being. Utilizing the profound wisdom encapsulated in Vastu, they sculpted living spaces that resonated with cosmic harmony.

Today, we are unraveling the intricacies of Vastu Shastra principles, including the names of authors from various notable texts. Historically, numerous Vastu consultants existed, but due to communication constraints, they weren't summoned from far-off places.

Presently, residents from the USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia can instantly reach out, clear their queries, and invite vastu pandits for property visits.

Who Invented Vastu Shastra?

In response to the query "Who wrote Vastu Shastra?", the primary attribution is to "Mayan", though some texts also mention "Vishwa Karma". Here's a brief elaboration on this topic.

Vastu Shastra, a venerable Indian discipline of architecture, prescribes principles for designing edifices in sync with the rhythms of nature, with the intent of fostering well-being, affluence, and joy among its inhabitants. Often interpreted as the "science of architecture," its tenets are profoundly rooted in age-old Indian scriptures, especially the Vedas, with a particular emphasis on the Atharva Veda.

The genesis of Vaastu Shastra is complex, drawing insights from numerous sources over the ages, making it challenging to attribute to a singular originator. Among the myriad of contributions, treatises such as "Mayamata" and "Manasara" are particularly esteemed for their comprehensive elucidation on Vastu doctrines.

Historical narratives often laud Mamuni Mayan, colloquially known as Mayan or "MayaBrahma," as a cornerstone in the development of Vasthu, previously referred to as "Maya Vastu" or "Mayamatam." Furthermore, ancient chronicles extol "Viswa Karma" as a central figure, celebrated as the celestial architect of living abodes.

While both "Mayan" and "Viswa Karma" are enshrined in mythology, there are accounts that propose Lord Brahma as the primordial architect of Vastu Shastra. Despite its enigmatic beginnings, Vastu Shastra remains a luminous emblem of positive vibrancy and architectural wisdom.

What Is Vastu Shastra Called in English?

Vastu Shastra is universally called "Vastu Shastra", there is no synonym for it so far. Vastu Shastra is the hallmark of the Indian subcontinent's ancient traditional construction system. Foreigners also call it the Science of Architecture. However, the original name never unleashing and still calling and remains as "Vastu Shastra", immortalized forever.

vastu shastra in english

principles of vastu shastra

vastu shastra information

Following Vastu principles can boost up the positive change and happiness in your life and this rule applies to all constructions. Many residents planning to construct duplex house as per Vastu, but failed to follow exact principles and suffering with different problems, this above link reveals several explanations.

Vastu shastra is a scientific phenomenon like any other science.

As it was vogue in ancient times to make science acceptable, people resorted to using science as a religious vehicle.

For in those days religion was fairly tolerant and acceptable to the large population as it was very relevant and rational in its usage. Down the ages, religion became dogmatic and unsuitable for rational thinking.

In this scenario, fortunately, the ancient text on scientific temper remained fairly unpolluted. However further complications of superstitions and prejudices have greatly damaged the religious society.

The religion was unable to be freed from these tentacles. This scientific temper which flourished during the ancient period has to be resurrected so that it serves mankind as intended it does no exception.

The present-day it has its deep routes in ancient wisdom, yet not shackled by the medieval dogmas. It is now a regular science like any other such as biology, psychology, metallurgy, etc.

Day after day many new things were discovered in every sector field including this home construction. Based on such new developments, residents searched for the best to fit for their homes and apply them to their structures.

Along with the standard structures, for example, no leakages, protection from many other natural or neighborhood effects like heavy rains, winds, sunlight, etc further they also searched for the luck to be filled into their homes and minimize the bad evil force effects on their homes.

In due course again start hunting for the same and research for the mentors in philosophical and spiritual topics who were renowned for profound wisdom.

Later (matter from they know about "Vastu Shastra", which was written by many of our Indian great Rushis, Sages, Sanths, and experts in this royal field.

importance of vastu shastra in one's life

all about vastu shastra

ancient vastu shastra books

If we have the burning desire to know about this science then dive into this ocean, how much depth you reached you may get such valuable and precious gems of information. As much deep you are reaching that much secrets will be revealed.

India is a great land where numerous great personalities took birth ( Read Indian great personalities from this About Us link). Some of our Sages and Rishis worked tirelessly and helped mankind with their God's Divine Knowledge blessed science i.e., Vastu Shastra.

They formulated many rules in this subject and granted to humans to fight against evils, anti-natural forces, negative effects, negative energies, and other problems too.

Their main concern is mankind should live with peace. Vastu is nothing but living with peace. Sincere Pranams to our elders.

Perfect Vastu Shastra Principled Homes Blesses the Residents

If the property is constructed with the help of five elements, the same structure may become a house of peace and prosperity. Five Elements such as (For more insights, check out House Vastu.)

1. Sky/Space,

2. Air/Atmosphere,

3. Fire/Agni,

4. Water/Jal and finally

5. Earth/Bhoomi.

Most of the people in our society accepting that there is a Power/Shakthi which is controlling everything in this universe, which may not be really visible.

That may be of God either Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu or maybe Five Elements.

These Five Elements or Panchabhootas which resides in nature in a specific predetermined proportion and governing by a supreme creation, which may beyond our human evaluated comprehension.

Study of these elements may be necessary before entering into our Vastu subject.

People score the best achievements and developed when they about to follow literal principles of Vastu Shastra, likewise residents have to face numerous obstacle troubles when they neglect constructive methods.

What is Vastu Shastra?

For instance, the meaning of sorrow is either pain or difficulty.

Similarly we need to define what Vaastu means. "Peace of mind" to the family members, inhabitants acquires peace, prosperity during their living time in that principled home.

Many thought that Money is the ultimate answer for all questions, it may not be right all the time, we can’t buy everything with money, like . . . "Mother’s love".

As per our old literature "Vastu" means "Vasathi" or "Vaasa" it means living under one roof, later these words have been changed to the present word Vastu, in some areas the spelling is also been changed as Bastu / Baastu in Bengal area.

Remaining all parts of the world is it said to be "Vastu" "Vaastu" or "Vasthu" or "Vaasthu" Whatever the spelling it may (this matter is from be the meaning of all the words are same.

about Vastu Shastra

what is vastu shastra

Indian vastu shastra

Generally, people called this word as "Vastu Shastra".

In simple this science means getting peace or satisfaction or development. There is nothing equals other than that of satisfaction & peace.

We are aware that satisfaction is the ultimate in a humans life, there is no equivalent for this satisfaction.

From the very beginning we had been in touch with so-called rich people and noticed a lack of peace of mind, so the importance of peace of mind is unlimited.

The influence of Vastu is no doubt the peace of mind for the Householders.

Those who suffered from health, wealth, debts, quarrels, court cases, property loss, misunderstandings, facing troubles at family life, disputes, frustration and tension and look forward to peace.

People who had frustration, a negative outlook will crave for the peace and finally turn to follow this scientific principle and come out of their problems.

Those who follow this science for their constructions will attain their desired goals and perfect happiness.

The property which is built with principles provides peace and satisfaction to the residents who live in that respected property.

To learn more on this subject please check our website's other pages which have plenty of information that may provide such data to study more on this subject.

Vastu Shastra Literature

Coming to the vastu books and authors, India has diverse great personalities who served extensive wisdom of this knowledge to our generations.

Before entering into the book's information its a good idea to know at least something of our Vedas and other scripts.

Our elders are saying that Puranas are the governing literature of Hindu Dharma.

Veda Vyasa, the great epic Mahabharatha narrator is considered as the connoisseur of our Puranas.

Vyasa becomes Veda Vyasa who classified Vedas, so his name Vyasa become popular as Veda Vyasa.

Veda means "Jnana", the top "Knowledge", "Wisdom". Veda Vyasa is the son of Parasara Maharshi.

It is trusted that there were around 64 Puranas and consisting of 18 Mahapuranas, 18 essential Upa Puranas and the remaining Upa Puranas.

Vedas In India - The Greatest Literature on Earth:

There is a total of 4 Vedas.

1. Rigveda.

2. Yajurveda.

3. Samaveda.

4. Atharvaveda.

Vedas consisting of :

Samhitas (Samhita generally describes Mantras)

Aranyakas (generally delivers of rituals, sacrifices, and ceremonies)

Brahmanas (some explanations or commentaries of ceremonies, rituals and finally sacrifices)

Upanishads ( explaining of philosophy, meditation, and spiritual knowledge)

Upasanas (Poojas or worships).

It's tough to get the exact dates and period of writings of Puranas. Later 18 Mahapuranas were divided into 3 groups of 6 total comes to 18.

Each was named after a God's or deity names like Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva for example, Brahma Purana, Vishnupuranam and Sivapuranam.

Even the heterodox or unorthodox (Naastika) were read our Vedas may turn into Orthodox (Aasthika).

By knowing the unbeatable information at Vedas the Indian philosophy which taught at some schools cite Vedas as their literature authority, but Sramana traditions like Carvaka, Lokayata, Ajivika, Jainism, and Buddhism may not refer these Vedas as authoritative references.

Deep discussions are still required to analyze our Vedas.

Based on many scriptural authorities it has to be noted that Vedas played a prominent role in BC periods.

Historical Best Literature On Vastu Shastra:

>> Viswakarma Vastu Shastra / Prakasika (by Viswakarma Chief Architect of Gods, he is said to be called as the creator of all things in Heaven the place where God's are living), (home, roads, water tanks, and public works architecture)

>> Mayamata (Mayamatam) (by Maya Who is the Vedic architect and built holy cities like Mathura and Indra Prastha etc cities and he wrote literature on Temple constructions and homes, such Shastras called as Maya Shastra or Mayan's Shastra ). It is said to be it was written in the AD 11th century (Require citation), written by Mayan. It’s a best inevitable reference on Temple construction, the building of houses and ascertainment of plots and other properties.

>> Manasara Shilpa Shastra (by Manasara). (Here Shilpa means arts and crafts, Shastra means Rules, Principles, and Standards, it contains only the voluminous elaborated descriptions of calculations on Vastu Vidya.

>> Tantra Samuchayam: Written by Namboothiripad Narayanan Chennas in AD 15th century. The renowned volume specifies the implementation of Vastu in Temple constructions.

>> Manushyalaya Chandrika: Written by Thirumangalathu Neelakandan Moose in AD 16th century. The precious volume contains the scientific principles of Vastu construction of houses. (primarily human dwellings)

>> Brihadsamhitha (Brihat Samhita / Bruhath Samhitha): The great and best encyclopedic narrational work in the realm of Astronomy; written by Varahamihira. This book has 106 chapters, on all human subjects. The 53rd chapter is being narrated as ‘VastuVidya’ and it is noted to be one of the largest chapters.

>> Samarankana Sutradhara (Samarangana Suthradhara): By Bhojan and is a Vastu vidya magnum opus by reading.

>> Silparatnam: Srikumaran written interior decorations on Hindu Temples

>> Aparajita Priccha (Aparajita Vastu Sastra) (a dialogue between Vishwakarma and Aparajita, written by Bhuvanadevacharya). (28 books, each with 12 to 75 chapters)

>> Vasturaja Vallabha.

>> VishnuPuranam.

>> Silpa Rathnakaram.

>> Varahamihira Vastu Shastram.

>> MatsyaPuranam (Chapters 252 through 270)

>> Agni Purana (Agni Puranam) (Chapters 42 through 55, and 106 - Nagaradi Vastu)

>> Gargya Samhita (Pillars, Doors, Windows, Wall Design and Architecture)

>> Vastu Sarani (measurement, ratio and design layouts of objects, particularly buildings)

>> Devalaya Lakshana (treatise on construction of temples)

>> Griha Pithika (types of houses and their construction)

>> Sthapatya veda

>> Kshetra Nirmana Vidhi (preparation of land and foundation of buildings including temples)

>> Dhruvadi Shodasa Gehani (guidelines for the arrangement of buildings with respect to each other for harmony)

>> Nava Sastra (36 books, most of the literature lost)

>> Mana Kathana (measurement principles or principles of measurement)

>> Raja Griha Nirmana (architecture and construction principles for royal palaces)

>> Vimana Lakshana (tower design)

>> Vastu Tattva

>> Mantra Dipika

>> Vastu Chakra

>> Sanatkumara Vastu Sastra

>> Agni Puranam

(Still adding . . . . . . . . )

Shilpa or Silpa Shastra and Vastu Shastra have a relation, here Shilpa Shastra narrates with Arts and crafts, for example, carving woods, forming statues, stone murals, icons, carpentry, painting, jewelry, pottery, textiles, dying, etc and whereas Vastu shastram deals with building or home architectures, built the homes, forts, temples, town constructions and village layouts, etc.

We should not forget the significant factors in Vastu Shastram like Neighborhood Vastu effects followed by Street Focus effects on properties and Home inside Vastu. Once we develop knowledge on these three subjects, we may become master in this Vastu Shastram.

"Amara Sinha" a great poet and Sanskrit grammarian in the Chandragupta Vikramaditya period, wrote a Sanskrit dictionary of "Amarakosha" which contains words of more than 10,000.

This dictionary is divided into three chapters. 1. Svargadikhanda, 2. Bhuvargadikhanda, 3. Samanyadhikhanda.

In Bhuvardgaikhanda it was written about Vastu word and was referred to as Site which is good for construction of a residence.

In those days Amarakosha was an authenticated dictionary.

Require corrections from here:
Other treatises such as Agni Purana and works by Kautilya and Sukracharya are not popular even though they preceded the previously mentioned documents.

The distinction of style exists due to each document's place of origin.

Mayamata and Mansara Silpa Shastra are considered Dravidian because they are from South India whereas Viswaskarama Vastu Shastra is considered Aryan and belongs to North Indian origin.

Out of all the above Viswakarma Vastu shastra is considered to be very familiar.

Following this scientific principle are recommended, but not recommended for the unwanted or over-expectations.

For example:
if you want to become Prime Minister of India by doing corrections to your property, it's highly impossible. But it supports ambition which is considerable for your status. There should be limitations to their desires. If not, something may be wrong in the home.

Following Vastu Tips and principles for the constructions may remove all such bad cravings and worries.

In simple words, Vastu means a system of construction that renders peace, and satisfactory life to the residents.

This subject, in fact, is a very ancient science from the Indian land.

Its knowledge can enable us to get benefits of mental peace, health, wealth, etc, and make our lives happy and easier.

This science, after propounding the rules of construction, goes to prove that by constructing properly our buildings, villages, towns, cities, shops, offices, factories and industries, we can make ourselves prosperous.

On the contrary, the residents of such buildings are at variance with the rules of this science, may suffer from several calamities in their life, shortages, diseases, and financial insecurity throughout their lives.

Our ancient sages and Rushis created Vastu shastra for the welfare of entire humanity.

When Vastu is learned and followed, wealth blossoms in their life and it provides them with grace after their death also.

Before buying any property it is always advisable to have one expert guidance to enjoy peaceful and secured future.



Commentary: Sri Vastu Bhagavan is the God of Earth and has a giant body of eternal earth. He has got the center place surrounded by the lords of eight directions.

Lord Sri Indra is ruling the East direction (Poorva). Sri Agnideva rules Agneya (Southeast) Sri Yama rules South (Dakshin). Sri Niruthi rules Southwest (Nairuthi). Sri Varuna rules West (Paschim). Sri Vaayu rules Northwest (Vayavya). Sri Kubera rules North (Uttara). Sri Eshana rules Northeast (Eshan) corner.

Vastu Bhagwan or Vastu Purusha is the energy of all growth and manifestation that lies dormant on Earth. We pray to Vastu Bhagavan and he blesses us with peace and grand success. Read the below for your more information of eight directions and their lords:

1. East Direction - Indra

2. Southeast Direction (Agneya) - Agni

3. South Direction - Yama

4. Southwest Direction ( Nairuthi ) - Nirruthi (rakshasa-demon)

5. West Direction - Varuna or Rain Lord

6. Northwest Direction ( Vayavya) - Vayu or Lord of Air

7. North Direction - Kubera or Lord of Money.

8. Northeast Direction ( Eshan ) - Eshan or Lord Shiva ( Eswar )


Sri Vastu Bhagavan is the God of Earth and has a giant body of eternal earth. He got the center place surrounded by the lords of eight directions.

Lord Sri Indra is ruling the east side.

Sri Agnideva rules Agneya (Southeast)

Sri Yama rules South.

Sri Niruthi rules Southwest. (Nairuthi)

Sri Varuna rules West.

Sri Vaayu rules Northwest. (Vayavya)

Sri Kubera rules North.

Sri Eshana rules Northeast (Eshan) corner.

Bhagwan or Vastu Purusha is the energy of all growth and manifestation that lies dormant in Earth. On behalf of everyone, we pray Vastu Bhagavan to bless us with peace and success.

Eight directions and their lords:

1. East - Indra

2. Southeast (Agneya) - Agni

3. South - Yama

4. Southwest ( Nairuthi ) - Nirruthi (rakshasa-demon)

5. West - Varuna or Rain Lord

6. Northwest ( Vayavya) - Vayu or Lord of Air

7. North - Kubera or Lord of Money.

8. Northeast ( Eshan ) - Eshan or Lord Shiva (Eswar).

The ancient literature is aimed to help mankind live a better life. Towards this end, some of the positive effects that, one could expect by living in a principled home are as under

1. Better living conditions are consequent to good health, steadiness in life, and happiness.

2. A good reputation in the society and neighborhood.

3. The possibility of increased prosperity and peace of mind is consequent to having low conflicts within oneself.

4. Generally, successful life in all activities.

5. Clear and one-pointedness in an approach of any problem.

6. Getting all needful desires, satisfactorily resolved.

7. Overcoming all adverse situations harmoniously.

8. Living a contented life.

9. It is said that people who have got a clear head make a better life, this statement is apt in the home which is constructed with principles.

10. If an activity is completed with the least stress and anxiety consequently one would not feel fatigued.

11. Needless to say that residences and offices not compliant with principles have got inherent problems. Even though one may be very sharp and logical and clear-headed, in a non-compliant residence or office for that matter giving out negative vibrations, is prevented from striking the bullseye and so generates conflict within himself thus doubting his judgment.

Consequently, he has invited worries and anxiety, one need not go beyond regarding the consequences of such actions where the author starts doubting his own judgment.

12. One of the ills of non-compliance residences is lack of harmony in the house leading to constant conflicts within the family. One need not elaborate on the consequences further.

13. One should not be thinking that living in a home that constructed with these scientific principles Home is the panacea for inaction willful unsocial activities and the like. One's own actions will be moderated by the forces that are generated in the residences in which the person lives.

If it is a principled home it helps to enhance harmony in all endeavors the persons undertakes to lead to happy dispositions in life. If on the other hand, the residences are non-complaint its negative influences will cloud the rational thinking of otherwise a normal person where one starts doubting one's own abilities.

Why Vastu Shastra Is So Important For The Residents?

Vastu is actually an ancient science of Indian metaphysics that states that the entire world is one gigantic family and each member is associated with positive energy.

The formula of Vastu was used by the ancient Hindus to determine the time and manner of their birth in accordance with the destiny that each person had in store for him. The formula also states that a person will achieve complete happiness and harmony if he is able to maintain the balance of the energy around his properties at all times.

The Indian antiquated customary study of construction engineering was honestly used as an essential representative in concluding the progression of resident's growth and its importance was keenly framed and evaluated with incredible factors and highlights by innovators and older folks.

So, why vastu advice is important? Vastu is important because it will tell you how to maintain a harmonious relationship with the environment around you. It tells you how to make the most out of your natural surroundings and avoid pitfalls that may be lying in wait just in front of you.

For this reason, the Vastu consultant has to be extremely knowledgeable about various aspects of this ancient science. In fact, he or she should be considered an expert on the subject. They will be able to forecast the weather, predict the rise and fall of clouds, and determine the main gateways through which rainwater will flow.

However, there are other benefits as well when it comes to vastu advice. You can easily convert your guest room into a peaceful abode of tranquility without any hassle. This is because vastu consultants know the dos and don'ts of interior designing and living in harmony with nature.

In short, they will help you achieve true peace and tranquility within your home. You can use their vastu advice to bring tranquility and peace to your environment, whether it is your office or your home or your factory, or any other place you wish to mint money or relax in.

Science Behind This Ancient Science of Architecture

The Magnitude and concentration of the Earth’s magnetic force fields decide the life of all living things on the Earth. We saw earlier that AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH, AND AKASH are the FIVE ELEMENTS OR PANCHABHOOTHAS which control our lives.

The change of the magnetic energy will automatically change the functions of the five bhoothas and our mental attitude, emotions, way of living, etc., will be changed accordingly. This could be easily seen, at the time of full moon or new moon.

The mental strength of mad people are highly disturbed and they react very badly during these periods. If we open the Uchcha (Uchchasthan) by means of windows doors etc. and close the Neecha (Neechasthan/Nichastan) sides by providing small openings, we could receive and keep the energies within our building for a longer period.

These openings facilitate the presence of various positive energies always in the house. These energies are very important for our happy domestic life. So the main entrance and the resident's movements should be always in the Uchcha or exalted side. We can easily get success in our business and trade and have a happy family etc. we will have a happy mood when we are entering our house itself.

It is otherwise, there will be quarrels, family problems worries, etc. One will be reluctant or have aversion to entering his own property.

199 Vastu Questions