Arne Næss Chair

 - Centre for Development and the Environment ([original]( ([raw](?raw))

The annual Arne Næss Chair in Global Justice and the Environment is awarded annually to a scholar, leader or activist of international renown. The Arne Næss Professor holds the distinguished Arne Næss lecture. Below you will find a list of former chairholders.

Professor Hickel is a visionary thinker, writer and academic who is internationally known for his ground-breaking work on global inequality, imperialism and ecological economics.

Olga Tokarczuk is Nobel Prize winner in literature (2018) and one of the most original nature thinkers and writers of our time.

Julia Cagé - currently an Associate Professor of Economics at Sciences Po, Paris - is the author of an internationally acclaimed book The Price of Democracy (Harvard UP, 2020) and a leading European scholar in the fields of political participation, media economics and political attitudes.

Professor Anthony Giddens - currently Life Fellow at King’s College, Cambridge and the member of the House of Lords - is one of the most prominent sociologists of our time.

We are proud to announce that the 2019 Arne Næss Professor is Eva Joly! Eva is acclaimed for her work in anti-corruption, financial crime and money laundering. She is also Green MEP for Europe Ecologie/Les Verts.

Mary Evelyn Tucker is Senior Lecturer and Research Scholar at Yale University where she has appointments in the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies as well as the Divinity School and the Department of Religious Studies.

Eduardo Gudynas is the 2016 Arne Næss Professor in Global Justice and the Environment. / Eduardo Gudynas es nombrado Profesor Arne Naess en Justicia Global y el Ambiente en 2016

Sloan Wilson is a distinguished professor of evolutionary sciences and anthropology at SUNY / Binghamton University, and America's leading evolutionary biologist.

David Abram, cultural ecologist, philosopher and author.

Change-maker and big-thinker, Polly Higgins is a lawyer who has brought into being a whole new body of Earth Law.

Buell is professor of American Literature at Harvard University and a pioneer of Ecocriticism.

Robyn Eckersley is Professor in the School of Politics, Sociology and Criminology, University of Melbourne, Australia.

In 2009, the Arne Naess Chair was held by Dr. Stephen H. Schneider of Stanford University.

In 2007 the Chair was shared by Prof. James Lovelock and his close colleague and collaborator Dr. Stephan Harding.