Climbing, Hiking & Mountaineering : SummitPost (original) (raw)

Getting There

See the main page how to reach Krstenica Meadow and from it Jezerce meadow!

Route Description

Skednjovec East Ridge Route

From Jezerce, we continue either by the left or the right side around the small hill, which rises in the middle of the valley. We follow old shepherds paths, which are in some places not clearly visible, but we shall have no major ploblems with orientation. We go until we reach the rock barrier, which closes the valley. There we follow towards the right the grassy slope, ascending towards Miseljski preval. There we find the marked path, which connects Lazovski and Miseljski preval and follow it towards the right to the saddle, 1995m (we could also continue in the same direction by screes, till a small saddle below a rocky bump on the right).

Here (on Miseljski Preval) we turn left. We follow a broad ridge, which ascends lightly towards Skednjovec. In a karst terrain we search for best passages. The slope is easilly passable, even if it is full of chiasms, stone bridges, other karst structures and holes. We make a detour of the first tower on the right side. Behind it, we reach a small saddle, below a rocky step. Below the rocky bump we turn right on a steep rocky, and partially grassy terrain. After we climb a rock slab (UIAA I degree), a steep slope with two shallow ravines opens. Over screes we ascend below the left one, which is a bit easier to climb. In a solid rock we climb 50 meters (UIAA I-II), reach the main ridge and continue climbing by it. Climbing is easy, but the rock is crumbly and the ridge is exposed on some places (UIAA I). So we reach the summit.

It is best to descend by the west ridge, which is similar to the last part of our ascent (UIAA I). See this route description.
