Climbing, Hiking & Mountaineering : SummitPost (original) (raw)


Geographical structure: Eastern Alps > Kamnik Alps group > Krvavec group.

Kalski Greben doesn`t lead in the main ridge of Kamnik Alps GROUP but in the secondary ridge which secedes from Grintovec and Kocna in way from north to south.

Kalski Greben is very huge mountain. It has a lot of slopes, faces, ridges, screes... It leads above valleys: Kokra valley (on the west) and Kamniska Bistrica valley (on the east). On the north it is linked with the main ridge and with the highest mountains of the Kamnik Alps group. On the south Kalski Greben rises slowly from Ljubljanska kotlina (Basin of Ljubljana) and Kranjska kotlina (Basin of Kranj). Before the slopes from the south come to the summit of Kalski Greben is there popular skiing area Krvavec with some high mountains. The highest mountain in Krvavec group is Vrh Korena, 1999m.

Kalski Greben is not hard approachable from many sides. The routes to summit are long but very heterogeneous. The main route from south is very popular and very nice for children and other no expert climbers. For clmibers are very popular W and NW faces with altitude around 800m and also E face which is lower - around 300m to 400m.
From north side you can climb on Kalski Greben over secured marked route from Cojzova koca (hut) on Kokrsko sedlo (pass). There is also two peaks called Velika Kalska gora, 2058m and Mala Kalska gora, 2019m. To both mountains lead marked route. Routes from north are for better climbers.

View from Kalski Greben

View from Kalski Greben is breathtaking. You see all main ridge of Kamnik Alps group, Julian Alps, Karavanke / Karawanken GROUP and also some mountains in Austria.

The highest points of Kamnik Alps group Grintovec, Kocna, Skuta and others are from here very nice seen.

Getting There

By plane
The nearest airport is close to Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.

By bus
Ljubljana - Kranj - Trzic. Or from north: Klagenfurt - Ljubelj (pass) - Trzic.
Ljubljana - Kranj - Jezersko.
Ljubljana - Kamnik - Kamniska Bistrica.

By car
To Kamnik and in Kamniska Bistrica valley. Further up by a few forrest roads.


Kamniske in Savinjske Alpe. Planinska zveza Slovenije, 1:50000
Grintovci. Planinska zveza Slovenije, 1:25000

Routes Overview

South approach

North approach

Kalski Greben has a lot of climbing routes. In its NW face you can find a lot of long and hard routes. Very popular is E face where are routes nicer and shorter.

Some of them:

Dolga zgodba (Long story), -VI/IV-V, 180m, first ascent Suzana and Viktor Relja, E face
Lovska pot, II/I, 900m W face

Some routes for alpinistic skiing:

Neskarjeva precka, -VI, upper part 40°, lower part 45°, W face
Zeleni rob, IV, W face
Nacelniska smer in NW ridge then over ravines and NW face

When To Climb

Kalski Greben is climbed in Summer and in Winter.

In Winter are very popular for skiing south slopes. But also in the W and NW faces you can find some hard alpinistic routes for skiing.

In Summer are popular all the marked routes from all sides. But the most the route from south which is the easiest.

Red Tape

No limitations.

Camping and huts

In valleys there are many tourist resorts.

You can find a lot of places for camping in valleys.

In nearness of Kalski Greben are huts Cojzova koca (hut), in Kamniska Bistrica is Dom v Kamniški Bistrici (hut) and on the Krvavec group is Dom na Gospincu (hut).

Some information about huts:

Dom v Kamniski Bistrici, 601m : The hut leads in nearness of Kamniska Bistrica spring. It is supplied by PD Ljubljana-Matica. It is open all year. There is always a lot of people because is very popular point. In the hut is 33 beds for sleeping.
Phone: 003861 832 55 44

Cojzova koca na Kokrskem sedlu, 1793m : The hut is supplied by PD Kamnik. It leads above Kalski Greben, Grintovec and Kocna on the pass called Kokrsko sedlo. It has 145 beds for sleeping and winter room with 12 beds. It is open from June to October.
Phone: 0038650 635 549

Planinski dom na Gospincu, 1491m : The hut leads in nearness of upper station of cable car on Krvavec on the down side of skiing area. It is supplied by PD Kranj. It has 53 beds and it is opened all the season.
Phone: 003864 201 29 22
0038650 633 035

Mountain Conditions

Here is the website of skiing area Krvavec where you can find some information.

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