Climbing, Hiking & Mountaineering : SummitPost (original) (raw)


Geographical structure: Eastern Alps > Julian Alps > Mangart and Jalovec group.

Pelc nad Klonicami is the powerful mountain in Mangart and Jalovec group and it is the neighbour of beautiful Jalovec (2645m) . Pelc nad Klonicami is located in the middle of the Mangart and Jalovec group and it is at the end of the long ridge that comes from Bavski Grintavec (2347m) from the south side over many important mountains and then steply falls down over the Pelc nad Klonicami on the notch Skrbina za Gradom (2277m). From this notch the ridge continues over Mali Ozebnik (2324m), Vrh Zelenic (2278m), Veliki Ozebnik (2480m) and finnally reaches the powerful Jalovec.

From the Pelc nad Klonicami goes to the south very fine ridge where are located many important and fine mountains. The first one from the top of Pelc nad Klonicami is Veliki Pelc (2388m), the ½younger brother½ of Pelc nad Klonicami, then Srednji Pelc (2336m) and the lowest and the easiest approachable Zadnji Pelc (2315m). Then the ridge goes over Nizki vrh (2126m), Spicica (2169m), Skutnik (2172m), Veliki Jelenk (2114m), Zagorelec (2090m) and Smihelovec (2117m) on the highest Bavski Grintavec (2347m) just before the slopes fall steply down in the beautiful Trenta valley.

For this area are characteristic the steep grassy slopes, steep grass faces, airy shelves, many wild animals, not very visited area, long approaches and beautiful view on landscape and other mountains.


The photos of Pelc nad Klonicami on other pages.

Pelc nad Klonicami is hard approachable mountain and you cannot reach it over marked routes. The normal approach goes over the north ridge from the notch Skrbina za Gradom. The first who reached the top of Pelc nad Klonicami was the famous Julius Kugy. He reached the summit of Pelc nad Klonicami over the north ridge.

The view from the top of Pelc nad Klonicami is one of the most amazing in Julian Alps. You observe the whole mountains in Mangart and Jalovec group, from Jalovec, Mangart, the whole ridge of Loska stena, the ridge of Site, Travnik and Mojstrovke, Bavski Grintavec and many more. These are only the mountains in Mangart and Jalovec group but you can see the mountains of Triglav group with the highest mountain in Slovenia Triglav, the mountains of Kanin group, Vis and Montaz group and many more...

Getting There

Mangart & Jalovec subgroup with the main summits and huts. For the interactive map check the site of Mangart and Jalovec group.

For the trip on Pelc nad Klonicami you have many possibilities for starting points. The most popular is that you drive to Zadnja Trenta that is the second valley of the huge Trenta valley. There you park by the hut Koca pri Izviru Soce (886m) where is the source of the beuaitful Soca river.

The second possibility is that you park in the Bavscica valley that is too the second valley of Trenta valley. You park by the hut Mladinski Center (701m).

The last possibility for starting point is from the north in the Koritnica valley. You park in the village Log pod Mangartom.

For the more information about getting there check the pages of Julian Alps and Mangart and Jalovec group.

Julijske Alpe - Zahodni del. Planinska zveza Slovenije. 1:50000
Tabacco: Alpi Giulie Occidentali Tarvisiano. No: 019. 1:25000
Trenta. Triglavski Narodni Park. Planinska karta. 1:25000


Trenta is by many most beautiful and most romantic valley of Julian Alps. It is certainly one of longest (around 22km), placed in the heart of Julian Alps, dividing them into western and eastern part. Its mouth or end is near the small town of Bovec where it enters Bovec basin. Through it runs the most beautiful Slovenian river, crystal clear Soca! It has amazing light blue – light green color and is very popular for rafting. Along the river there are few villages and hamlets. Largest and most beautiful are Soca and Trenta villages. Trenta is very deep valley. Some of the peaks rise 2000m above it. Trenta begins bellow beautiful Bavski Grintavec (2347m) peak. Its 5km long upper part, squeezed between Jalovec group and Trentski Pelc ridge is called Zadnja Trenta. This is wildest and most beautiful part of the valley. At the end of Zadnja Trenta, where valley begins to make 180 degree turn around Trentski pelc group is source of Soca river. It appears on the surface 100 meters above valley floor, coming out of deep hole filled with crystal clear blue water, surrounded by smooth and dark cliffs. A kilometer lower, at bridge over Soca and Limarica rivers, Vrsic pass road begins to ascend. Few hundred meters up the road is famous monument to Julius Kugy which as ever looking at Jalovec. This is one of most beautiful panoramas in Julian Alps!

Koritnica is northern tributary to Soca river, most significant in its upper part. End of Koritnica valley is near the small town of Bovec where it enters the Bovec basin and runs into Soca river. Koritnica valley is dark, deep and narrow. Two kilometers before the end of the valley, at Kluze fort, is famous Koritnica gorge, which is only few meters wide but over 50m deep, amazing place. In the upper part of 12km long the valley is nice village Log pod Mangartom (650m). As the name says it is placed bellow mighty Mangart (2678m). Opposite of Mangart is also impressive Jalovec (2645m). Both mountains rise 2000m above valley and make beautiful panorama! Just above the village is beautiful Loska Stena face, few kilometers wide and 1000m high.

Routes Overview

From Koritnica valley and over the north ridge. UIAA III/II.

From Bavscica valley and over the north ridge. UIAA III/II.

From Zadnja Trenta valley and over the north ridge. UIAA III/II.

The whole ridge of Pelci from Pelc nad Klonicami to Zadnji Pelc.

Red Tape

No limitations but Pelc nad Klonicami is located in the Triglavski Narodni park so you must be kind to the nature and other beauties.

When To Climb

The best time for climbing on Pelc nad Klonicami is when the days are long so in Summer time. But don`t go there in too hot days. It is fine that you have in the nearness the hut Zavetisce pod Spicko (2064m) so that can make you your trip easier.



Koca pri izviru Soce (866m) hut stands in Zadnja Trenta (upper trenta) valley, two kilometers from the junction on the Vrsic pass road. 10 minutes above the hut is source of Soca river. Since this is not very popular Jalovec trailhead it is more a restaurant than hut. It has 44 beds, electricity and is open from April to October.

Zavetisce pod Spicko (2064m) refuge stands on the scree slopes just bellow Spicek, isolated needle and high above Trenta valley. First refuge was placed here in 1935. Today it has 30 sleeping places and it is supplied in summer. In winter there is winter room available. From the hut is amazing view towards east and peaks on the other side of Trenta valley: Prisojnik, Razor, Triglav and Kanjavec.

Mladinski tabor (710m).


Camping inside the Triglav National Park is forbidden. Beside the mountain huts there are plenty of hotels and private apartments in the towns and villages, which surround the area. Here are few links where you can find info on accommodations closer and further away:

Kranjska Gora

Mountain Conditions

Mountain conditions in Julian Alps are well known, thanks to Kredarica (2515m) hut and meteo station, which is bellow the Triglav.

You can observe current conditions and forecast for Kredarica on the Wunderground meteo site. Here is direct link to Wunderground - Kredarica page.

Some weather informatin can also be found here.

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