Climbing, Hiking & Mountaineering : SummitPost (original) (raw)


Velika BabaVid - Baba from the SE

Babeflow - Baba from Ledinski vrh

Coming on Jezersko

You drive to Jezersko and then on the parking place on the meadow Ravenska kočna. How to come on Jezersko read on the main page.

To Kranjska koča na Ledinah

From Ravenska kočna you start hiking on the nice macadam road and you go through the forest and come on the start of the big plateau Na Prodih.

Then you have three possibilities how to come on the Kranjska koča na Ledinah (hut) which is located on the big plateau Vadine (Ledine). You can go through the small ravine Žrelo (the second hardest), over the small face below the hut, over the route called Slovenska (the hardest) or over the Lovska smer (Hunting route) (the easiest). All three are marked and secured.

See more on the page of Kranjska koča na Ledinah.

Route Description

Velika Baba from south-east,...Vid - Baba from Ledinski vrh

From Kranjska koča na Ledinah, 1700m, you first go by the marked path over the plateau Vadine towards the east. On the crossroads we go right (the left path is the ferrata, which goes on Velika Baba directly). Then our path soon starts ascending over the grassy slope of Ledinski vrh all the way to Jezersko sedlo, 2034m. The path is easy and panoramic, only one place is secured wit a short cable. In winter, it is also possible to ascend Jezersko sedlo by the valley right of this path, below the ex glacier under Skuta mountain. That detour is some 15 min longer. Till Jezersko sedlo (pass) we need good 45 minutes.

You can reach Jezersko sedlo (pass) also over Savinjsko sedlo (pass) from the Logarska dolina, so by Dom na Okrešlju (hut).

From Jezersko sedlo you continue by the valley between Ledinski vrh and Storžek (Vellacher Turm). So, you descend on the Austrian side some 150m, first comfortably by soft screes, then you cross the scree below the east and northeast face of Ledinski vrh. After that you ascend a bit and you come just above the notch Sedlo pod Babo (1989m), which is located between Velika Baba and Ledinski vrh.

Velika Baba slabs

This is the place, where from the left over steep slabs the ferrata comes up. Also we must ascend some 50 meters over them, here a steel cable helps us. Above, in a few turns we reach the place on the main ridge, where below a vertical rock barrier it looks that no passage is possible.

Velika Baba ascent

But a comfortable band takes us horizontally over the southern slope of Velika Baba, after which the path turns up again, so that we reach the summit from the west side.

Altogether from Kranjska koča na Ledinah 1h 30min, from Jezersko sedlo 45 min. The route is a medium hard hike up, with a short section of ferrata.

You can descend by the same route back on Ledine or over the NW ridge (see the description) to Mala Baba and over Jenkova planina (meadow) on Jezersko.

Description written by Bor and Vid.

Essential Gear

Good hiking shoes and rope for not good climbers.

Miscellaneous Info

If you have information about this route that doesn't pertain to any of the other sections, please add it here.
