Climbing, Hiking & Mountaineering : SummitPost (original) (raw)


[img:729107:alignright:small:Path][img:729114:alignright:small:Tolmun][img:729115:alignright:small:Some steps]
[img:666186:alignright:small:Crux. Enlarge for the line.]
The Repov Kot valley is in fact the Sedelšček valley, a stream born from the Planjava S face - then cascading towards the Kamniška Bistrica trailhead which it reaches just above the trailhead hut.

Below the Srebrno Sedlo pass, the upper right bank wall is Planjava SE, the next one (looking downwards) is Planjava S. The left bank (to the right, looking up) is decorated with the Zeleniške špice crest.

Other than being one of the routes on the Planjava S side, our path is an approach to the mentioned walls.

In winter, moderate Ice Climbing is favoured on the Rep waterfall, and the numerous Zeleniške špice NW gullies are also inviting.

In the summer, some enter Repov Kot "merely" to bathe in the water holes, the famous Tolmuni.

Getting There

The Repov Kot route starts at Klin (V Klinu, ca. 1050 m) which we reach along the Kamniško saddle south path.

Route Description

At Klin, we are still in the thick of the forest (just after the bench, the marked path for Kamniško sedlo (signposts) heads left, and then up a slope).

Our unmarked path continues horizontaly, to the right.
After the first left bend, we rediscover the Sedelšček ravine to our right. One path leads down into the gully, but we stick left (right bank), heading straight up in the forest. The path is well tread and we "just" need to follow the main track (various shortcuts are appearing). It then winds and eventually reaches a gully which we cross (again path variants).
As we continue on the left bank (above the gully we just crossed), we soon get full views of the Repov Kot valley (the upper Sedelšček course). The steep wall to our left is Planjava S. Some iron pegs help us along the way.
We now discover the Rep (tail) waterfall accross the way (this feature especially comes out in winter, as it regularly freezes), below the Zeleniške špice ridge of peaks.
Further, we enter and cross the Sedelšček gully, then traversing above the waterfall.
As we enter the last forest isle (serpentines), a few cuts in the pine bushes right-hand permit views of the famous Tolmuni, the serie of waterholes in the upper continuation of the waterfall.
We stick to the left paths, now arriving at a caracteristic hunter's promontory.
A path evidently leaves the promontory to the left, towards a cave. > We ignore this path and catch a lesser path to the right (the slope is now to our left).
From here on, the route becomes less trodden, involves a bit of scrambling (also secured details), but at least we need not worry about beeing on the proper path or not. The wall to our left is now Planjava SE and we continue below it along the path, soon discovering and following a grassy slope to its end (funnel).
We manage the rock barrier from the left (slab).
Above this hurdle we follow the right oriented ledge system (cairns). Next we turn left and head straight up to the col (uneasy rock/scree).
At the Srebrno sedlo (saddle) we discover the Planjava crossing route, and may now continue along it to the Planjava summit (left), or head down to the Korošica mountain hut (right).

Descending the Repov Kot route is hairy in the beginning (unrecommended on sight), as we must seek the cairn indicating the right-hand passage down the rock barrier.

Essential Gear

Helmet (helmets are trendy).
Grintovci 1:25000 map
