About the labWe are interested in the ecology and evolution of host-microbial interactions and understanding the role of microbiomes in human health.
The Suzuki lab combines field studies and laboratory experiments to study host-microbial coevolution, ranging from genes to organismal biology to macro-evolutionary patterns. We use tools from population genetics, genomics, and microbial ecology in mammalian systems including wild rodents and humans.
What's new?
New lab members! Welcome to the team!Spring 2024: Aishwarya Patel (PhD student)Fall 2024: Sterling Wright (postdoc), Emerson Fongenyam (MS student), and Gabriele Schiro (postdoc)
MVZ 40under40 award May 2024: Taichi was featured in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology’s “40 Under 40” list of alumni at the University of California Berkeley.
Kaitlyn's conference debut at ASM Jun. 2024: Kaitlyn Socie, a PhD student, gave her first poster presentation on host genetic effects on the microbiome at ASM 2024 in Atlanta, Georgia. Taichi also presented at the symposium “How to Train Your Microbiome.”
Join the team! Jan. 2023: Suzuki lab is actively recruiting graduate students and postdocs.
Keystone Symposia in Banff, Canada Dec. 2022: Taichi Suzuki gave a talk at a Keystone Symposia: The Human Microbiome: Ecology and Evolution.
New paper:Codiversification of gut microbiota with humans Sep. 2022: "Codiversification of gut microbiota with humans" published in Science.