Intermedia Art Archive: Net Art by Date (original) (raw)


14 Entries

Inlet Outlet by Achim Wollscheid 2006

This sound artwork by Achim Wollscheid seeks to examine how the internet, as a site for interaction, dissolves convention, with regard to the shape, boundary, structure and location of media.

Noplace, MW2MW

Marek Walczak and Martin Wattenberg present Noplace, enabling visitors to construct their own vision of Utopia by drawing image and audio data from the internet and compiling it into a movie

Detail from Heath Bunting's map of A Terrorist

Heath Bunting maps the relationships evident between recent legislation, commerce and systems of control as part of his ongoing Status Project.

Qubo Gas, Watercouleur Park 2007

Net Art commission by Qubo Gas exploring a virtual archive of collage work. An interactive graphic composition made of random drawn landscapes.

The Art of Sleep, Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries

Net Art commission by Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries. Employing their usual mix of animated black and white typography, jazzy music and humor, the work explores the international contemporary art market from the artists' perspective.

The Dumpster

Golan Levin with Kamal Nigam and Jonathan Feinberg, plot the romantic lives of teenagers, through a dynamic visualisation that draws its data from live Blog entries - an example of social portraiture, documentary and database art.

Marc Lafia and Fang-Yu Lin present a continual, interactive re-composition of scenes from the seminal 1965 film The Battle of Algiers, by Italian director Gillo Pontecorvo.

Screening Circle, Andy Deck

Andy Deck adapts the cultural tradition of the quilting circle and the participative round table into an online format for producing motion graphics. Participate in its ongoing creation by contributing your own design.

Blessed Bandwidth

Net Art Commission by Shilpa Gupta reflecting on the world as divided by faith. The site juxtaposes real and virtual worlds to encourage visitors to consider how these worlds might overlap and merge

Screen grab from agoraXchange

Net Art commission by Natalie Bookchin & Jacqueline Stevens. An online community focused on designing a multi-player game. 'Make the game, change the world'

Net Art commission by Susan Collins, touching on matters to do with access, social inclusion, interpretation and the search for intellectual and moral authenticity.

Photograph from BorderXing

This work by Heath Bunting comments on the way in which movement between borders is restricted by governments and associated bureaucracies. View documentation of his 12 month journey across Europe.

Le Match des couleurs by Simon Patterson

Net Art commission by Simon Patterson exploring colour theory, its organisation and meaning - as part of his ongoing Color Match series.

Hogarth, My Mum 1700-2000

Net Art commission by Graham Harwood, pointing towards (A)rt’s role as medicine and the use of aesthetics to negotiate social positioning, race, national identity and economic forces.

14 Entries