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What are learning styles?

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Everyone has his/her own learning style. Understanding your own learning style can help you learn more effectually. Certain types of learning styles are recognized as best, which include the visual learning style, auditory style, verbal style and physical learning style. In addition, logical, solitary and social styles of learning can also be beneficial in improving the quality of learning. Though learning styles differ greatly among students in the classroom, it is the responsibility of the teacher to make some effective changes in the classroom that are advantageous to every learning style.

Basics of learning styles: Knowing and understanding the basics of learning styles can be useful in identifying your preferred learning style.

Visual learning style: If you can learn best, when the information is presented in written form or in some other visual formats like diagrams, pictures and illustrations, then your preferred learning style can be the visual learning style. You can improve your learning skills, taking detailed notes from your textbooks and by creating pictures in your mind.

Auditory style: If you can learn effectively, when the information is presented in auditory format, your learning style may be auditory. This learning style can be perked up by saving information in audio tapes and listening to them. You can also read the lessons aloud or discuss about the information with your classmates to gain better understanding.

Verbal learning style: Verbal learning style is the combination of auditory and visual learning styles. Using this style to learn can help you to express yourself in both writing and speaking. You can try to find out some writing and speaking techniques. For instance, you can use audio tapes of your lessons for repetition. You can also make use of some word based techniques like scripting or assertions. It is worth to read the key points in the lessons aloud. You can connect the words and form a memorable sequence, so that you can remember the lessons for a longer period. While reading aloud, you can change your voice modulations to keep the content interesting.

Physical learning style: In this style, you use your body and touching sense to learn more information. If you want to physically manipulate something to learn about it, you are probably a physical learner. You can learn better, if you move your hands or play with the physical parts. If you prefer this learning style, use hands-on work and movement in your learning process. You can use physical objects to learn effectively. Flash cards are beneficial to enhance your study skills, as you can touch and move them around. Writing and drawing pictures also involve physical activities, so you can use those techniques as well to learn.

Logical style of learning: If you can recognize patterns and use your brain for logical reasoning, then your preferred learning style can be logical. It is easy for you to solve complex mathematical problems. You can improve your style of learning, by attempting to understand the reasons behind the contents.

Solitary learning style: This style of learning is also known as interpersonal learning style. If you can focus your attention on studying current topics and are aware of your own thinking, then you are a solitary learner. Though you prefer learning alone, it is advisable to clarify your doubts with an instructor. It is also valuable to create a personal interest on your lessons.

Social style: If you prefer learning in groups, then you belong to the category of social learners. You can improve your learning skills by using some techniques. You can share your views and scripts with others in your group and listen to their comments, which can help you solve your issues.