Literary Analysis Lesson Plans (original) (raw)

Literary Analysis Lesson Plans

  1. Character Traits - To examine the attitudes, motives, and basic character of at least one of the major literary figures in the play (Julius Caesar).
  2. Elements of Plot - Students will be able to identify the elements of plot in a short story.
  3. Learning Literary Genres - Students will be able to identify the aspects of each genre.
  4. Literary Theory and Social Issues - This lesson looks at criticism and its many forms.
  5. Lyrical Poetry - Students will incorporate the literary devices learned through the study of other poetry selections.
  6. Musical Elements of Fiction - The learner will study the characteristics of literary genres through exploring what impact literary elements have on meaning of the text.
  7. Poetry- similes and metaphors- Create a simile by filling in the blank.
  8. Recognizing Symbolism and Allegory - The following lesson is designed to assist students in identifying and understanding the use of symbolism in literature.
  9. Setting and Storyboards - The purpose of this lesson is to teach the students how to identify setting, as a literary element.
  10. Short Story Lesson : High Interest - Frame the reading process and support students' understanding of the things good readers do before, during, and after reading.
  11. Short Story Unit Plan- Understand the importance and impact of the elements of plot in the context of an orally narrated story and how each story we tell has the basic elements of plot.
  12. Similes vs Metaphors - This lesson plan will explain the difference between metaphors and similes. It will also introduce the literary term of "onomatopoeia".
  13. Sonnets from Hester- Analysis of characters.
  14. Story Stew- To begin, the teacher dons an apron and produces the cook pot and spoon and tells the students they are going to make story stew. Explain that a good story is like stew -- it has lots of ingredients.
  15. Summarizing Using Power Point - Expressing Literary Ideas with Technology.
  16. Symbolism and Aphorisms use this lesson in conjunction with To Kill a Mockingbird-Symbolism and words to live by; imaginative creation and application of knowledge of literary symbol.
  17. Story Wheels- Story Wheel is a reading activity designed to help students practice sequencing skills, summarizing a novel, visualizing story elements, and recognizing story structure.
  18. The 5 Literary Elements - To learn about the five elements of literature: character, setting, plot, theme and point of view.
  19. The Little Painter of Sabana Grand - Students will be able to understand and identify literary elements of realistic fiction.
  20. Using Children's Literature to Teach Writing: Perfect Pancakes- "Students will write a how-to essay using Perfect Pancakes by William Wise."
  21. Using Inferences - Use prior knowledge to connect to the text.
  22. Using Superman to teach the epic hero in The Odyssey- After reading the Odyssey and discussing the characteristics of an epic and an epic hero, I have the students watch Superman, the movie.
  23. What a Character!- Students will be able to analyze a character in a novel by identifying a least 3 character traits and providing proof of those traits in writing.
  24. World Literature - Through this unit the student will gain an appreciation for poetry from diverse poets.
  25. Writing Children s Literature- Students brainstorm common themes and characteristics of their favorite children's stories. Teacher lists these and the titles of books on the board.