Report Card Comments (original) (raw)

Report Card Comments

Tis the report card season! Teachers must prepare themselves to distribute the one thing that causes students stress and parents anxiousness: GRADES! The knot in your stomach that seems to be getting tighter and tighter, as you wipe the sweat from your forehead, waiting on the moment of truth. We have all been there, and as dramatic as it sounds, we have felt that way every time report cards came around.

The amount of time that goes into recording and evaluating students is definitely excessive. I remember advice given to me by my cooperating teacher some twenty years ago. “If you are truly successful as a teacher; only two will cause you stress on a daily basis. 1) The commute in. 2) Grading and reporting grades.

Usually grading week is one of the most stressful times of the year. After all, you must calculate grades accurately in addition to leaving personal comments. The numbers usually fly by, but the comments can take you forever. What kind of comments, and how should you word these comments? This is an extremely important thing to consider. These comments will be the precursor to any further contact you have with parents/guardians. The comments should help students and parents understand how they can improve upon their past work. It's important that personal comments are not belittling the student, but instead addressing any concerns along with encouragement.

We have a wide range of comments available for Kindergarten through High School students. There are general comments that apply to very objective criteria; such as, "Student completes all assigned work in a timely manner." We then have behavioral comments that speak to effort, motivation, and consistency. As you will see below, member have access to hundreds of other comments.

General Comments By Grade Level Behavioral Comments By Grade Level
Kindergarten Kindergarten
Early Elementary (Grade 1 and 2) Early Elementary (Grade 1 and 2)
Elementary (Grade 3, 4 , and 5) Elementary (Grade 3, 4 , and 5)
Middle School Middle School
High School High School

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  10. How to Effectively Use Report Cards- One of the most traumatic times in the lives of children and adults is the dreaded Report Card event! We never seem to outgrow the tension that precedes the distribution of these reflections of our academic performance. Documentation, professionalism and a personal touch are among the few things to consider.