Laboratory Report Rubric Maker (original) (raw)

Laboratory Report Rubric Maker

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How to Grade a Lab Report

Lab reports might seem easy to write, but their technical aspects can be confusing, especially when grading. Hence, preparing rubrics for grading lab reports can make grading efficient while keeping track of each element that must be evident in a lab report. Keep reading below to learn what is a lab report and how you can grade it.

What Is a Lab Report?

A lab report is a technical summary of students' experiments in a lab. Lab reports are focused on successfully experimenting while producing an outcome that students can further analyze to deduce a conclusion.

Method of the experiment, the data accumulated, related calculations, and discussion of the results are all parts of a lab report.

Rubrics for Grading Lab Reports

To create a rubric for grading lab reports, you must list all the necessary aspects of a lab report and make it a criterion. Here are the requirements for including in your lab report rubric.

Observation and Hypothesis

A lab report is based on scientific experiments. Students need to follow the scientific method of solving a problem which starts with an observation. They must include their research on the topic and the hypothesis they've selected for their experiment. Every piece of information must be extracted from a reliable source and cited for credibility.

Materials and Control Groups

An experiment cannot be carried out without proper materials. Hence, a list of materials must be part of a lab report so the reader can easily replicate the experiment if needed. Similarly, students also need to describe ideal control groups in detail to ensure the experiment isn't biased or tethered.

Method of Experiment

Students must write a step-by-step plan of how the experiment was conducted to ensure every step is followed. Skipping a step can produce false data, and dealing with chemicals can be hazardous. Missing a step in the lab report can help teachers identify such discrepancies, which students can take care of in the future.

Data and Result

Students must note the data extracted from the experiment in a proper tabular or graphical form to organize the lab report. The result depends upon the accurate calculation of the data by using a related formula. Results form a base for the conclusion and are quantitative evidence of successful experimentation, whether the hypothesis proved true or false.

Conclusion and Discussion

The conclusion is the qualitative evaluation of the experiment and tells the result in descriptive form. Students must also discuss the causes of these results under the topic of discussion, including the limitation, but you can omit that if you're dealing with lower-grade students.

Overall Report Quality

A lab report must follow a sequence for stating the information and be a structured piece of writing. If any of the elements are not in proper order or missing, the cohesion breaks, and you can deduct scores for it.

Final Thoughts

Using rubrics for grading lab reports makes grading efficient. It also ensures that students are graded fairly regardless of their chosen topic, which teachers can be biased about sometimes.

Having a rubric prepared forehand can make grading even fun and allow you to identify where your students might need your guidance. You can then plan your lessons accordingly. Happy teaching!