Spring Season Teacher Worksheets (original) (raw)

Spring Season Worksheets

Did you know that tulips are one of the first flowers of Spring? Netted Iris are also early bloomers with a hint of fragrance that smells just wonderful. Let's face it, everything comes alive at the start of the Spring season. Animals come out and start frolicking, birds start singing, beautiful flowers bloom, and everything seems brand new once again.

Time to cut the lawn again? Hiding from the rain? Feverishly looking for your gardening gloves? It's Spring again! We have a number of worksheets you will want to see. We get many compliments on this series.

Worksheets and Puzzles

  1. Spring Acrostic Poem
  2. Bank On It! Worksheet
  3. Crossword Puzzle
  4. Do The Research- Spring
  5. Group Creative Writing
  6. If I Were A....?
  7. KWL
  8. Spring Maze
  9. Reading Comprehension Worksheet
  10. Bingo Card 1
  11. Bingo Card 2
  12. Bingo Card 3
  13. Spiral Puzzle
  14. Spiral Puzzle Answers
  15. Vocabulary List & Definitions
  16. Vocabulary Quiz
  17. Word Chop
  18. Word Scramble Worksheet
  19. Word Search Worksheet

Spring Adjective Worksheets

  1. Bees
  2. Daylight Savings
  3. Sunshine
  4. Flowers
  5. Grass
  6. Rain Showers
  7. Spring Time Songs
  1. Balloon
  2. Botany Lesson Plans
  3. Bunny Driver
  4. Dream House
  5. Flower Power Math
  6. Insect, Insects Worksheets
  7. Plant Worksheets
  8. Plants, Plant Life Teaching Theme
  9. Plants, Plant Life Worksheets
  10. Pitch
  11. Seasons
  12. Spring Season Lesson Plans
  13. Spring Season Teaching Theme
  14. Swimming
  15. Weather Worksheets

Classroom Activities for the Spring Season

Spring is here, and the flowers are blooming! The Spring season represents new beginnings for most people. The warm weather and increased daylight hours make spring the best season. After cold and freezing months, the natural world revives and reinvigorates.

Spring is the perfect season to teach students about plants, animals, and gardening. In this blog post, we have put together some ideas to incorporate into your lesson to celebrate the beauty and freshness of the spring season with your students. Keep reading to find out!

Here are some fun spring activities for your classroom!

1. Coloring a Spring Scene

This coloring activity is the perfect way to combine math and art! Print and distribute a spring scene to your students.

Next, define tasks and assign numbers to each task. Here are some examples:

- Draw 4 birds in the sky.
- Draw 6 clouds in the sky.
- Draw 2 ducks in the pond.
- Draw 7 flowers in the grass.
- Draw 9 apples on the tree.

Once you have defined the drawing tasks, ask your student to follow the instructions and draw the number of items stated. So, for example, they drew nine apples, tell them to write the number 9 in the number box. Then tell them to draw three more apples. Once they are done, ask them to add a '+' sign in the box and three more apples, writing the total number of apples at the end the equation.

You can take this a level higher by teaching subtraction and multiplication the same way!

2. A Cherry Blossom Tree With Buttons

This cute cherry blossom tree with buttons is like a breath of fresh air as it incorporates soothing pinks and warm browns to make the perfect tree. This spring classroom activity is super-fun and easy to set up.

For this activity, you will need:

- Construction paper or card paper
- Acrylic paints (brown and pink)
- A collection of small pink buttons
- Glue
- Soft paint brushes


1. Start by painting the tree truck using brown acrylic paint and a soft paintbrush. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Allow the kids to draw with their free hand. You could also hand out some printable tree trunk templates to allow the students to trace the outline using a pencil and paint it later!

2. Now it is time to add a touch of pink to the cherry blossom tree. Take a clean paintbrush and gently dab it on the end of the branches using pink paint. Let the paint dry out!

3. Next, it is time to add the blossoms (buttons) to the tree. Select the area where you want the blossoms to be and paste them using glue. The perfect button blossom tree is ready!

3. Spring Butterfly

Kids often associate the spring season with butterflies flying around, and they aren't wrong to do so! Now you can follow these steps and make cute and colorful spring butterflies. These butterflies will make a wonderful addition to the classroom! You can easily pin them on the bulletin board or paste them on the walls.

Here is what you will need to set up this activity:

- Paper cupcake liners
- Wooden cloth pegs
- Paint brushes
- Acrylic paint
- Googly eyes
- Glue


1. Start by flattening a cupcake paper liner and painting it in different colors. This activity will make the first wing of the butterfly. Do the same to make the other wing and allow both the wings to dry.

2. While the paint is drying, paint the wooden cloth and paste the googly eyes on top of it.

3. Once the cloth peg is dry, it is time to paste the wings –one on each side of the cloth peg using glue and allow them to dry before picking them up to paste on the wall.

4. The cutest spring butterflies are ready! Your class will love them!

4. Bird Feeder With Popsicle Sticks

You will see so many beautiful birds flying around in spring. It is the perfect time to make a bird feeder to feed the birds. This activity will also teach the students to take care of birds! They will also feel a sense of achievement and enjoy the fruits of their labor when they see all the birds at school eating from the bird feeders they worked hard to make!

Here is what you will need:

- Popsicle sticks
- Acrylic paint
- Glue
- Paint brushes


1. Start by painting the Popsicle sticks using different colors of acrylic paints and give them sufficient time to dry.

2. In the next step, lay 12 Popsicle sticks side by side.

3. Paste the Popsicle sticks across the middle, top, and bottom of the rows using craft glue and allow it to dry.

4. Repeat step 3 and continue building the walls of the bird feeder until it is shaped like a box. You can stop adding Popsicle sticks once you are satisfied with the bird feeder's height.

5. Add some birdseed to the bird feeder and place it in the playground where the students can watch the birds eat from it.

5. Spring Flowers With Petals of Gratitude

Spring is the perfect season to teach students the importance of being grateful for everything they have and expressing gratitude in meaningful ways! Here is how you can make flowers of gratitude with your students:

Here is what you will need:

- Craft glue
- Multi-colored construction paper
- Green paint
- Markers


1. Draw the stem and leaves of the flower using markers and paint them using green acrylic paint. Allow the paint to dry before starting the next step.

2. Print and cut out printable petals in different colors and distribute them to the students.

3. Ask your class to write a few lines on the petals to define things they are grateful for. For example:

- The fresh air
- My family
- My kind friends

4. Paste the petals on the stem in a sequence to make a flower. Add these flowers to the bulletin board or the 'Wall of Gratitude.'

Wrapping Up

The list of classroom ideas for spring is endless. We have listed some of the best classroom activities to enjoy with your students during spring!