United States Presidents Worksheets (original) (raw)

Printable United States Presidents Worksheets

Article II of the United States Constitution grants the American President control over the executive branch of government. The position was created in 1789 and first tenured to George Washington. We feature a wide range of worksheets that looks at the position of President from all angles. Make sure to see our complete American President Lesson Series.

  1. Acrostic Poem
  2. Book Marks
  3. Bulletin Board Border Set
  4. Cryptogram
  5. Group Creative Writing
  6. If You Ran for the Presidency and Won! - Pretend that you were running for the presidency. Prepare a campaign speech and highlight the important things that you would wish to accomplish if elected.
  7. If You Were There During Lincoln's Presidency - Pretend that you lived in Lincoln's lifetime. Compose a letter to President Lincoln to help him through the difficult times in his life. Some things you can write about include his economic hardship and life as a child, his struggle with slavery, or his concerns about the Civil War.
  8. Maze
  9. Mount Rushmore Presidents - Name the Presidents who are represented on Mount Rushmore. In the space provided, tell why you think these presidents were chosen.
  10. Presidents Who Are Noteworthy - Tell what each of the following presidents is noted for.
  11. Reading Comprehension
  12. VENN Diagram: Comparing President Washington and President Lincoln
  13. VENN Diagram: Comparing Presidents
  14. Vocabulary List and Definitions
  15. Vocabulary Quiz
  16. United States President Biographical Data Form - Pick a President and write a short biography about his life using the following guidelines.
  17. United States Presidents Facts - Fill in the information requested.
  18. Word Search
  19. Writing Paper
  20. Writing Paper 2

President Bulletin Board Characters

  1. Abe and George
  2. Money
  3. Mount Rushmore
  4. Wave
  5. White House
  6. White House 2
  1. American Presidents Lesson Plans
  2. Colonial America Teaching Theme
  3. Elections and Voting Lesson Plans
  4. Elections & Voting Teaching Theme
  5. Government Lesson Plans
  6. President's Day Themes in Your Classroom
  7. Proud To Be An American Teaching Theme
  8. States Of America Lesson Plans
  9. States of America Teaching Theme
  10. Teaching about U.S. Presidents
  11. Teaching The U.S. Constitution
  12. U.S. Constitution Teaching Theme
  13. U.S. Presidents Teaching Theme
  14. United States History Lesson Plans
  1. America the Beautiful
  2. My Country 'Tis of Thee
  3. The Star Spangled Banner
  4. This Land is Your Land

Becoming the President of the United States

The United States is one of the world's leading countries, and to become the leader of such a prosperous country is a matter of immense responsibility and honor. This appointment does not occur overnight and requires hard work, dedication, honesty, and winning the American people's trust. Once you are made President, nobody will forget your name, and you are immortalized as a part of history.

Being the President gives you the chance to serve the American people on a larger scale than just smaller communities, bring about policy changes that will help future generations to come, and strengthen the global position of your country.

The journey of becoming the President can be broken down into smaller steps. These steps may take years to come to fruition. One has to climb the political ladder to prove their mettle.

1. Eligibility

There are three crucial eligibility requirements to fulfill before one can qualify to be considered a candidate. These are:

- The American President has to be American. This is documented on the birth certificate, which states other crucial pieces of information. This ensures that the American President shall not be a vessel for foreign influence and would always put the nation's betterment first and foremost.

- The candidate should be at least 35 years old. This requirement was penned in the US Constitution by the founding fathers. Though a president can be as young as 35 years, the average age of US Presidents is 55 years.

- The candidate should have resided in the US for a period of 14 consecutive years.

2. Qualifications and Early Political Career

One has to mold themselves to become a suitable candidate for the role. Specific academic disciplines have to be chosen for any profession to hone the mind for jobs in that sector. Similarly, candidates seeking the presidency need to embark on their political careers from an early age and choose an education that would help them better serve the country.

- The President has to be well-educated. No disciplines have been specified; however, some seem popular with the candidates and presidents. Degrees in Law, Business, History, Sociology, and International Relations lay down a strong foundation for the mind that would eventually not just run the country but also build diplomatic ties.

- America is primarily a two-party system. They are the Republicans and the Democrats. Because every candidate runs on a specific platform of policies, it is best to know which party's politics align with yours. This alignment will dictate the President's future endorsements and decisions.

- No civilian wakes up one day and gets elected the President. One has to climb the political hierarchy. This prepares the candidate for what's to come and is an excellent opportunity to earn the trust of his people. By being a mayor or a governor, or a senator, the candidate has years to communicate and establish their work ethic, what policies they stand by, and how much of a morally upstanding citizen they are.

3. Gearing up as a Presidential Candidate

Now that we have discussed a perfect arc that could lead up to a Presidency, we should also break down the process on a personal level.

- One should be clear as to why they want to serve as the country's President. Nobody does this job for mere clout. At this stage of introspection, it is also essential to reflect on what will one do if they don't become the President.

- It's a high-pressure job that will forever alter their lives and the lives of their family members. The campaign and the years after victory are impossible without family and friends' constant and untiring support. One has to inspect their character objectively and their past to know what skeletons in the closet stop them from becoming the President and what could be unearthed that cannot be justified.

- The political party would want the best candidate to run in the elections and it is crucial to get their endorsement. They would also assist in raising money and getting donations that would fund the campaign.

- Appointing a campaign manager is a big task because they will overlook all the logistics of the incredibly mobile campaign that is prone to all kinds of crises. This individual would also ensure that the candidate has an office, staff and interns for jobs like maintaining schedules, taking phone calls, printing pamphlets, and contributing to the candidate's campaign and eventual victory.

- An exploratory committee is an objective assessment of whether the candidate is appealing to the voters or not. The campaign manager gets political experts to analyze what is working for the candidate and how to course-correct if need be.

- After spending $5000 of the campaign money, the candidate should file a Statement of Candidacy with the Federal Election Commission within 15 days. A quarterly report of campaign expenses is also submitted regularly to maintain transparency.

4. Winning Over the Voters

From the moment the candidacy has been declared to the citizens, the aim is to gather and increase the pool of support and constantly demonstrate how your appointment would benefit the community and the country.

- After declaring candidacy, winning the hearts of an average American requires the candidate to go to public events, visit factories, and go to church and local businesses. It is for the candidate to connect with their voters, charm them and earn their trust.

- Presidential candidates can't just be charming to the masses. They have to win presidential debates and caucuses against their opponents to prove they are sharper, wittier, and politically superior to serve the country. This will lead to a convention hosted by your party where everyone pledges their support to you.

- The last stop before the White House is the actual election. The entire country votes for either the Democratic candidate or the Republican. This is called the general election and is different than the presidential election. The latter is based on the electoral college votes. Two hundred seventy votes ensure victory!5. Inauguration

After all the votes have been counted, and victory has been declared for one candidate, there are a few months of preparation time before they can call the White House their home for the next four years. At the inauguration ceremony, the previous President symbolically transfers power to the newly elected President of the United States to officially commence the term.

Whom Do Historians Feel Were the Best U.S. Presidents of All Time?

Arguably, United States presidential history is complex. These Presidents have made good and bad decisions. Experts have closely studied the American Presidents and their time in governance to decide which of them were the best presidents of the US.

According to historians, here is a list of the 15 best US Presidents.

15. John Adams

After John Adams was elected president, he got involved in the war between Britain and France. Upon attempting to negotiate a treaty with France, when John Adams refused a bribe from the French Foreign Minister, this helped him gain popularity. He is fondly remembered for his moral authority and approach to international affairs; he was successful in resolving the France and Britain conflict.

14. William Mckinley

William Mckinley contributed greatly to helping the US navigate the Spanish-American war to achieve Cuban Independence. President William Mckinley assisted the US to be more active in international affairs when the US acquired Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam under his governance. He also initiated positive steps towards building a domestic industry in the US by enacting the Dingley Tariff Act. In the ranking report by historians and experts, Mckinley achieved the highest ratings for congressional relations.

13. Woodrow Wilson

Wilson was the 28th President of the US who actively led the progressive movement. During his term, Woodrow Wilson enforced numerous reforms, which included the new tax legislation, unjust business practice, and the prohibition of child labor, along with some other reforms. Woodrow Wilson had incredible agenda-setting abilities, even if the senate did not pass some of the proposals he gave. According to the historians, in the category of public persuasion, he is miles ahead of his other presidential counterparts.

12. James Monroe

The 5th President of the US belonged to the Democratic Republican Party. . During his term, Monroe faced plenty of serious public issues, such as slavery, which was still accepted by the southern states. But despite the issues he was facing domestically, he managed to prevent any further colonization by the West. This is the reason why historians hold him in high regard and rank him the highest for his international relations skills..

11. Lyndon B. Johnson

President Lyndon B. Johnson carried forward the legislation that JFK had planned. This included an updated civil rights bill and tax cuts. But his most prominent contribution to America was the great society program. This program covered educational aid, equal voting rights, and improvement in medicine, among a few other things. This program sought equal justice, so historians ranked him highly in congressional relations and pursuit of equal justice.

10. Barack Obama

As the first-ever African American man to serve America as president, he emphasized bringing positive change, including improving American race relations. He did help the economy of the US get better, especially after the 2008 recession. During his term, the US also had positive relationships with other countries. He passed numerous positive acts, including The Affordable Care Act. For his efforts, historians have acknowledged his his pursuit of equal justice, racial tolerance and moral authority.

9. Ronald Reagan

As President, some of Ronald Reagan's most notable works are initiating economic growth, reducing government spending, and creating jobs for the public. He also carried out fundamental tax reforms, which the public perceived largely to benefit the rich. Essentially, Reagan helped the US economy greatly flourish.

8. John F. Kennedy

During his term, President Kennedy tried to overthrow the Cuban government through the CIA, but his attempts were not fruitful. He also took military measures to prevent the Cuban Missile Crisis. He also initiated his New Frontier plan to push positive labor and education amendments along with a few other reforms, but this was not acknowledged fully. He strived for labor, civil rights, and education.

7. Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson decreased national debt, sent naval troops to combat pirates who interfered with American commerce in the Mediterranean, and gained control of Louisiana Territory in 1803 from Napoleon. He was also the main person who worked on and wrote the Declaration of Independence.

6. Harry S. Truman

As the 33rd President of the US,he created programs to expand social security and introduced fair employment. He also initiated congressional aid for Turkey and Greece when the Soviet Union threatened to overtake Turkey and Greece. He takes the lead when it comes to efforts in crisis leadership and the pursuit of justice.

5. Dwight D. Eisenhower

As a commanding general in the US, Dwight's expertise in the area of foreign relations was reflected in his time as the 34th President of the US. He focused on decreasing the impact of the Cold War as he negotiated with the Soviet Union and encouraged peace at the South Korean border. Because of his great skills in crisis leadership, historians ranked him at 5.

4.Theodore Roosevelt

President Theodore Roosevelt urged the US to become more active in global affairs during his governance. His efforts to settle the Russo-Japanese War were acknowledged well, as he won the Nobel Peace Prize. He also had an interesting foreign policy approach, where he negotiated peacefully but was open to military force if needed.

3. Franklin D. Roosevelt

During his governance course, President Roosevelt is famous for instituting the New Deal to battle the effects of the depression and helping the country through WW2. He also created the New Deal Coalition, which assisted in reorienting American politics toward democratic tenets and forming American Liberalism. Franklin has great skills of political persuasion, because of which he is considered as the third-best US President.

2. George Washington

As the first president of the US, Washington helped lay down the foundation of the nation. He helped establish the governing cabinet system and had incredible communication with department leaders. George Washington also dealt with problems. His involvement in the French Revolution caused the American army to falter. However, his moral authority and economic management places him at second.

1. Abraham Lincoln

Undoubtedly, Lincoln has been ranked as the best president of the US ever since 2000. He was most known for his contributions in successfully leading his country through the civil war and also carved out the way for abolishing slavery when he issued the Emancipation Proclamation. He gained a great ranking in all categories, but his skills in crisis leadership put him at number 1.

These US presidents have shaped the trajectory of American history. They are role models when it comes to leadership, crisis management, international relations and morality. Their efforts have helped America stand out in the world as a developed first world country.