Techdirt Podcast Episode 6: Should Kids Be Forced To Learn Coding? Or Economics? Or Stats? (original) (raw)

from the education-in-the-information-age dept

There’s been plenty of discussion online about whether or not kids should be taught “coding” as a core curriculum topic like math and reading. And there’s a compelling argument in this technological age that, at least, basic coding concepts are something everyone should know, just to be literate when it comes to many of the key work and life challenges we’ll be facing over the next few decades. But perhaps an equally compelling argument could be made for teaching economics. Or statistics. Or maybe even journalism. Or is it just that everyone wants kids to learn the things that they themselves do on a daily basis, because no one else seems to understand them? Maybe we should just teach problem solving. Or common sense. But how do you teach either of those things? And if we’re adding new subjects, which ones do we take away? Figuring out the education curriculum for the modern age isn’t quite as easy as we originally thought. Hersh, Dennis and I discuss these questions and more in this week’s episode.

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Filed Under: coding, economics, education, podcast, statistics