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Louisville Courier-Journal Wins 'Derby Pie' Trademark Dispute

from the by-a-furlong dept

Last month, we discussed a crazy lawsuit brought by Alan Rupp, owner of Kern’s Kitchen and the trademark for the fairly famous “Derby Pie.” Rupp has a reputation for policing his trademark aggressively, having gone after a myriad of online publications and blogs for publishing their own recipes, leading to the EFF at one point posting its own recipe for a “censorship pie.”

But threatening blogs is one thing. Going after an established newspaper like the Louisville Courier-Journal is something quite different. Especially when that paper’s only actions were, (1) publishing its own recipe for a “derby pie” that differed from that of Kern’s Kitchen and, (2) reporting on the existence of other storefronts that sold derby-pie-flavored things. The paper had very clear First Amendment protections for its writings, not to mention that it wasn’t using the mark in any kind of commerce. The courts have now agreed, with the latest appeal being tossed.

The Louisville Courier-Journal’s use of the words “derby pie” in a recipe and article featuring variations of the dessert did not infringe on a bakery owner’s trademark rights, the Sixth Circuit ruled. An unpublished decision released Monday by the Cincinnati-based appeals court found the 2017 articles used the term in a non-trademark fashion and therefore did not violate the Derby Pie trademark owned by Alan Rupp.

As far as the court’s reasoning, it never even got to the First Amendment questions before tossing this thing in the trash. Instead, the unanimous ruling simply pointed out that the LCJ wasn’t using the mark in a commercial fashion and therefore wasn’t infringing on Rupp’s mark. Going further, the courts pointed out that the manner in which the paper used the term resulted in no reasonable chance that anyone would be confused as to any source of goods or associations to Rupp or his bakery. In the below, Siler is the judge who wrote the opinion.

The first article included a recipe for derby pie, but Siler emphasized the article “does not denote the recipe for the Derby-Pie but a recipe for a ‘Derby pie’ … and simply informs the reader of the type of pie – a chocolate-walnut pie – that the reader can make from the recipe provided.” Siler also pointed out the article identified the Captain’s Quarters restaurant as the source of the recipe on at least two occasions, and the recipe in question was substantially different from the Rupp family recipe in that it included bourbon and excluded vanilla.

“No reader,” the judge wrote, “could possibly think that a so-called ‘Derby pie’ containing bourbon and no vanilla came from the company or companies associated with Derby-Pie.”

The opinion goes on to note that the article about how other companies were selling similar items, but not pies, could “not possibly” come to think that any of those companies were related to Rupp or Kern’s Kitchen.

Again, the court never even got to the First Amendment protections the LCJ has in all of this, which would have been yet another reason to toss this case in the trash. In the end, Rupp’s lawsuit was always a longshot that very few would have bet on. Now that it’s dead, hopefully it will find its way to the glue factory for good.

Filed Under: alan rupp, derby pie, recipes, trademark
Companies: kern's kitchen, louisville courier-journal

Owner of 'Derby Pie' Trademark Sues Newspaper For Using The Term, Publishing Recipe

from the and-they're-off! dept

Long-time Techdirt readers may recall that the “Derby Pie”, a notable dessert sold in Kentucky chiefly around the time of The Kentucky Derby, has been the previous subject of trademark issues. Way back in 2013, the EFF posted a special recipe for its “mean-spirited censorship pie” after Kern’s Kitchen, headed by Alan Rupp, went on a threat blitz against a bunch of blogs for posting their own recipes for “derby pie”. Rupp has a trademark on the term, see, and seems to think that trademark means that he is in universal control of anyone using it for their own recipes, regardless of whether those recipe posts cause any customer confusion, are used in actual commerce, or generally violate the other aspects of trademark protection statutes. He’s wrong about that, of course, but his threats are often met with shivering compliance.

But Rupp took this to a whole new level when he filed a trademark suit in 2018 against the Louisville Courier-Journal, a newspaper, for both posting its own Derby Pie recipe and for mentioning that other bakeries had derby pie products. The court promptly dismissed the lawsuit.

U.S. District Judge Rebecca Jennings, an appointee of President Donald Trump, dismissed Rupp’s complaint in March and ruled the newspaper had used the term in a “non-trademark” fashion.

Jennings called Rupp’s complaint “skeletal,” finding he failed to establish a plausible claim that a consumer would think the newspaper asserted ownership of the mark or itself was a manufacturer of Derby Pie.

In other words, there was no chance for customer confusion because, well, The LCJ is a damned newspaper. As to mentioning that other bakeries had products that existed, the LCJ reporting on that factual occurrence had nothing to do with trademark law and is protected First Amendment speech.

But rather than admitting how absurd this all was and slinking away, Rupp instead appealed the ruling. At this point, Rupp’s legal team is asserting that dismissal at the pleading stage was incorrect, as courts are supposed to give deference to plaintiffs at that stage. Which is true, except in cases when the case has little to no chance of succeeding, which is certainly the case here. The LCJ itself responded, pointing out that First Amendment is a thing.

Attorney Michael Abate argued on behalf of the Courier-Journal and told the panel there is “no conceivable basis” for a trademark infringement claim, but also pointed out the newspaper’s speech is protected under the First Amendment.

“We’re talking about news stories that are plainly protected under the First Amendment.

Add to that the non-commercial nature of the article’s recipe (the newspaper isn’t selling pies or the recipe itself), the lack of monetary harm to Rupp, and the fact that these attacks are on news coverage and you have a, ahem, recipe for a failed lawsuit. Rupp possibly should be going after other bakeries using his trademark, but not a newspaper.

A panel of judges is currently reviewing all of this, but one expects this appeal will be tossed as quickly as the original lawsuit.

Filed Under: alan rupp, copyright, derby pie, journalism, kentucky, recipe, trademark
Companies: louisville courier-journal

EFF Teaches You How To Bake Mean-Spirited Censorship Pie

from the yum! dept

The EFF, who just moved into their new offices, seem to be making effective use of the new kitchen space. They’re baking up a special recipe: mean-spirited censorship pie. Yum! Most of you would call it “Derby Pie.” But a company called Kern’s Kitchen has been going around threatening everyone calling it Derby Pie based on its trademark. Kern’s has been forcing blogs to change what they call the pie when they post their own recipes:

Hence, the new name: mean-spirited censorship pie*. I hear it tastes great. If you want the full recipe, you can see it here. Just don’t call it “Derby Pie” or a bunch of trademark lawyers might start screaming at you. Because, here in America, we lock up our language!

* Also, please make your mean-spirited censorship pie before the trademark application on that name goes through and we all have to find another name.

Filed Under: censorship, derby pie, pie, trademark
Companies: eff