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Texas School Thinks It Can Solve Student Mental Health Issues By Banning Black Clothing

from the put-'em-in-khakis-and-make-them-middle-management dept

I, for one, would welcome an opportunity for the inmates to run the asylum. It can’t possibly be any stupider than this bit of news, which emanates from what I consider to be my hometown (I spent 15 formative years living here, beginning at age 5), El Paso, Texas.

An El Paso middle school is banning students from wearing all-black clothing due to it being associated with mental health issues.

A letter sent to parents by Charles Middle School principal Nick DeSantis stated that the clothing is “associated with depression and mental health issues.”

Do tell, Mr. DeSantis, who I (hopefully!) assume is not related to Florida governor Ron DeSantis. Notably, neither the school’s official statement nor its new clothing policy cite any experts in the field of mental health. The principal (and a follow-up statement from the city’s Teachers Association) just threw w this out as the sort of indisputable fact no one can argue with, right up there with “water = wet” and “Texas is big.”

According to the follow-up statement, the clothing policy forbids students at this school from wearing both black bottoms and black tops. Fortunately (I guess?), this statement doesn’t claim to be backed by actual research or mental health professionals. It simply says that this particular combination is forbidden, with the only exception being PE class, where presumably no one with mental health issues might be influenced by the black-on-black clothing scheme they wear or is worn by others.

That alone undercuts the assertion made by the principal in the opening quote. If it’s a problem in every other class, it would make sense to assume it’s equally problematic in PE.

But that doesn’t make the Teachers Assocation’s statement any less stupid. President Norma De La Rosa is apparently equally convinced dressing in black is bad for students, whether or not they have any cognizable or diagnosed mental health issues.

According to De La Rosa, the reason for the policy is that teachers see a sudden change in students going from dressing with color to all black, when they are depressed or stressed.

Would this “sudden change” be the color of the clothing? Because that’s what this statement immediately suggests. Or would it be (far more probably) that educators and administrators experience a sudden change in their personal perception of students who choose to wear black clothing because they’re the same sort of people who decided anyone in a trenchcoat was a violent killer after the Columbine school shooting?

I’m going to bet on the latter. The normies think all-black is bad because they’d never consider it to be an acceptable outfit for themselves.

But black clothing isn’t a sign of mental health issues or depression or stress. Some people may think black clothing is associated with depression because black clothing is the norm at funerals. But as anyone but the people quoted above can tell you, grief is not the same thing as depression. And I don’t even know where the fuck these administrators got the idea that wearing black is a sign of stress.

On the contrary, there are plenty of reasons schools should allow students, perhaps especially those they think have “mental health issues,” to dress in black. First off, if you think someone has mental health issues, the worst thing you can do is force them out of their comfort zone by demanding they dress in something more cheerful — perhaps a brightly-colored tee like this one offered by Engrish.com:

Is that the point of this pointless clothing restriction? Black = bad and everything else is OK?

Second, black has always been a power color when it comes to clothing. Darker colors are slimming, which is why some people opt to wear black. Black is empowering, which is why some people who may have self-esteem issues feel more confident while wearing a color that generally isn’t associated with the shiny, happy people who don’t experience the same problems they do.

And let’s not forget the Oakland Raiders — the first team to embrace a color scheme that heavily favored black. It wasn’t just the madmen roaming the defensive backfield that struck fear in the hearts of their opponents. It was also the inherent badassness of turning a color most people don’t consider a color into an easily recognizable representation of the team’s swaggering field presence that paid homage to the pirates of the open seas that inspired its logo. (It also created a voracious fanbase that contributed to the intimidation factor.) Thanks to the Raiders, plenty of other sports teams have gravitated towards more black-focused uniforms, recognizing the inherent intimidation factor of the color, which makes those wearing it more fearless, while simultaneously making those wearing “lighter” colors appear far less imposing.

Black is magic. It’s the best magic. It can give people who need a bit more confidence the boost in confidence they need. Plus, there’s really no reason to alienate fans of The Cure. They’re alienated enough already, even while singing along in a crowded stadium with 50,000 other fans to songs each fan individually believes only speaks to them. (Full disclosure: I am a fan of The Cure and plenty of actual goth bands on top of that. I even paid good money to subject myself to an underwhelming Bauhaus reunion concert around the turn of this century.)

So, there are many good reasons to allow students to wear black, especially those who might suffer from mental health issues or any of the other anxieties that accompany attending public schools. If this school really cared about these students, it would not have enacted this policy.

The additional justification of this stupid policy change only makes things. The statement sent to KFOX14 contains this sentence:

This decision, carefully considered and approved by the Campus Improvement Team—comprising parents, faculty, staff, and community stakeholders—aims to foster a positive self-image among students and more effectively showcase the school’s colors and pride.

Great. It apparently consulted all the “community stakeholders.” But nowhere does it say the school consulted any actual mental health care professionals, who likely would have strongly cautioned against forcing every student — no matter their own personal issues — bend a (not-clad-in-black-anymore) knee to the school’s “colors and pride.”

Also, the “stakeholders” weren’t all the parents, apparently. Plenty of parents are complaining about the new policy, which suggests the only “stakeholders” that mattered were those that agreed to this stillborn mandate that says some black is good, but all black is bad.

If you want more stupidity, you’ve got it, courtesy of the school’s uniform policy, which demands students wear only school colors, ONE OF WHICH IS BLACK.

Bottoms: Khakis or blue jeans. No rips, tears, distressing, cargo pockets, extra pockets, or hidden pockets. Bottoms must be worn at the waist and length must be at the fingertips or beyond when the arm is fully extended.

Tops: Hunter green or black polo with a collar in a plain style or with a Charles logo.

Sweaters: Hunter green or black crew neck sweatshirts in a plain style or with a Charles logo. No pockets. No hoods.

What the fuck. Black is cool and good when the administrators decide that it represents school spirit by only covering half of a student’s body. But it’s suddenly a “bad” color when it spreads to their legs. This is some old-school dumbfuckery and anyone complaining about it is absolutely in the right, even without citing mental health experts the school couldn’t be bothered to consult before issuing this mandate.

So, what happens now? Well, some of it is already happening. Parents are complaining. And if enough parents complain, it may force reconsideration. Students are, of course, welcome to disobey this policy, but possibly at the expense of their education. Since it only governs what students wear, it’s almost impossible to challenge it in court. It only covers the color of clothing, rather than any messages that might be written on that clothing, which means it probably won’t be considered a First Amendment issue.

Shaming the school is probably the best option. That’s what’s happening here. Hopefully, the school will be forced to explain its decision in greater detail. And when that happens, the administration will be exposed. It’s clear no mental health professionals were consulted. This is just the collective brain fart of a bunch of people who had bad experiences with people (and perhaps not even students!) wearing mostly black clothing. This is some seriously stupid shit and no parent, student, or taxpayer should be willing to put up with it.

Finally, I’m leaving you with this, a track that celebrates not only “head to toe, I’m dressed in black,” but a blues pioneer, roughly in that order:

Filed Under: charles middle school, el paso, mental health, nick desantis, students rights, texas

ICE’s ‘Fierce Commitment’ To Ensuring Detainees Are Cared For Properly Includes Inadequate Staffing, Unsanitary Facilities

from the inhumane dept

ICE has never really cared about the people it detains and processes for removal. It cared even less when President Trump made it clear he believed anyone less white and privileged than he is deserved to be excluded from the “American dream.”

Trump claimed he wanted the “worst of the worst” removed to make America “safer.” Then he decided he just wanted any non-white foreigners removed, stoking the flames of xenophobia by claiming people illegally in this country were more dangerous than lifelong residents, despite a mountain of evidence indicating the opposite.

ICE threw itself into its work. And it threw a bunch of people into detention facilities. Those efforts garnered it worldwide criticism and some some federal lawsuits. Internal investigations of ICE by the DHS Inspector General showed many accusations against the agency were true: ICE was cramming people into overcrowded facilities and denying them access to their rights.

These shots are from a 2020 Inspector General’s inspection of an El Paso, Texas detention facility.

It’s 2022 and there’s a new president in office. Things have not improved. An investigation [PDF] of the Torrance County Detention Facility in Estancia, New Mexico shows ICE still believes it’s in the business of handling livestock, rather than actual human beings.

One problem? Way more detainees than government employees capable of handling them. Understaffing isn’t acceptable, especially when there are supposed national security issues on the line. ICE (and its private prison partner CoreCivic) have had plenty of time to fix this. Neither party has.

The ICE contract for Torrance requires specific staffing levels for the safety and security of detainees. At designated staffing levels the facility should have 245 full-time staff. At the time of our inspection, Torrance was at 54 percent of required staffing, with 133 full-time employees. Torrance has 112 staffing vacancies, with the majority (94 positions) in the area of security.

ICE issued a Contract Discrepancy Report in December 2020 related to medical staffing shortages, but the report also indicated that staffing issues extended beyond medical vacancies. ICE warned the facility that the Contract Discrepancy Report may be expanded to include other staffing areas that are currently showing critical shortages. [Torrance] is not at 95% staffing levels across the board and a comprehensive plan needs to be developed to meet these shortages. Nevertheless, Torrance continues to remain severely understaffed over 1 year later, requiring current staff to work a minimum of six overtime shifts per month to help bridge the gap.

ICE’s contractor can’t fill these vacancies, despite offering subsidized housing and other incentives for employees who would most likely be required to drive an hour from the nearest major city (Albuquerque). Rather than find ways to limit the facility’s intake of detainees to keep the limited staff from being further stretched, CoreCivic and ICE decided to start skimping on the necessities of life.

Torrance houses ICE detainees in 8 of their 11 housing units. We reviewed all 157 cells in the 8 housing units holding detainees and found 83 detainee cells (roughly 53 percent) with plumbing issues, including toilets and sinks that were inoperable, clogged, or continuously cycling water…


In addition, we encountered mold and water leaks throughout the facility… These issues exacerbate unsanitary conditions and can lead to slips and falls by detainees or facility staff. Further, it could also lead to health issues for both detainees and staff breathing in the mold. Work orders showed that most problems we observed during our inspection went unresolved for 12 or more days.

Then there are the security problems. Supervision is nearly nonexistent. Sight lines from control rooms to holding cells are obstructed. Blind spots are numerous. Much of the job is handed over to unmonitored cameras which can only provide evidence of something that has already happened, rather than allow staffers to address problems as they arise or head off escalations. Detainee control was also apparently achieved with the use of electronic door systems, according to ICE, an assertion that means nothing when supposedly “locked” doors were left ajar.

The Inspector General’s recommendation is harsh but fair:

We recommend the immediate relocation of all detainees from the facility unless and until the facility ensures adequate staffing and appropriate living conditions.

ICE (and, presumably CoreCivic, which gets paid more the more detainees it houses) disagrees with this recommendation. Its lengthy response contains plenty of literally incredible assertions and accusations that the DHS IG staged photos to misrepresent the condition of the facility.

As for the former (the disagreement with the assessment,) it’s par for the course for an agency that routinely fails to live up to even its own internal standards. As for the accusations the Office of the Inspector General falsified information… whoo, boy. It certainly would help ICE to be any other agency than ICE, which has been the target of plenty of confirmed abuse allegations over the years.

The response, penned by acting ICE Chief of Staff Jason Houser, opens with a literally unbelievable claim:

ICE is fiercely committed to ensuring that noncitizens residing in its custody reside in safe, secure, and humane environments, and under appropriate conditions of confinement.

This is conclusively false. See also: this, this, this, this, this, and this.

More seriously, ICE accuses the IG of staging the photo of a detainee obtaining drinking water from a floor mop sink as part of the evidence that regular sinks are not working properly. In response to the IG noting that hot water handles are broken (and have apparently not been repaired), ICE insists hot water would have run out of the only operable taps (the cold water ones) if investigators had simply waited longer.

The draft report at p. 4 states that some faucets did not produce hot water. In fact, during the inspection ICE informed the OIG inspector that, like many faucets, the hot water takes some time to arrive in a faucet that starts cold. The inspector, however, declined to run the tap to determine if that was true.


Please. The complaint in the OIG report refers to taps where the hot water tap handle had been broken off. No amount of running cold water would turn it hot. And the photo being complained about by ICE shows a broken handle, not a sink with two working handles no inspector could be persuaded to run until hot.

Rebuttals work better when you’re credible, ICE. Good luck talking your way out of yet another completely unsurprising report that the agency treats “noncitizens” like subhumans. ICE is an agency with an alarming tendency to go rogue. This report shows why the new administration needs to rein it in, reform it, and make it better before another leader of the free world takes the helm and starts fucking things up again.

Filed Under: detainees, el paso, ice, inhumane treatment, torrance
Companies: corecivic

City Council Using Open Records Requests To See What Members Are Saying About Them Behind Their Backs

from the all-hail-the-new-transparency dept

El Paso’s (TX) government keeps screwing around with local public records laws… and for some truly unexpected reasons.

First, the normal stuff. A city council member seems to be toying with the idea of limiting public access to records, starting out with those many members the public might agree shouldn’t be allowed to do much of anything.

The El Paso City Council stepped back from a hot and slick slope Tuesday afternoon, killing a proposal to deny open records to people with a felony or a single kind of misdemeanor conviction.

Most convicts already have diminished rights, depending on their convictions. Denying open records to ex-cons or those in prison denies them access to justice. It doesn’t happen often, but prisoners have been able to have their cases reheard by uncovering prosecutorial misconduct through FOIA requests. And let’s not forget that a man imprisoned for tax fraud blew the lid off law enforcement’s use of Stingray devices while still behind bars, thanks to incessant FOIA requests.

The step back from the slope was one of pure capitulation: council member Emma Acosta never tabled the motion. Apparently she was well-aware the discriminatory suggestion wouldn’t survive a challenge. She instead proposed that telephone numbers of city employees should be redacted and her “no criminals allowed” suggestion was removed from the agenda.

As Watchdog.org points out, this new public records activity follows an outside investigation into the city’s withholding of documents requested by the El Paso Times.

An outside investigator found it “problematic” that the city’s public information officer determined which documents should have been released to the El Paso Times under an open records request the newspaper filed last year.

The public information officer, Juli Lozano, withheld two documents that other city officials had said were responsive to a Times request for records related to projects that were requested by City Council members, according to a report from Austin attorney Ross Fischer that was made public Wednesday.

But the best action of all occurred late last fall. Acosta, who proposed the questionable ban on convicted criminals requesting public records, managed to pass a measure that forces any public official making public records request to publicly disclose what was requested and how much it cost for the city to fulfill. This only sounds like a step towards greater accountability.

While Acosta insisted her measure was designed to increase transparency, opponents said it was designed to inhibit city officials from doing records checks on one another in a toxic climate of internal politics.

The internal toxicity surfaced last month with council members calling one another liars and making records requests to read the text messages between rival council members.

This was solved in the most self-serving fashion, which, coincidentally, also worked out best for the public.

The council decided, unanimously, to solve the problem by prohibiting the mayor and one another from using all electronic devices, including cell phones, during council meetings.

Now, if only they would agree to stop using them at all to conduct official business. The use of personal devices and accounts to keep records from the public is a government favorite. It doesn’t always work, but it does make searching for records more difficult and almost always ensures a lawsuit (or an investigation) will be part of the extremely-protracted request fulfillment.

Filed Under: city council, el paso, open records, texas