pentium bug – Techdirt (original) (raw)

Stories filed under: "pentium bug"

DailyDirt: Lies My Computer Told Me…

from the urls-we-dig-up dept

We trust automated solutions to perform all kinds of critical tasks, but how often do we verify that we’re actually getting the right results? We survived the Y2K bug, but there are plenty of other examples of software and hardware flaws that could be much more (deadly) serious. Here are just a few disturbing computer glitches that you might have missed.

If you’d like to read more awesome and interesting stuff, check out this unrelated (but not entirely random!) Techdirt post via StumbleUpon.

Filed Under: bug, computer, defective, error, flaw, glitch, mistake, pentium bug, photocopier, race condition, software, therac-25, thomas nicely, y2k
Companies: intel, xerox


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