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What is Amazon AI?

Amazon AI is a set of artificial intelligence (AI) services that offer machine learning (ML) and deep learning technologies to Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers. These services are intended to help software developers create AI-based software.

AWS offers a range of pre-trained AI services that help organizations prepare data, as well as build, further train and deploy their own AI and ML models. Amazon AI services integrate with an organization's applications for use cases such as personalized recommendations, automated data extraction, text transcription, and customer experience and business metrics improvement.

How Amazon uses AI

Amazon approaches AI internally using a flywheel strategy, where AI and ML are continually innovated, and those innovations are spread throughout other areas of the company. This strategy helps AWS further build upon, expand and improve its services.

Amazon uses machine learning in several ways, including the development of chatbots, voice recognition, fraud detection and product recommendations. AI and ML are used in Amazon products, such as Alexa's and Amazon's recommendation engine, as well as other business areas, such as in Amazon warehouses.

The Amazon AI suite of services provided for other organizations are based on the same tools it uses. The speech recognition, text-to-speech, image recognition and ML services are scalable and fully managed, enabling a developer to include the technology in an application without having to learn algorithms or manage the supporting infrastructure.

Amazon AI service options

Amazon AI services span across categories, including computer vision, automated data extraction and analysis, language AI, customer experience, business metrics, code and DevOps, industrial AI and healthcare. In more depth, they include the following tools.

Computer vision

Automated data extraction and analysis

Language AI

Customer experience

Business metrics

Code and DevOps

Industrial AI


Amazon AI and machine learning

Amazon uses both AI and ML in its offered services. For example, Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed cloud ML platform that enables developers and data scientists to build, train and deploy machine learning models for predictive analytics applications.

How is Amazon investing in AI?

Amazon is investing in AI by hiring development managers and software engineers to build AI tools. Amazon also pairs with other companies to further the development of AI. For example, along with Microsoft and Alphabet, Amazon created a partnership with C3 AI -- an enterprise AI software provider that focuses on creating enterprise-scale AI applications. Amazon has also paired with other AI-based companies, such as Hugging Face. Hugging Face is an online service where developers of AI share AI code and models in an open source format. This partnership was formed with the goal of enabling AWS developers to take code from Hugging Face and use it on AWS cloud services.

Learn more about the Amazon and Hugging Face partnership, as well as the growing competition in the AI space.

This was last updated in March 2023

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