What is continuous integration (CI)? (original) (raw)

Continuous integration (CI) is a software development practice in which frequent and incremental changes are routinely added or integrated to the complete codebase immediately after the changes and additions are tested and validated.

The CI paradigm fulfils several important goals. First, CI provides rapid feedback so that, when a defect is introduced into the codebase, it's identified and corrected as soon as possible. CI helps to keep the entire project's codebase current, which is vital when multiple developers are working on the same codebase simultaneously. Finally, CI practices make the software development process faster and more predictable by working in small iterations where development cycles and workflows are easier to manage.

The CI process develops the following pattern:

  1. A software developer pulls a copy of the code -- or a portion of the larger codebase, such as a module -- from a central repository.
  2. The developer makes changes, corrections and additions to the code. Such changes might take several minutes to several hours depending on the number and scope of changes.
  3. The software developer merges or commits their code changes back into the central repository. The merge action triggers a series of activities, including automated code builds and testing -- usually, unit tests or integration tests.
  4. Newly developed code is sent to a shared repository using a version control system, like Git. These changes are saved as a copy or a branch that's separate from the current release or production version of the code.

Merging and testing have one of the following two possible outcomes:

  1. If the automated testing process finds a bug, the CI service blocks the software development iteration from progressing further, and the development team receives a report. The software issues can then be addressed quickly. These code integrations are made frequently, sometimes multiple times per day.
  2. If the automated testing process completes successfully, the branch might be subject to more extensive testing, such as user acceptance testing (UAT), or be staged for possible release or deployment into a production environment. In other cases, the successful branch might receive additional development work through subsequent iterations.

The process where a successful build is staged for further testing and possible deployment is called continuous delivery (CD). This common practice is used to expand on CI after the build stage by deploying those code changes to a testing or production environment as appropriate. The two practices go hand in hand and are commonly referred to as CI/CD.

Some development paradigms automatically deploy all successful builds as a matter of standard practice. This is called continuous deployment. The principal difference between continuous delivery and continuous deployment is that delivery offers the potential for deployment -- often decided by a human -- while deployment is typically a standard or obligatory part of each development cycle.

CI originated from within the extreme programming paradigm, which is a subset of the Agile methodology, but the principles can be applied to any iterative programming model, such as DevOps. Traditional development approaches, such as the Waterfall model, can also benefit from the use of CI methods for the construction or build stage.

The importance of continuous integration

Working on code for an extended period and only merging it to a central repository when completed makes the merging process much more challenging and time-consuming. This process can result in more bugs, which take more time to comb through and fix. CI paradigms rely on much faster and smaller-scale changes.

Regularly merging small code changes instead is typically a more accurate and safer process. If any bugs are found in the merging process, they're easier and faster to find. The shorter feedback loop of CI also enables more code iterations. Ultimately, CI techniques can help to create better quality code in less time than traditional methodologies.

CI also makes the process much faster through the addition of automated builds and tests. CI tools can monitor the central code repository and accept or reject code commits.

Benefits of continuous integration

When it incorporates CI into the development process, a software development team can bring worthwhile benefits to an organization, including the following:

How continuous testing affects continuous integration

Continuous testing is a continual and often automated software testing process where different test types are performed in the software development pipeline. Continuous testing is implemented to find bugs as soon as they appear in a codebase. The continuous testing process uses automated tools that check code quality, verify proper security, and then load premade test scripts and data sets to validate source code efficiencies and look for bugs. Each code change in continuous testing starts a set of tests to identify potential issues in the code. Feedback is provided to the relevant teams if an automated test fails.

Continuous testing is a critical component behind CI, as well as in the CI/CD process. Continuous testing accelerates software development time by improving code quality, while providing important feedback early in the software development lifecycle (SDLC) process.

In a broader sense, CI testing serves the same vital purpose as testing in Waterfall and other traditional development paradigms. The principal difference with CI is that testing protocols and goals are well defined early in the software's design and tests are implemented automatically with little -- if any -- human intervention. The rapid, cyclical nature of CI often results in many repeated tests, which can help build confidence in the evolving codebase.

However, automated testing isn't perfect, and subsequent manual testing, such as UAT, might be appropriate once automated test results are successful. The key here is to configure and run tests that are appropriate for the code being developed -- one testing regimen might not be suitable for every code project.

Continuous integration best practices

Continuous integration offers significant benefits to practitioners, but the faster pace demands a greater level of workflow organization and control that can pose challenges to development teams and the overall organization. Best practices associated with CI include the following:

CI releases can occur at any frequency, depending on the organization running the project. Generally, organizations that adopt CI release software more frequently than those using other software development processes. Each significant change kicks off a build. A development team incorporates CI for several reasons, including to receive constant feedback on the status of the software. CI detects deficiencies early in development, which makes them less disruptive, less complex and easier to resolve than later in the SDLC.

A development team can use automation in the CI setup process to incorporate integrating code, building, validating and testing, which reduces the time to find bugs and enables faster feedback than when these tasks are carried out manually. Automation tools help teams perform common tests as part of the CI process, such as unit, API and functional tests. A unit test examines the smallest application components. An API test assesses whether an API can reliably perform under its expected load of requests and responses. A functional test typically evaluates larger pieces of the source code to simulate a user workflow or function. With full CI automation, scripts or integration engines manage the movement of new code through tests and build.

This automated approach is often an integral part of a CI/CD pipeline and a DevOps methodology.

An image showing how CI and CD work together.

This shows how continuous integration and continuous delivery fit together.

A development team uses CI software tools to automate parts of the application build and construct a document trail. Many additional tools exist for steps in the CI pipeline, such as version control, testing, build storage and artifact storage.

Based on TechTarget research, examples of CI pipeline automation tools commonly found in enterprise IT shops include the following:

Continuous integration vs. continuous delivery vs. continuous deployment

CD is a process that occurs after CI, and the two processes are deeply connected -- commonly referred to as CI/CD. CD in CI/CD commonly refers to continuous delivery, but the CD acronym can also be used for continuous deployment -- as both versions of the term are commonly conflated in the following ways:

Both continuous delivery and deployment occur after CI, and either one of the two processes is used. The principal difference between continuous delivery and continuous deployment is that continuous deployment automatically deploys each validated build to production. By comparison, continuous delivery only stages the validated build for manual deployment. Continuous deployment, however, should be considered only if a team is confident its code has zero chance of creating an issue.

Learn how to address potential CI/CD implementation problems.

This was last updated in July 2024

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