The Alt-Right, Explained (original) (raw)

Recently, it has almost seemed like the term “alt-right” has been uttered as much as the name “Donald Trump” in post-election coverage and conversations. You've probably heard the phrase here and there all throughout election season, but heard it even more starting Sunday, with Trump appointing his former campaign manager Steve Bannon — who is linked to the "alt-right" movement — to his White House administration (as chief strategist). Then, Twitter suspended many prominent accounts associated with the "alt-right." But, what exactly is the "alt-right," to begin with? Let’s break it down.

What are the core beliefs?

The term “alt-right” has recently come under fire, with critics of the movement claiming the term makes the group's motives appear innocuous — which, largely, they are not. Its members may call themselves “natural conservatives” or “intellectuals,” as noted in a manifesto published on Breitbart. But, as Southern Poverty Law Center President Richard Cohen said in a statement, “The simply a rebranding of white nationalism.” The "alt-right" is vehemently against America’s growing multiculturalism and the immigration or presence of any non-white, European races in our country. Its views and rhetoric are anti-Semitic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, and anti-feminist. When it comes down to it, the "alt-right" is just as much white supremacy as the KKK.

When did it start?

Though there’s not an official start date or post to point to, NPR reports the movement may have first popped up back when George W. Bush was president, in response to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. But it didn’t get a name until 2010, when Richard Spencer, the president of the National Policy Institute (which is “dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of people of European descent in the United States”) (who was also recently suspended from Twitter), coined the term alt-right. For years, it existed in various dark pockets of the Internet, like dedicated reddit and 4chan forums.

What do they do?

The "alt-right" is rooted in the internet, where its members express their beliefs through memes, blog posts, and articles (like on Spencer’s own Radix Journal), as well as social media attacks on anyone who doesn’t fit their narrow view of supremacy — like Leslie Jones, who was the victim of a vitriolic "alt-right" attack.

The movement feeds off of this stuff. In fact, a foundation of the "alt-right" — aside from white supremacy and anti-Semitism — is the idea that political correctness is counter to free speech. “They believe saying racist or anti-Semitic not an act of hate, but an act of freedom,” Nicole Hemmer, author of the book Messengers of the Right, told _NPR_’s “Morning Edition.” Then again, after a Washington Post writer stated that “the goal [of the alt-right] is often offensiveness for the sake of offensiveness,” "alt-right" member Andrew Anglin responded on his own website, writing, “No it isn’t. The goal is to ethnically cleanse White nations of non-Whites and establish an authoritarian government. Many people also believe the Jews should be exterminated.”

For a while, the movement primarily existed within various pockets of the Internet, like dedicated reddit and 4chan forums, as well as slightly more tempered (though still decidedly conservative) outlets, like Breitbart News.. Though its members flocked to Twitter as well, it was arguably more in the underbelly of the platform, until recently. When Trump named Bannon, who was the head of Breitbart, as the CEO of his presidential campaign, he lent fuel to the "alt-right"’s fire. That anti-Semitic Hillary Clinton meme Trump re-tweeted? It came from the "alt-right," and gave them plenty of increased notoriety and relevance.

Who is a part of it?

There isn’t an “alt-right” party or one official, central group with card-carrying members. Anyone on the Internet who shares those beliefs and feels the need to espouse them is part of the "alt-right." That said, there are clear leaders of the movement — like Spencer, and Breitbart writer Milo Yiannopoulos, the latter of whom led the attack on Leslie Jones, and was banned from Twitter months before the rest of "alt-right" accounts. And then there’s Bannon. Which brings us to...

How does Steve Bannon tie in?

As the former head of Breitbart, Bannon is inextricably linked with the "alt-right." In fact, while at the Republican National Convention in July, he told a Mother Jones journalist that Breitbart is “the platform for the alt-right.” And that platform, led by Bannon (he stepped down to work on Trump’s campaign), accused President Obama of “importing more hating Muslims,” compared Planned Parenthood’s work to the Holocaust, and published headlines like, “Gay rights have made us dumber, it’s time to get back in the closet,” “Hoist it high and proud: The Confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage,” and “Bill Kristol: Republican spoiler, renegade Jew.”

In the wake of being elected president, amid protests against his hateful rhetoric and racist promises, Donald Trump assured us he’s ready to unify the country. Other leaders told us to give him a chance to lead, and to prove wrong those skeptical of his ability to unite and lead in a positive way. Some people wondered if his fear-based campaign was simply a tool to get elected (and mobilize what is apparently a large portion of Americans who support racism and hate), and if things will be different once in the White House. But when Trump named Bannon as his chief strategist, he sent a message of unity — with the "alt-right." This action gave the movement even more power and relevance, further dividing the country.

The KKK may be excited about Steve Bannon's appointment, but plenty of Americans have stood up to fight it. More than 270,000 people have signed a petition, and almost 170 members of the House of Representatives have written a letter calling for Trump to rescind Bannon’s appointment. Want to join the conversation? Consider signing the petition or calling a few elected officials (a la Lena Dunham) to express your concerns.

Editor's note: Teen Vogue is abiding by the Associated Press Style guidelines in coverage of the "alt-right," noting the movement's true roots as a white nationalist movement, and choosing to use the term in quotation marks.

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