escenic (original) (raw)

A plaque on the wall of 16 Eaton Place in Belgravia commemorates “William Ewart (1798-1869) Reformer”. This blue ceramic roundel had originally adorned Ewart’s later and more long-term residence in Cambridge Square, Paddington, but had to be salvaged and re-erected here when that building was demolished in 1963, exactly a century after the Liberal member for Dumfries rose in the Commons to suggest recording “on those houses in London which have been inhabited by celebrated persons, the names of such persons”. Few people now know Ewart’s name, but his idea has meant that even architecturally undistinguished buildings have acquired lustre through association. As Stephen Fry observes in his foreword to Emily Cole’s huge and handsome book: “an ordinary window in an anonymous Camden street becomes the window out of which George Orwell is looking while he dreams up Big Brother and the Ministry of Fear” – though in fact Orwell wrote 1984 much later and while on Jura.

The first blue plaque was erected by the Society of Arts in 1867 at the house in Holles Street, Marylebone where Byron was born. Like Ewart’s house, Byron’s birthplace was subsequently demolished; but no one thought to save the plaque, which means the poet’s residence in London is no longer recorded. There is, however, a street in Hampstead called Byron Villas, where, at No 1, a plaque records D H Lawrence’s brief occupancy in 1915. London streets are not on the whole named after well-known people.

A correspondent complained in The Times in 1873 that there was “scarcely a continental town in which a stranger could pass an hour without learning the names of its famous men from the street corners”, whereas in London “a man might pass a lifetime without knowing that the great city had ever given birth to any clay superior to that of which bricks are made”. Blue plaques address this oversight, and although they sometimes honour politicians, remain mercifully apolitical. That said, a long-standing rule that no person should be commemorated until 20 years after death was broken by the Greater London Council in order to erect plaques to Albert Mansbridge, founder of the Workers’ Educational Association, and Herbert Morrison, a former leader of the GLC’s predecessor the London County Council.

The LCC took over the scheme from the Society of Arts in 1901 and English Heritage succeeded the GLC in 1986. In spite of these changes, the administration of the scheme and even the design of the plaques has remained remarkably consistent over 140 years. The first plaques were blue, but Messrs Minton, Hollins & Co who manufactured them found this colour difficult to produce, which is why a number of early “blue plaques” are in fact chocolate brown. This colour was revived in the Forties, but the drawbacks may be seen by a photograph reproduced here in which a brown plaque to the anatomist Henry Gray (1827-1861) barely shows up against the brick of his Belgravia home. One of the criteria for the plaques is that they should be easily seen by passers-by: a founder of the scheme hoped that “to travellers up and down in omnibuses, &c, [plaques] might sometimes prove an agreeable and instructive mode of beguiling a somewhat dull progress through the streets”. Experiments with other shapes and materials were tried, but blue eventually won out. The lettering and wording have also remained consistent, although as well as having its name inscribed around the top rim of the plaques, as the LCC and GLC did, English Heritage has added its naff logo, an example of corporate branding taking precedence over the principles of design.

Cole’s introduction to this marvellous survey is exemplary. By turns anecdotal and scholarly, it describes in detail the founding and development of the scheme and the design and manufacture of the plaques. The body of the book is arranged by district and includes miniature biographies of those commemorated. Houses, their occupants and the plaques themselves are depicted in a wealth of beautifully reproduced photographs, paintings and illustrations. From names such as Dickens, Newton, Mozart and W?G Grace to less known figures such as the Indian patriot Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, “the emigrants’ friend” Caroline Chisolm, and the chess champion Howard Staunton, blue plaques and this invaluable gazetteer rightly celebrate the history, diversity and quirkiness of our capital.

Lived in London: Blue Plaques and the Stories Behind Them

368pp, Yale University Press, £40

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