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André Bénard, who has died aged 93, was an influential, cosmopolitan French businessman whose crowning achievement, after 40 years with Shell, was to get the Channel Tunnel built in partnership with the abrasive Sir Alastair Morton.

Installed as co-chairman of Eurotunnel with President Mitterrand’s blessing to make sure the project – cancelled by Britain once before – was completed, Bénard inherited a deeply flawed construction contract. Delays would leave Eurotunnel hopelessly in debt, and for more than a decade after completion Bénard – given an honorary knighthood in 1991 – was pursued through the French courts by angry shareholders.

The tunnel was excavated to the accompaniment of frantic efforts by Bénard (the diplomat of the two) and Morton to stop international banks pulling out, and declarations of war by Sir Alastair on the TML construction consortium. But the political will to complete it did not waver.

While Mitterrand’s commitment to this grand projet was never in doubt, Bénard became a firm admirer of Margaret Thatcher for making it happen. On February 26 1994, with the tunnel almost ready, Bénard and Morton hosted a lunch for 800 dignitaries in one of its undersea chambers, 10 miles from the British portal. The highlight was the former prime minister’s cutting of a cake wheeled in to the march from Aida.

Though convinced of the tunnel’s transport and economic benefits, Bénard saw it having a deeper influence. “Traditionally, deep down, the British look to the open sea,” he reflected. “Yet now, a fixed, visible link to the Continent is forcing them to turn their attention to Europe.

“The French have always been fascinated by theories from the Eastern Bloc; we are the last bastion of Marxist theory, where the citizens serve the state and the state serves itself. The tunnel acts as a liberalising counterbalance.”

Bénard was approached for the job because his success with Shell had proved him a Frenchman who understood the British way of doing things; he spoke perfect English and had a flat in London. He was three years into retirement when Eurotunnel beckoned. Calling his friend Alain Chevalier, head of the luxury goods group LVMH, to solicit a charitable donation, he was told: “I’ll ask you for something in return. Would you be prepared to take on the chairmanship of the Channel Tunnel?”

Bénard reckoned there was a 30 per cent chance of getting the tunnel built, with much depending on Mrs Thatcher’s continuance in office. His understanding of the British proved invaluable – though at critical junctures compatriots were startled to receive messages from him of Anglo-Saxon bluntness.

André Pierre Jacques Bénard was born at Draveil, Ile de France, on August 19 1922, the son of Marcel Bénard and the former Lucie Thalmann. He was educated at the Lycée Janson-de-Sailly in Paris, as well as in Nantes and Marseilles, and at the École Polytechnique in Paris.

During Germany’s occupation of France, André joined the Resistance; he was captured but escaped and was decorated by the post-war French government.

Completing his studies in 1946, Bénard joined Royal Dutch Shell, becoming managing director of Shell France in 1967 and then a group managing director.

During the energy crisis of 1973, he was co-leader of the oil company chiefs picked to confront the Opec producer cartel. Just as they were leaving for Vienna, the Yom Kippur War broke out and the last hope of dialogue disappeared.

Bénard championed the evolution of Shell’s internal commodities exchange, the “Shell International Trading Company,” a model for decentralisation within large corporations. He retired in 1983 but served a further decade on Shell’s supervisory board.

In January 1987 he became co-chairman of Eurotunnel; work started that autumn. Bénard found the contractors had signed “one-sided” contracts with themselves while majority shareholders of Eurotunnel, and that the project lacked a client in the usual sense. He was particularly aggrieved that TML ordered Eurotunnel’s rolling stock and took a percentage, removing any incentive to control costs.

These began to spiral the moment work began. Reinforcing the wall supporting the English work site at Shakespeare Cliff was supposed to cost £28 million, but within months, to Bénard’s horror, this rose to £70 million.

Prior to Eurotunnel’s 1987 flotation, which coincided with a stock market crash, Sir Alastair put on a public display of toughness toward the British contractors. Though relations between Bénard and the French contractors were difficult, they never reached those depths.

The cultural contrast below ground was evident after the breakthrough in 1990; the British end was run like a coal mine, its French counterpart like a nuclear power station; yet the strata the French had to dig through were far more difficult.

That year Bénard became sole chairman of Eurotunnel and Morton chief executive. Relations with TML deteriorated further, and when Eurotunnel’s bankers refused to pay out £62 million the High Court said it owed, the Bank of England forced the company to create a buffer between Morton and the contractors. John Neerhout, from the American project managers Bechtel, was appointed hours before receivers would have moved in.

The tunnel was due to open in 1993, but commissioning and safety approvals dragged on. The Queen and Mitterrand accepted Bénard’s invitation to open it on May 6 1994, and the first train – an HGV shuttle – ran on June 15; Eurostars began that autumn.

As Eurotunnel’s finances deteriorated further, French shareholders complained the prospectus had misled them about how soon it would turn a profit. They pursued their case tenaciously and at the turn of the millennium Eurotunnel executives were called before a judge to justify the forecasts. In 2003 the investigating magistrate ruled that Bénard, Sir Alastair and two merchant bankers would have to stand trial. Sir Alastair died the following year. In 2007 Bénard was cleared of charges that he had supplied misleading information to shareholders. He handed over in 1996 to Patrick Ponsolle, but remained honorary chairman until 2004.

He was also a director of the French subsidiary of Barclays Bank, a senior advisor to Lazard Frères in New York, president of the French Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands, chairman of the Paris Autumn Festival and a board member of Insead.

In addition to his KBE, he was a Commander of the Légion d’Honneur, Chevalier de l’Ordre Nationale de Mérite, Chevalier du Merite Agricole and Commander of the Order of Orange Nassau.

André Bénard married Jacqueline Preiss in 1946; they had a son.

André Bénard, born August 19 1922, died March 15 2016