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GERALD AYLMER, who has died aged 74, was a historian of 17th-century England and from 1978 to 1991 Master of St Peter's College, Oxford.

He left his mark as a teacher in particular on the University of York, where for 15 years from 1963 he was the new university's first professor of history. He seized the opportunity to develop a syllabus from scratch in bold, imaginative fashion, scrapping the familiar periods and geographical units (first-year students explored British history in a continental context) and introducing courses on the discipline of history itself. He also gathered around him one of the very best History departments in the country.

By contrast, his time later at Oxford was not especially happy. St Peter's was not the right college for Aylmer, and he not the best Master at a moment when the college was just beginning to shed its image as a poor relation. The appointment did, however, allow him to contribute greatly to a number of projects close to his heart. Among these was the management of the Bodleian Library and the reorganisation of the university archives.

His most important books were two studies of 17th-century bureaucracy, investigations both of the mechanics of the Stuart court and the royal household, and of the salaried agents of governance themselves. The King's Servants (1961) was based on his DPhil thesis, which had been so long that it had led Oxford to impose a limit of 100,000 words on doctoral candidates. It was followed 12 years later by The State's Servants, an examination of the topic he was perhaps most interested in, the civil service of the Commonwealth and Protectorate.

Both publications are studies of the mentality of those who hold office, and especially of the central tension between public duty and private conscience (the title of the festschrift presented to Aylmer in 1993). Full as they are of delightful stories and conjunctions, they are also among the most respected of all works written on the 17th century. Aylmer had delivered a third volume, The Crown's Servants (on the civil service of Charles II), to OUP shortly before his death.

Gerald Edward Aylmer, the son of a naval officer, was born on April 30 1926. He was educated at Winchester and then did his National Service in the Navy.

His socialist ideals prevented him from accepting a commission, and prompted him to undertake to help a shipmate, George Melly, escape a charge of distributing anarchist literature on board a warship.

As related in Melly's memoir Rum, Bum and Concertina (1977), Aylmer accomplished this by finding passages in the works of Shaw which not only exhibited precisely the same ideas as those pamphlets to which the authorities objected, but were also freely available in the ship's library.

Aylmer then went up to Balliol College, Oxford, where he became one of the generation of historians inspired to study the English Revolution (as it was then called) by Christopher Hill. If asked, Aylmer would have freely confessed that his sympathies lay firmly with the secular radicals of the period.

After graduating, he went to Princeton for a year, and then returned to Oxford as a research fellow at Balliol. From 1954 until 1962 he taught at the University of Manchester.

His other books included The Struggle for the Constitution 1603-88 (1963), which became the favoured textbook of generations of students finding their feet in 17th-century English history, and finally saw off Trevelyan's England under the Stuarts.

He also wrote The Levellers in the English Revolution (1975), a well-judged selection of their writings, and Rebellion or Revolution: England 1640-1660 (1986).

His breadth of reading and many sympathies emerged more obviously in his articles on subjects as diverse as colonial American, naval and Irish history, as well as the history of his adopted Herefordshire. He also edited, with Reginald Cant, A History of York Minster (1978).

From 1984 to 1988 Aylmer was President of the Royal Historical Society, and since 1978 had been a member of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts (of which he was chairman from 1989 to 1994).

He was also a member of the editorial board of the History of Parliament from 1969 until 1998 (and chairman 1989-98). He was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 1976.

Aylmer was tall and slim, with a high forehead. His characteristic pose was to speak with his head curiously angled, his eyes closed, in a voice both deep and resonant. He had an engaging laugh, and was kind in his dealings with all but the selfish; his natural discourse was high-minded.

Nevertheless he had a sense of fun and of the absurd, and while recognising the need for authority, was distrustful of those who exercised it. This made him a teacher whose pupils (especially graduate students) held him not only in respect but also in deep affection.

He married, in 1955, Ursula Nixon. They had a son and a daughter.