Stephen Wheatcroft, aviation expert – obituary (original) (raw)

Stephen Wheatcroft, who has died aged 94, became a leading authority in the field of civil aviation, after his career had been decided by a hint from a university teacher.

Wheatcroft was about to leave the London School of Economics to join the Navy, when his supervisor, the free-market economist FA Hayek, suggested that he should return for graduate research after the war, and that the economics of civil aviation might be a fruitful subject.

This was most prescient advice at a time when aviation was barely a glimmer of the multi-billion world-wide industry it would become. Not that Wheatcroft sympathised with his mentor politically: he always thought himself a man of the Left, first harder and then softer, and lived to be dismayed by the sight of Jeremy Corbyn leading the Labour Party he had so long supported.

Stephen Frederick Wheatcroft was born in north London on September 11 1921 (which meant that his 80th birthday saw one awful consequence of aviation, in New York), the son of a carpenter. He had one brother, who was killed serving with the RAF.

In the days when poor scholarship boys were still unusual, Wheatcroft went from Latymer School in Edmonton to the LSE, where he took a First in Economics, rowed on the Cam when the LSE was evacuated to Cambridge, and was president of the Union.

From 1970 to 2003 he was a Governor of the LSE, and then its first Emeritus Governor. At the LSE he met Joy Reed. They married in 1943 and had two sons and a daughter.

By the time Wheatcroft married he was in uniform, commissioned in the RNVR, and trained in Canada as a Fleet Air Arm pilot. He served in Indomitable with the Far East Fleet based in Trincomalee, and took part in the bombing of Japanese oil fields in Sumatra, an operation he spoke of somewhat derisively, when he talked about the war at all.

On demobilisation he briefly returned to the LSE, but his plans changed when he was recruited by British European Airways, whose Commercial Planning manager he was from 1946 to 1953. He then spent two years as a Simon Research Fellow at Manchester University, working on what would be published in 1956 as The Economics of European Air Transport.

From 1956 to 1972 he was an independent consultant, working for airlines in Canada, India and the West Indies among other countries, but he was still retained as an advisor by BEA, and from 1967 to 1969 he served as Assessor or technical adviser to the official committee of inquiry into the civil air transport industry under the chairmanship of Sir Ronald Edwards. This may have been his most influential work: although the Edwards Report did not recommend the immediate amalgamation of BEA and the British Overseas Airways Corporation, that was in practice its outcome, and Wheatcroft, like Edwards, became a member of the board of the new-born British Airways in 1972.

He was appointed OBE in 1974. Although he remained a board member, and chairman of British Airways Helicopters, until 1982, he enjoyed executive corporate life less and less, and did not work happily with Lord King, the formidable and sometimes overbearing self-made industrialist whom Mrs Thatcher’s government made chairman of BA.

Wheatcroft left for private practice again and for his own consultancy, Aviation and Tourism International, which he and his colleague Geoffrey Lipman ran from 1983 to 2000. His first wife died in 1974 and Wheatcroft married Alison Dessau, an American living in London.

He skied until his seventies, and in later years they were able to spend much time at their house near Villeneuve-sur-Lot as well as in Hampshire, and to enjoy travel, bridge, the opera. She and their two sons survive him, together with his elder children.

Stephen Wheatcroft, born September 11 1921, died April 26 2016