HTDC Programs and Office Space (original) (raw)

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Thank you for your interest. Offices are reserved for tech/innovation startups and companies that provide support to the clients of the facilities. This application form is for the Entrepreneurs Sandbox and the Maui Research and Technology Center's private office space offering.

Please complete this application so we can better understand your business. During the review process we may ask for additional information to determine if your company is eligible for startup business rates. Eligible companies will be offered the opportunity to present to the Application Review Committee in order to complete the approval process.

If you have any questions, please contact Sandi Kanemori at, or (808) 539-3616.


F1. Approximate date you wish to move in or begin services:

F2. Space requirements:

Minimum Square Feet

F3. Special facility requirements* (electrical, ventilation, floor load, etc.):

F4. List any unusual equipment used in operation:

Applicant understands that the information provided in this application will be used for evaluation purposes by the Hawaii Technology Development Corporation (HTDC), its representatives and its agents. If any portion of the information is confidential, applicant must inform HTDC.

Agreement to Indemnify and Defend

Applicant's company has requested services from the HTDC, State of Hawaii.

Applicant understands that the HTDC staff, representatives, agents, and associates assigned to his/her case will treat all information received from his/her company in complete confidence. In turn, applicant agrees to provide the HTDC staff, representatives, agents, and associates with current financial and operating data, and to satisfy such other reasonable requests for information about his/her company as may be made by HTDC while such services on behalf of his/her company are underway.

Applicant hereby waives his/her rights and the rights of his/her company relating to any and all claims or demands for loss or damages against HTDC, State of Hawaii, or their officers, employees, agents, or any person acting on their behalf such as independent contractors and/or consultants, including but not limited to claims or demands for loss or damages based upon the alleged negligence of HTDC and the State of Hawaii, or their officers, employees, agents, or any person acting on their behalf.

Further, applicant and his/her company will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless HTDC, State of Hawaii, and their officers, employees, agents, or any person acting on their behalf such as independent contractors and/or consultants, from any and all claims and demands for loss or damages (including but not limited to claims and demands for loss or damages based upon the alleged negligence of HTDC, State of Hawaii, or their officers, employees, agents, or any person acting on their behalf such as independent contractors and/or consultants), by whomsoever brought, including but not limited to claims arising from damages caused by service or products developed with the assistance of HTDC and its staff or associates.

By signing this agreement, applicant certifies that he/she is authorized by the company listed below to act as its agent and that he/she is authorized to sign this indemnity agreement on behalf of that company and to legally bind that company to the terms of this Agreement.

Applicant hereby certifies that to the best of his/her knowledge all the information herewith contained is true and accurate. Applicant also certifies that any statements made that knowingly misrepresents the facts will result in the denial of his/her application for assistance and occupancy.


The Authorized Representative listed above must complete an electronic signature form before we will review the application. Once you hit the submit button, you will be directed to the form.