Action plan to support Victoria's indigenous barristers (original) (raw)

OF MORE than 1900 practising barristers in Victoria, just five claim indigenous heritage.

It is more than any other state in Australia, but something the Victorian bar hopes to improve with the launch of its Reconciliation Action Plan at Owen Dixon chambers on Tuesday evening.

Linda Lovett, one of five registered indigenous barristers in Victoria.

Linda Lovett, one of five registered indigenous barristers in Victoria.Credit: Simon O'Dwyer

The plan, produced in consultation with Reconciliation Australia, is the first of any bar association in the country and formalises Welcome to Country ceremonies at official functions, scholarships and mentoring programs for indigenous students.

''Being at the bar is a lonely life at times but you know you have got support,'' said Linda Lovett, who in 2006 became Victoria's second indigenous barrister after Professor Mick Dodson in 1981.

Indigenous law graduate Jidah Clark, 25, is keen to reduce disadvantage.

Indigenous law graduate Jidah Clark, 25, is keen to reduce disadvantage.Credit: Joe Armao

Ms Lovett, 49, from the Bunurong tribe in Victoria and the Pyemmairrener tribe in Tasmania, spent the late 1960s on the run from officials who wanted to take her away on account of her fair skin. ''You go through certain things, you see family members who are being done an injustice and you want to know what your rights are and how to help others,'' Ms Lovett said.

The Victorian bar has also urged solicitors to adopt its equal opportunity briefing policy, which encourages firms to brief indigenous barristers where appropriate. Victorian Bar Council chairwoman, Fiona McLeod said: ''You can have all the collegiality and the networks, but if you haven't got briefs you are not going to last.''

Jidah Clark, 25, is a law graduate at commercial firm, Arnold Bloch Leibler. He grew up in the Aboriginal community of Framlingham in western Victoria and said there was a crucial link between indigenous barristers and indigenous clients' experience of the justice system.

''Put under a sense of authority like a judge, it is a cultural thing where people will start to acquiesce and agree with questions that are put to them out of a sense of respect,'' Mr Clark said. ''It takes a lot of time for someone outside the community to understand.''

Mr Clark said he was a lawyer on one hand and an Aborigine on the other. ''I'm responsible to two kinds of law. I'm responsible for the Anglo system of law … and I am also responsible for maintaining the histories and my own law from where I come from, Framlingham. One of the reasons I went to uni was to learn about the Anglo system of law and how my systems of law and my history can interact and achieve outcomes to reduce disadvantage.''