Guardian children's fiction prize book club: Phoenix by SF Said (original) (raw)

Every week from now until the end of August we are going to be looking at one of the books on the Guardian children's fiction prize longlist. This week it's SF Said's space epic Phoenix.

What's the book about?

Phoenix cover

Phoenix by SF Said Photograph: Random House

Lucky thinks he's an ordinary human boy. But one night, he dreams that the stars are singing – and wakes to find an uncontrollable power rising inside him.

Now he's on the run, racing through space, searching for answers. In a galaxy at war, where humans and aliens are deadly enemies, the only people who can help him are an alien starship crew – and an alien warrior girl, with neon needles in her hair.

Together, they must find a way to save the galaxy. For Lucky is not the only one in danger. His destiny and the fate of the universe are connected in the most explosive way…

Now watch this!

SF Said on why you should review Phoenix, the story of a boy who has a star inside him or at least one of the books on the Guardian children's fiction longlist. SF is a Guardian reviewer himself: "I've reviewed quite a few of the longlisted books for the Guardian I can tell you they're brilliant and you are going to find at least one story here that you absolutely love. And when you do tell the world about it. Write your review and make your voice heard!"

Find out more about SF Said and Phoenix

This podcast of SF Said talking about Phoenix is so worth downloading and popping on your ipod – listen to SF talking about how and why he wrote this epic quest across unexplored territories of the galaxy – plus he reads an extract from the book. Lovely!

Why did SF become a writer in the first place. He'd never have done it if he hadn't read The Wizard of Earthsea, find out more in SF Said's inspiration: Ursula Le Guin.

Watch this thrilling trailer of Phoenix filmed by the book's illustrator Dave McKean.

Also see SF Said's top 10 unlikely heroes being published this Thursday 16 July. We'll add the link when this article goes live.

And now… write your review!

The Guardian young critics competition is for all young readers to share their views on any of the longlisted books. Anyone aged 17 or under can enter by writing a review of no more than 200 words of one of the books longlisted for the prize. Individuals or school classes can enter and there are great prizes to be won including all the longlisted books. You can find out more and enter the competition here.

Find out more about the Guardian children's fiction prize book club and all the other authors we're going to be talking about over the summer. Next week… Piers Torday and The Dark Wild.