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Views and reviews | The Guardian (original) (raw)

A weekly space to share the correspondence we get from our readers and for our members to tell us what global development books you are reading. Sign up here to become a member

Letters: what is participation if it doesn't put communities centre stage?

The Girl Summit showed the problem is not just with governments, NGOs also shift communities to the periphery

Letters: 'No matter how horny you get, it is never okay to pay for sex'

Letters: who's arming Africa?

Juma on Piketty's Capital: can Africa avoid the trap of unequal growth?

Piketty's argument is even more poignant for African economies whose growth is starting off from a base of inequality without welfare, says Calestous Juma

Letters: aid workers need to blow off steam

Emotional and physical release is crucial for people working under stress, but controlled and long-term training is much better than drinking and partying, says psychologist to aid workers Carla Uriarte

Letters: include urban planning in development goals

The way cities are built impacts on everything from housing to climate change, so why are we not paying enough attention to it?

Letter: politicans thunder against a conveniently vague definition of slavery

In our letters this week, academic Julia O'Connell Davidson reflects on challenges and implications of quantifying slavery

Letters: the bittersweet irony of Rwanda's job market

Despite Rwanda's burgeoning economy, many are unequipped to take advantage of job growth. Our letter this week argues the solution may be a more practical approach to education

Letters: is it time for a humbler breed of aid worker?

Hiring staff from less well-off backgrounds who can empathise with victims of poverty would make development work more relevant and effective, says Michael Keller, says Michael Keller

Global slavery index researchers welcome constructive criticism

Letters: Director of Walk Free Foundation responds to remarks that state rankings are based on 'inaccurate and second-hand data'

Aid on the edge of chaos - review

The solutions Ben Ramalingam offers to the problems in the aid system are innovative ways of aligning aid with its complex environment and introduces 'exotic' new development terms

Fire in the Blood – review

A hard hitting documentary tells the story of how western pharma blocked millions of world's poorest from accessing low-cost HIV/Aids drugs

Bono and Geldof are C**ts – a review

Jane Bussman's new comedy show makes a point that those of us who work in development would do well to listen to, says Rosa Ellis

Letters: lessons from Typhoon Haiyan

A reader in the Philippines shares his thoughts on what we can learn from the response to Typhoon Haiyan

Joke's on us: why comedy has a place in global development

Heard the joke about the African kids living in grinding poverty? Maybe you never will but in this week's letters, readers argue it's smart to add comedy to campaigning

Strength in what remains: book review

For the first book review of our series, Marianne examines Strength in what remains by Tracy Kidder

Letters: is development dominated by posh white blokes?

Readers respond to Ben Phillips's article where he argued for a more equal representation of staff from developing countries

Dear CEOs, we don't trust your motives

In this week's letters, readers voice their concerns about businesses seeing themselves as development agenda setters

Domestic violence in Bangladesh: blame it on microfinance

Letters: Giving money to vulnerable women often only puts them at greater risk of violence. To empower, first work on context and then the individual, writes Saif Islam

'We need new strategic partners in the fight against HIV and Aids'

In this week's letter, we hear from a school director in Zambia about the role of traditional healers and spiritual leaders in tackling Aids and HIV

About 44 results for Views and reviews