Why I'd welcome following in Linda Fabiani's footsteps at Holyrood election (original) (raw)

I AM delighted to confirm that I am seeking selection as the SNP candidate for the East Kilbride constituency at the Holyrood elections in 2021.

I am extremely proud of my strong heritage in East Kilbride, where my roots are firmly entrenched, going back four generations. This is my home town, the place I grew up, where

I was educated and have raised my family.

Given the opportunity, I would be honoured and privileged to represent the town and its people in the Scottish Parliament. As a local SNP councillor and Depute Provost of South Lanarkshire, coupled with my career in the third sector, I have built great relationships right across East Kilbride.

In all of these roles I have engaged with the community of East Kilbride and with local groups and businesses. This engagement has helped me see first-hand the issues affecting our community. It is an MSP with this abundance of local knowledge that the people of East Kilbride deserve.

Throughout my career, I have demonstrated my commitment and hard work as a campaigner, local councillor and depute provost. I have also been involved in SNP national initiatives and campaigns.

I have been actively involved in work to address the menopause and how it affects women in the workplace. This was very personal to me; I was one of those women. I was instrumental in spearheading policy in South Lanarkshire Council to deliver change in the workplace and provide training to managers. This Menopause in the Workplace initiative was ground-breaking and SLC was the first Scottish local authority to introduce such a policy.

I have campaigned tirelessly to promote an independent Scotland. This coming election will be pivotal to energising that Yes vote for all our futures.

As one of the founder members of Women for Independence here in East Kilbride and as a trade union representative, I have been the voice for many. I know as an MSP; I would not waver in my commitment to independence.

READ MORE: Holyrood election: Shirley-Anne Somerville and Fergus Ewing to be challenged

I have had the pleasure of campaigning and working with Linda Fabiani and would welcome the opportunity to follow in her footsteps. I wish for a better Scotland and if selected as a candidate I would want to build on Linda’s legacy and vision for East Kilbride.

East Kilbride needs a strong person to take over from Linda to represent the town and promote independence – I believe I can be that local candidate, with the skills, experience and passion to take on that role.

Please feel free to contact me at collette2608@blueyonder.co.uk.
Collette Stevenson East Kilbride

Are you seeking nomination as a pro-independence candidate at May’s Holyrood election? If you’d like to set out your stall and tell National readers why you should be an MSP, drop us an email to letters@thenational.scot and we’ll try to print as many as we can