Chronological List of Medieval Popes (original) (raw)

This table will let you see the progression and frequency of pontiffs through the Middle Ages, from its generally-accepted starting point in the 5th century into the 17th century.

List of Medieval Popes

468-483: Simplicius
483-492: Felix III
492-496: Gelasius I
496-498: Anastasius II
498-514: Symmachus

514-523: Hormisdas
523-526: John I
526-530: Felix IV 530-532: Boniface II
533-535: John II

535-536: Agapetus I
536-537: Silverius
537-555: Vigilius
556-561: Pelagius I
561-574: John III

575-579: Benedict I **579-590:**Pelagius II
590-604: Gregory I (the Great) 604-606: Sabinian
607: Boniface III

608-615: Boniface IV
615-618: Deusdedit
619-625: Boniface V
625-638: Honorius I
640: Severinus

640-642: John IV
642-649: Theodore I
649-655: Martin I
655-657: Eugene I
657-672: Vitalian

672-676: Adeodatus (II)
676-678: Donus
678-681: Agatho
682-683: Leo II
684-685: Benedict II

685-686: John V
686-687: Conon
687-701: Sergius I
701-705: John VI
705-707: John VII

708: Sisinnius
708-715: Constantine
715-731: Gregory II
731-741: Gregory III
741-752: Zachary

752: Stephen II
752-757: Stephen III
757-767: Paul I
767-772: Stephen IV
772-795: Adrian I

795-816: Leo III **816-817:**Stephen V
817-827: Paschal I
824-827: Eugene II
827: Valentine

827-844: Gregory IV
844-847: Sergius II
847-855: Leo IV
855-858: Benedict III 858-867: Nicholas I (the Great)

867-872: Adrian II
872-882: John VIII
882-884: Marinus I
884-885: Adrian III
885-591: Stephen VI

891-896: Formosus
896: Boniface VI
896-897: Stephen VII
897: Romanus
897: Theodore II

898-900: John IX
900-903: Benedict IV 903: Leo V
904-911: Sergius III
911-913: Anastasius III

913-914: Lando
914-928: John X
928: Leo VI
929-931: Stephen VIII
931-935: John XI

936-939: Leo VII
939-942: Stephen IX
942-946: Marinus II
946-955: Agapetus II
955-963: John XII

963-965: Leo VIII
964: Benedict V 965-972: John XIII
973-974: Benedict VI 974-983: Benedict VII

983-984: John XIV
985-996: John XV
996-999: Gregory V
999-1003: Sylvester II **1003:**John XVII

1003-1009: John XVIII
1009-1012: Sergius IV
1012-1024: Benedict VIII
1024-1032: John XIX
1032-1044: Benedict IX

1045: Sylvester III
1045: Benedict IX (again)
1045-1046: Gregory VI 1046-1047: Clement II
1047-1048: Benedict IX (yet again)

1048: Damasus II
1049-1054: Leo IX 1055-1057: Victor II
1057-1058: Stephen X
1058-1061: Nicholas II

1061-1073: Alexander II
1073-1085: Gregory VII 1086-1087: Victor III
1088-1099: Urban II **1099-1118:**Paschal II

1118-1119: Gelasius II
1119-1124: Callistus II
1124-1130: Honorius II
1130-1143: Innocent II
1143-1144: Celestine II

1144-1145: Lucius II
1145-1153: Eugene III
1153-1154: Anastasius IV
1154-1159: Adrian IV
1159-1181: Alexander III

1181-1185: Lucius III
1185-1187: Urban III
1187: Gregory VIII
1187-1191: Clement III
1191-1198: Celestine III

1198-1216: Innocent III 1216-1227: Honorius III
1227-1241: Gregory IX
1241: Celestine IV
1243-1254: Innocent IV

1254-1261: Alexander IV
1261-1264: Urban IV
1265-1268: Clement IV
1271-1276: Gregory X
1276: Innocent V

1276: Adrian V
1276-1277: John XXI
1277-1280: Nicholas III
1281-1285: Martin IV
1285-1287: Honorius IV

1288-1292: Nicholas IV
1294: Celestine V
1294-1303: Boniface VIII
1303-1304: Benedict XI
1305-1314: Clement V

1316-1334: John XXII
1334-1342: Benedict XII
1342-1352: Clement VI **1352-1362:**Innocent VI
1362-1370: Urban V

1370-1378: Gregory XI
1378-1389: Urban VI
1389-1404: Boniface IX
1404-1406: Innocent VII
1406-1415: Gregory XII

1417-1431: Martin V
1431-1447: Eugene IV
1447-1455: Pope Nicholas V 1455-1458: Callistus III
1458-1464: Pius II

1464-1471: Paul II
1471-1484: Sixtus IV
1484-1492: Innocent VIII
1492-1503: Alexander VI
1503: Pius III

1503-1513: Julius II 1513-1521: Leo X
1522-1523: Adrian VI
1523-1534: Clement VII 1534-1549: Paul III

1550-1555: Julius III
1555: Marcellus II
1555-1559: Paul IV
1559-1565: Pius IV
1566-1572: Pius V

1572-1585: Gregory XIII
1585-1590: Sixtus V
1590: Urban VII
1590-1591: Gregory XIV
1591: Innocent IX
1592-1605: Clement VIII

There are 187 medieval popes. Of them, only a handful are considered "important" by historians. That handful -- Gregory I, Gregory VII, Innocent III, Nicholas I, Clement VI, Urban II -- has been included in our resource. Some of the rest is quite interesting; most achieved little of note; still, others reigned so briefly that very little is known about them.

It would take, quite literally, years to add them all to this resource. We recommend that if you require information on one of the more obscure popes who have yet to be included here, please look him up in The Catholic Encyclopedia or the nearest offline resource.