What does Moderate mean? Definition, meaning and sense (original) (raw)

Definition 1

The quality of being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme. (NCI Thesaurus)

Definition 2

The third level of severity in an ordered list based on a five-level scale of minimal, mild, moderate, marked, and severe. (NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)


An electronic device for converting between serial data from a computer and an audio signal suitable for transmission over a telephone line…

Using mathematical methods to simulate processes to predict the interaction of proteins at the functional level.

Any representation of the individual steps in a metabolic pathway of a cell.

The use of statistical analysis, computer analysis, or model organisms to predict outcomes of research. (doegenomes.org)

The identifier assigned to a particular design of a device.

A scoring system of disease severity in patients with end-stage liver disease. It is used to help prioritize allocation of liver allografts…