Toronto at a Glance (original) (raw)

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Quick facts about the City, including population, land area, average household income and more.

Indicators (2023) City of Toronto Toronto Region
Land Area (km2) 630 5,903
Population (July 2022) 3,025,647 6,471,850
Unemployment Rate (Population 15+, 2022) 6.8% 6.3%
Gross Domestic Product (in 2012 $ billion, 2021) 171∣171 171∣369
Average (Mean) Household Income (2020) 84,000∣84,000 84,000∣97,000

For the most recent monthly indicators, see the Toronto Economic Bulletin.

Economic Indicators

Indicators (2023) City of Toronto Toronto Region *
Labour Force (Pop 15+, 2022) 1,631,000 3,780,700
Average Income (Pop 15+, 2020) 49,080∣49,080 49,080∣47,600
Office Space Inventory (ft2) * 127,733,194 185,772,057
Industrial Space Inventory (ft2) * 225,754,528 813,055,010
Retail Space Inventory (ft2) * 48,972,434 138,007,518
Average Price All Home Types * 1,140,595∣1,140,595 1,140,595∣1,189,850
Housing Starts (units) 17,959 45,109
Total Annual Building Permits ($000s) 12,021,189∣12,021,189 12,021,189∣24,906,629
Residential Building Permits ($000s) 6,462,632∣6,462,632 6,462,632∣15,373,622
Commercial Building Permits ($000s) 3,367,531∣3,367,531 3,367,531∣5,331,909
Industrial Building Permits ($000s) 899,284∣899,284 899,284∣2,427,042
Institutional Building Permits ($000s) 1,292,452∣1,292,452 1,292,452∣1,774,054
Residential Tax Rate 0.506% N/A
Multi Residential Tax Rate 0.968% N/A
Commercial Tax Rate 1.281% N/A
Industrial Tax Rate 1.273% N/A
Retail Sales ($billion) N/A $117.3
Number of Businesses (active locations with employees) 96,351 230,582
Number of Visitors (million, 2017) N/A 44.5

Toronto region is defined as Toronto Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) unless denoted with an asterisk (*), which indicates Greater Toronto Area (GTA) or other regional geography. Number of businesses in the city of Toronto and Toronto CMA comprise of businesses with and without physical locations; see Statistics Canada’s Business Register for more information on the number of registered businesses.


Toronto – the name derived from the Huron word for “fishing weir” – is on the northwest shore of Lake Ontario at Latitude 43 39 N, Longitude 79 23 W.

Located on a broad sloping plateau cut by numerous river valleys, Toronto covers 641 and stretches 43 km from east to west and 21 km from north to south at its longest points. The perimeter is approximately 180 km.

More statistics:

Statistics source: Geospatial Competency Centre, Parks, Forestry & Recreation, Natural Resources Canada.


$1,317: Average market rent for a studio apartment in Toronto (Fall 2022, excludes condominium rentals)

$1,811: Average market rent for a two-bedroom apartment in Toronto (Fall 2022, excludes condominium rentals)

1.7%: Overall vacancy rate for purpose-built rental homes in Toronto (Fall 2022)

7,729: Number of affordable rental homes in Toronto under the City’s administration and oversight

$733: Ontario Works maximum monthly allowance for a single adult (Fall 2022)

$1,839: Ontario Works maximum monthly allowance for a two-adult family with two children (Fall 2022)

40: Percentage of Toronto renter households paying more than 30 per cent of pre-tax income on rent. Almost half of Toronto households rent (Spring 2021)

85,536: Number of social housing units in Toronto under administration and oversight by the City of Toronto (Fall 2022)

84,583: Number of people on the Centralized Waiting List for social housing (Spring 2023)

13: Average number of years an applicant on the Centralized Waiting List waits to be housed in a two-bedroom apartment

City of Toronto Housing Secretariat, Toronto Employment and Social Services, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation


In April 2021 the City conducted its most recent Street Needs Assessment (SNA). The SNA is a City-wide point-in-time count and survey of people experiencing homelessness in Toronto led by the City’s Toronto Shelter and Support Services in collaboration with community partners in the homelessness and allied sectors. Learn more about the SNA, including key findings.

The Toronto shelter system is the largest shelter system in Canada providing shelter and support to thousands of people each night. View information on daily shelter occupancy and historical information on the number of people entering and leaving the shelter system each month on Shelter System Flow.