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Monthly wrap up reports on the spec market.

Between August 1 and August 31, 2024, we tracked a total of 3 specs on the market – one of which was a TV pilot. The spec market isn’t completely dead by any means, but as many know it has been bit more sluggish of late.

Between July 1st and July 31st, 2024, we tracked a total of 5 specs on the market. Granted there was July 4th with plenty of industry folks taking a week off for vacation along with the usual summer vacations and the biennial Summer Olympics, but it still proved to be a quiet month compared to Julys of the past.

Between June 1 and June 30, 2024, we tracked a total of 26 specs on the market – 2 of which were TV pilots. As in February of this year, the total number of specs we tracked was higher primarily due to one management firm’s sizable push into the market.

Between May 1st and May 31st, 2024, we tracked a total of 9 new specs on the market – 3 of which were TV pilots. The month was a bit quieter than we (initially) expected due to two weeks of the Cannes Film Festival and the Memorial Day weekend. Thus, this was a slight decrease from April.

Between April 1st and April 30th, 2024, we tracked a total of 12 new specs on the market – three of which were TV pilots. This was a decrease from March, but not unexpected. Of the 12 scripts we tracked, 3 were TV pilots. Drama dominated the top genre spot with 7 projects associated with the genre. Comedy and Thriller tied for a second place with 4 projects each. Then Action, Adventure, Family, Historical and Horror all tied for third place with 2 projects each.

Between March 1st and March 31st, 2024, we tracked a total of 30 new specs on the market. This was an increase from February mostly due to one management firm’s big push into the market. Of the 30 scripts we tracked, 3 were TV pilots and 3 were Animation projects. Comedy dominated the top genre spot once again with 16 projects associated with the genre. Drama came in a distant second place with 8 projects. Then the genres Fantasy, Horror and Thriller tied for third place.

Between February 1st and February 29nd, 2024, we tracked a total of 17 new specs on the market. This was a sizable increase from the previous month. Of the 17 scripts we tracked, 4 were TV pilots. Comedy squeaked out the number one genre spot once again with 6 projects associated with the genre. But close behind, Action and Drama tied for second place with 5 projects each identified with those genres.

Between January 1st and January 31st, 2024, we tracked a total of 5 new specs on the market. Two of the scripts were TV pilots and one was a TV/streaming movie. Overall, the month had a 40% increase in the amount of material we tracked on the market from December of last year.

Here is a list of various studio and financier deals as of January 2024.

Between December 1st and December 31st, 2023, we tracked a total of 3 new feature specs on the market.

Between November 1st and November 30th, 2023, we tracked 8 Spec Scripts and 1 IP Rights being taken out along with 1 Spec Deal.

Between October 1st and October 31st, 2023, we tracked 10 Spec Scripts and 1 Book/IP Rights being taken out. 4 of the Scripts were TV pilots.

Between May 1st and May 31st, we tracked 1 spec script and 1 book rights being taken out. This is a considerable drop from last month as well as compared to the same time last year, when we followed 16 specs going out on the town.

Between April 1st and April 30th, 2023, we tracked a total of 8 feature specs hitting the market or being sold, highlighting a 47% decrease in specs we followed compared to last month, due primarily to the impending writers’ strike. Of these 8 feature specs, 5 had some type of attachment.

Between March 1st and March 31st, 2023, we tracked a total of 15 feature & TV specs hitting the market, highlighting a 12% decrease in specs hitting the market compared to February 2023.

Between February 1st and February 28th, we tracked a total of 17 new feature specs hitting the market, highlighting a 6.25% increase in specs hitting the market from last month.

Between January 2023 and January 2022, there has been a 45% increase in specs hitting the market. Surprisingly, this is the highest number of specs in January since 2019.

Between December 1st and December 31st, we tracked a total of 10 new feature specs on the market. This marks the lowest volume of specs out in a single month, and if that surprises you, you probably thought “Puss in Boots” would beat “Avatar” at the box office.

Between November 1st and November 30th, we tracked a total of 17 new feature specs on the market. Though it’s not the lowest volume of content in a single month this year, it marks the lowest since August 2022.

Between October 1st and October 31st, we tracked a total of 23 new feature specs hitting the market. It makes a tie for second-most specs out in a single month, matching June, and just one spec shy from first place. That title still belongs to September. As such, it makes a 4.1% decrease in specs from last month. Of the 23 new feature specs, only 4 have some type of attachment that we’ve tracked.

Between September 1st and September 30th, we tracked 24 new feature specs hitting the market. However, of all this material only 4 have some type of attachment which we have tracked. Let’s not detract from the fact this is a 41.1% increase in material from last month. This marks the highest number of specs in a single month, beating out June which saw 23 new specs hit.

Between August 1st and August 31st, we tracked 17 new feature specs hot out of Final Draft. 3 of them have some type of attachment, while 1 is reported to have sold that was previously out in 2021 (more on that spec later). That brings our total count of specs with attachments up to 4. This marks a 23% decrease in specs from July, and a 26% drop off from June. How the year has been shaping up, August has turned over some fairly better numbers than anticipated.

Between July 1st and July 31st, we tracked 22 new feature specs hitting the market, with only 4 having some type of attachment. Surprisingly, this is only a 4.3% decrease in specs from June. June saw a monstrous uptick in specs from the rest of the year, so it looks like we’re holding steady for the summer. Still, July didn’t beat out the record high for the year but came quite close to it.

Between June 1st and June 30th, we tracked 23 new feature specs hitting the market, with 6 having some type of attachment. However, one spec made waves that hit the market some time ago, bringing our total success up to 7 (more on that spec later). That is a 43.75% increase in specs from last month. Not only that, but this is the highest number of specs in a single month all year.

Here is a list of various studio and financier deals as of May 2022.

Between May 2022 and May 2021, there has been a 15.8% decrease in the material hitting the market. This gap has only continued to grow in past years. Dating at its peak, 2019 saw 33 specs out in a single month. Comparing that to now, that is nearly a 51.5% drop-off. While materials have decreased, the success rates have seen a bit more of a u-shape in the last few years.

Between April 1st and April 30th, we tracked only 13 specs hitting the market. That is nearly a 31% decrease in specs out in comparison to March 2022. Though not the lowest volume out this year, it is certainly the lowest April in recent years (more on that soon). Of these 13 specs, 6 have some type of attachment, with one from January selling as well. That brings our total up to 7 successes of some type.

March is usually the month we see the market start to defrost and kick into high gear. Instead, the month stayed on course and went out with the exact same about as February. Between March 1st and March 31st 2022, we tracked a total of 19 feature specs hitting the market. Of these specs, 5 have some type of attachment. So, we’re seeing an even split between February and March, but with the market primed, it plays like a smaller month than anticipated.

Between February 1st and February 28th, we tracked a total of 19 feature specs hitting the market. That is quite the jump in numbers compared to last month. Of the 19 specs out, 5 have some type of attachment. So, while some really strong material hit the market, the heat is still working at finding a home.

Between January 1st and January 31st, 2022, we tracked a total of 11 new feature specs hitting the market. Compared to last month, we are seeing a 15% decrease in the material out. That is fairly standard for the time of the year, thanks to the holidays. In terms of successes, of the 11 specs out, 4 have some type of attachment.

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