Steve White's Trix Twin (original) (raw)

Steve White's Trix Twin Model Railway Website (established in 1999)
Trix Twin Railways (TTR) made in England and Germany between 1935 and 1970
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020 - 8977-1802 (UK) Information and sales Trix Twin tender and tank locos 020 - 8977-1802 (UK) Information and sales
OPERATING & SERVICING : wiring, servicing, AC and DC locos, Meteor, Pacifics, Coronation, and more
TRIX MODELS : a collectors' catalogue of the products made by Trix 1935 - 1971
CLUBS AND WEBSITES: including websites for Trix enthusiasts in the UK and Europe
NOSTALGIA: compare Trix with Hornby-Dublo and Tri-ang
VALUATIONS: what's your Trix train set worth and where to sell it?
WANTED: fromcomplete collections to broken items for spare
FOR SALE: rolling stock, track and accessories
Scotsman, 1950's BR version German BR01 Princess, 1930's model
80 years ago, most boys either owned or wanted an electric train set. The main manufacturers were Hornby-Dublo, Triang, and Trix. These companies made model trains in 00 gauge (00 being half the track-width of the older clockwork 0 gauge).
Scotsman train BR green Scotsman loco and BR maroon scale coaches
Both Hornby-Dublo and Trix trains ran on 3-rail track. The Trix 'Twin' system powered one engine from the centre and one outer rail, and a second engine from the centre and other outer rail (the three rails being mounted on an insulated bakelite base). Twin running was not possible with Hornby Dublo because both outer rails were connected via a metal base. Trix and Dublo engines were constructed in die-cast metal; rolling stock was tinplate. Triang used plastic for engines and rolling stock, which ran on 2-rail track. In the late fifties, Hornby-Dublo changed from 3-rail to 2-rail, followed by Trix in the sixties.
Goods Train 0-4-0 Tank loco with a train of pre-war wagons
The electric supply for Trix Twin trains differed from the others as it was 14 volts AC. Hornby-Dublo and Triang both ran on 12 volts DC. Eventually, in 1957, Trix changed their motors to 12 volts DC. Because Trix wheels have large (coarse) flanges, Trix track points are unsuitable for other manufacturers' rolling stock. In the late fifties, Trix started making 'Universal' points which were suitable for all makes.
Coronation 1930's LMS Coronation loco and matching coaches
I hope this website will be of interest to anyone who owned a Trix model railway, or to the enthusiasts worldwide who collect, restore, and run, these vintage trains. My original Trix train set was bought as a Christmas present for me in 1956. For some unknown reason, I started to collect Trix Twin items 20 years later. If you have any Trix items to sell, or want an idea of their value, please email. Pass on your comments and suggestions about this website too. Steve White