Cruel Poetry (original) (raw)


She/Her 🏳️‍⚧️, not a minor, Swifty for life✌️. Slytherin (yeah I know fuck off), anti goth, anti emo, anti conservative, anti capitalist, anti bullying. Dni: All stupid fucking people. FUCK OFF

Sick of the there they're their shit so I'm just going to say I know the difference. There is about a place like there it is, or there you go, or over there. They're is they are like they're my friends, they're annoying, or they're the ones. Their is possessive for multiple people gender neutral or people who use they/them pronouns like their house, their car or their money. English isn't my best trait but I am very passionate about it and I DO KNOW THESE THINGS. It's something I struggle with a little so when I'm typing fast and it doesn't matter it's just easier for me to always use there and your. That's all. So maybe think about that before you say I don't know how to spell.

I will say one thing that I just think it's so stupid the way one ask about fucking 9/11 gets a million notes and is the most popular post on my blog but nobody even cares about anything else I've ever said and just all think I'm crazy now.

Anonymous asked:

"everyone on this website is always mean"

apparently not mean enough since you're still here

So you admit you want to bully me off of Tumblr.

Anonymous asked:

i've always thought it was super weird that sierra clearly has leftist views but she's still okay with bullying you. most leftists or liberals do not have a bullying mentality. do you think she's secretly a maga republican?

No but I think she's a terf for sure

Anonymous asked:

i used to kind of pity you for all the anon hate but at this point it’s your own fault for refusing to turn off anon or just getting off tumblr

Well i don't need your pity and plus if I turn off anon I literally get no asks

Unpopular opinion

"swemo" is an oxymoron

swifties and emos are natural enemies and cannot coexist together

if you are emo and like taylor swift, you are a fake emo

taylor swift stands against everything emo is

"but electric touch-" FUCK YOU AND YOUR MOTHER

Good because why would Swifties want to be around emos anyway

Nobody cares about you, not the women, not the men, not even the people working in the mental health department.

Imagine if "incels" were replaced with another minority group that were mostly made up of bluepillers and leftists, doesnt sound fun now does it?

The only goal for males in therapy is to shut us up to return us to mindless wageslaving. If we were attractive enough to qualify as men, we would already have received the support, encouragement, & love necessary to become a whole person. Thus, the fact we need therapy in the first place is a clear sign we are defective provider modules & need to be "repaired" for the good of the economy & our divine oligarchs.

Good because if you found someone to love you you would just leave her as soon as someone else came along like you all do so I don't even want to hear about it

Chad still won't commit, huh?

No "chad" dumped me in a text on my fucking birthday for my boss so I wouldn't want him anyway. And saying chad unironically is so cringe btw

Sounds like your personality detector broke. Also your sarcasm detector. Fix those.

Anonymous asked:

If you’re gonna be a dick, atleast learn punctuation and complete sentences. 🫤

You're an asshole. There you go.

Anonymous asked:

wtf does anti emo and anti goth even mean😭😭😭

It means I don't really like goth and emo culture

Anonymous asked:

i thought you might want a more normal ask so. what’s your favourite taylor swift song? mine is probably peace.

Mine is probably out of the woods! Peace is really good too though

Anonymous asked:

Is it true you got doxxed?

I just want to feel happy and okay

Anonymous asked:

Sierra told our gc that your boyfriend got sick of you because you never wanted to have penetrative sex because you're pre surgery. You need to stop her from spreading this nasty shit!

@fuckyoubrittany you better not have or every single person irl is going to know she's spreading rumors like that about me. And I think it's ironic you spread rumors about me when I don't tell anyone your a lesbian who has a crush on the person who literally stole my boyfriend. I wouldn't spread rumors about other people if you don't want them to tell people your a lesbian who has a crush on the person who stole my boyfriend so maybe don't say those things.

Bitch, why would I ever say that? And what is with the lesbian shit? You can't talk like that, girlie pop. You're gonna get your ass beat if you start saying shit like that in the wrong place. You need to stop feeding into all of this shit. Nobody would be sending you messages like that if they didn't know you were going to blow up over them.

Go fuck yourself.

Well I don't know if you said that. That's why I said IF in my answer. And what's wrong with being a lesbian? I'm just saying you are because you are and everyone knows that. YOU are the one making a problem of it. So why are YOU talking like that?

Anonymous asked:

Sierra told our gc that your boyfriend got sick of you because you never wanted to have penetrative sex because you're pre surgery. You need to stop her from spreading this nasty shit!

@fuckyoubrittany you better not have or every single person irl is going to know she's spreading rumors like that about me. And I think it's ironic you spread rumors about me when I don't tell anyone your a lesbian who has a crush on the person who literally stole my boyfriend. I wouldn't spread rumors about other people if you don't want them to tell people your a lesbian who has a crush on the person who stole my boyfriend so maybe don't say those things.

Bitch, why would I ever say that? And what is with the lesbian shit? You can't talk like that, girlie pop. You're gonna get your ass beat if you start saying shit like that in the wrong place. You need to stop feeding into all of this shit. Nobody would be sending you messages like that if they didn't know you were going to blow up over them.

Go fuck yourself.

Well I don't know if you said that. That's why I said IF in my answer. And what's wrong with being a lesbian? I'm just saying you are because you are and everyone knows that. YOU are the one making a problem of it. So why are YOU talking like that?

Anonymous asked:

Sierra told our gc that your boyfriend got sick of you because you never wanted to have penetrative sex because you're pre surgery. You need to stop her from spreading this nasty shit!

@fuckyoubrittany you better not have or every single person irl is going to know she's spreading rumors like that about me. And I think it's ironic you spread rumors about me when I don't tell anyone your a lesbian who has a crush on the person who literally stole my boyfriend. I wouldn't spread rumors about other people if you don't want them to tell people your a lesbian who has a crush on the person who stole my boyfriend so maybe don't say those things.

Bitch, why would I ever say that? And what is with the lesbian shit? You can't talk like that, girlie pop. You're gonna get your ass beat if you start saying shit like that in the wrong place. You need to stop feeding into all of this shit. Nobody would be sending you messages like that if they didn't know you were going to blow up over them.

Go fuck yourself.

Well I don't know if you said that. That's why I said IF in my answer. And what's wrong with being a lesbian? I'm just saying you are because you are and everyone knows that. YOU are the one making a problem of it. So why are YOU talking like that?

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